
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-04-30

Katharine McPhee - Each other

No more lonely nights to hurt me.
No more tears left to spare.
No more reasons to be unhappy.
You threw them all up in there air.
And I don't know how you did it,
But you made me a believer.
I never thought that love
Could turn someone into a dreamer.
For the first time in my life
I don't feel like a need a breather.
Cause everywhere I'm gonna go
I wanna know you're gonna be there.
I'd give it all up for you...
I'd give it all up for you.
Do anything you asked me to...
Anything you asked me to.
And like a pillow we can hold on to.
Cause we got each other.
We got each other.
Now that this has gone away.
You left me here without a trace.
And now I'm in a brand new place.
Cause we got each other.
Baby, we got each other.
And some times in the past almost pulled us under
But we got through all that and it made us stronger
Through the good, through the bad
You just aint another
youre the best thing i have and we got each other.
When the hard times confront me
you always show me that you care
and i believe you are my rescue
when i see you right there
And I don't know how you did it,
But you made me a believer.
I never thought that love
Could turn someone into a dreamer.
For the first time in my life
I don't feel like a need a breather.
Cause everywhere I'm gonna go
I wanna know you're gonna be there.
I'd give it all up for you...
Do anything you asked me to...
Anything you asked me to.
And like a pillow we can hold on to.
Cause we got each other.
We got each other.
Now that this has gone away.
You left me here without a trace.
And now I'm in a brand new place.
Cause we got each other.
Baby, we got each other
You are the hand that I reach for
when I don't want to be alone
you are the voice i hear at night
lets me know ill be alright
When i need a real good friend
dont have to look far
youre the best
Im safe here in your arms
and i know this is where i belong
I'd give it all up for you...
Do anything you asked me to...
Anything you asked me to.
And like a pillow we can hold on to.
Cause we got each other.
We got each other.
Now that this has gone away.
You left me here without a trace.
And now I'm in a brand new place.
Cause we got each other.
Baby, we got each other
No matter what happens we got each other
had some times in the past but we got each other
through the good through the bad we still got each other
really happy or sad but we got eachother
I'd give it all up for you...
Do anything you asked me to...
And like a pillow we can hold on to.
Cause we got each other.
We got each other.
Now that this has gone away.
You left me here without a trace.
And now I'm in a brand new place.
Cause we got each other.
Baby, we got each other
And some times in the past almost pulled us under
But we got through all that and it made us stronger
Through the good, through the bad
You just aint another
youre the best thing i have and we got each other.
Katharine McPhee - Each other


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