
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-05-14

作词:Jørn Dahl
作曲:Laila Samuelsen
演唱:Maria Arredondo

Passion is sweet 激情令人幸福
Love makes weak 爱情令人脆弱
You said you cherished freedom so 你曾说过自由至上
You refuse to let it go 因此你不愿被束缚
Follow your fate 命中注定
Love and hate 爱恨情仇
Never fail to seize the day 日夜追逐你的梦想
But don't give yourself away 从未放弃
Oh when the night falls 噢,当夜幕降临
And you are alone 你孤身一人
In your deepest sleep what 在你沉睡之时
Are you dreaming of 你梦见了什么
My skin's still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲,让我陶醉
Oh I just can't get enough 噢 我却无法满足
I said I wouldn't ask for much 曾答应不再向你索取
But your eyes are dangerous 然而 你的眼神摄人心魄
So the thought keep spinning in my Head 对你的思念在脑海挥之不去
Can we drop this masquerade 我们能否坦诚相对
I can't predict where it ends 即使结局无法预料
If you are the rock I'll crush against 我仍旧甘愿飞蛾扑火
Trapped in a crowd 置身茫茫人海之中
The music is loud 乐声嘈杂
I said I love my freedom too 我曾说过我同样珍爱自由
Now I'm not so sure I do 现今却不置可否
All eyes on you 视线被你占据
Rings so true 我已经看清一切
Better quit while you're ahead 感情深入之时 却是分手之日
Now I'm not so sure I am 然而我却无法做到
Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜幕降临
And you are all alone 你孤身一人
In your deepest sleep what 在你沉睡之时
Are you dreaming of 你梦见了什么
My skin's still burning from your touch 切肤之亲,让我陶醉
Oh I just can't get enough 哦 我却无法满足
I said I wouldn't ask for much 曾答应不再向你索取
But your eyes are dangerous .然而你的眼神摄人心魄
So. the thought keep spinning in my head 对你的思念在脑海挥之不去
Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对
I can't predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料
If you are the rock I'll crush against 我仍旧甘愿飞蛾扑火
My soul my heart 我的灵魂,我的芳心
If you're near or if you're far 无论你近在咫尺或是远在天涯
My life my love 我的生命, 我的挚爱
You can have it all……ooohaaaah. 请一并带走
Oh when the night falls 哦 当夜幕降临
And you are all alone 你孤身一人
In your deepest sleep what 在你沉睡之时
Are you dreaming of 你梦见了什么
My skin's still burning from your touch 肌肤之亲,让我陶醉
Oh I just can't get enough 哦 我却无法满足
I said I wouldn't ask for much 曾答应不再向你索取
But your eyes are dangerous 然而你的眼神摄人心魄
So the thought keep .spinning in my head 对你的思念在脑海挥之不去
Can we drop this masquerade 我们可否坦诚相对
I can't predict where it ends 纵使结局无法预料
If you are the rock I'll crush against 我仍旧甘愿飞蛾扑火
If you are the rock I'll crush against 我仍旧甘愿飞蛾扑火

为爱燃烧 激情如此甜蜜 爱令人软弱 你说你热爱自由 不愿被爱束缚 遵循你的命运 体会爱恨情仇 把握当下 永不出卖真心 夜幕降临之时 你孤身一人 沉沉坠入梦乡 你梦见了什么 肌肤因你的触碰依然灼热 我仍无法满足 我曾应允不再贪心 但你的眼神摄人心魂 一个念头在我心中挥之不去 我们能否不再伪装 我不知道我们的故事如何结束 但即使你心如磐石我仍愿飞蛾扑火 迷失于茫茫人海 音乐嘈杂纷乱 我说我亦珍爱自由 现在我却犹豫不绝

Passion is sweet强烈的感情是甜蜜的
Love makes weak而爱使我们脆弱
You said you cherished freedom so你说你珍惜你的自由
You refuse to let it go所以你拒绝丢失它
Follow your fate跟随你的命运
Love and hate不管是爱还是憎恨
Never fail to seize the day, 紧紧抓住那一天
But dont give yourself away .不要给你自己离开的机会
Oh when the night falls哦 当夜晚降临
And your all alone你所有的孤独也降临
In your deepest sleep what在你沉沉的睡眠之中
Are you dreaming of你正在梦到什么
My skin\'s still burning from your touch我的皮肤因为你的碰触而剧烈燃烧
Oh I just can\'t get enough I哦 我就是不能变得满足
Said I wouldn\'t ask for much我说我不要求很多
But your eyes are dangerous但是你的眼睛太危险
Oh the thought keep spinning in my head因此我在头脑里继续编织世界
Can we drop this masquerade我们能沉迷于这个化装舞会吗/我们能不能脱下虚伪的妆容
I can\'t predict where it ends我不能预测它什么时候结束
If your the rock I\'ll crush against如果你是岩石,我将打碎它
Trapped in a crowd大家被困在这里
The music is loud音乐的声音很大
I said I love my freedom to我说我也爱我的自由
Now I\'m not sure I do现在我却不能确信我是否真的如此
All eyes on you所有的目光注视着你
Rings so true光环是那么的真实
Better quit while you\'re ahead当你的思想都离开时
Now I\'m not so sure I am现在我更不确信我是否真的如此
Oh when the night falls哦 当夜晚降临
And your all alone你所有的孤独也降临
In your deepest sleep what在你沉沉的睡眠之中
Are you dreaming of你正在梦到什么


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