
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-05-19




杰仕人生,(三星i908E)广告歌曲:Melee - Built to last
Melee - Built to last
Built To Last
I've looked for love in stranger places,
but never found someone like you.
Someone whose smile makes me feel I've been holding back,
and now there's nothing I can't do.
'Cause this is real, and this is good.
It warms the inside just like it should,
but most of all it's built to last.
All of our friends saw from the start.
So why didn't we believe it too?
Whoa yeah, now look where you are.
You're in my heart now.
And there's no escaping it for you.
'Cause this is real, and this is good.
It warms the inside just like it should,
but most of all it's built to last.
Walking on the hills that night with those fireworks and candlelight
You and I were made to get love right
'Cause this is real, and this is good.
It warms the inside just like it should,
but most of all it's built to last.
'Cause you are the sun in my universe,
considered the best when we've felt the worst
and most of all it's built to last.


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答:三星Aanycall杰仕人生广告曲 Melee-Built To Last 三星i908E广告主题曲。(本人也很喜欢这个广告呢。)希望采纳。谢谢

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