
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-05-21


  英文名称:Who Am I



  主演:成龙( 听歌 blog)



Who Am I? (traditional Chinese: 我是谁; simplified Chinese: 我是谁; pinyin: Wǒ Shì Shéi; Cantonese Yale: Ngo Si Sui) is a 1998 Hong Kong martial arts-action film, released by Golden Harvest. It was co-directed by and starred Jackie Chan, who also performed the song that plays over the end credits.

The film is also known under the following alternative titles in some international releases:

Jackie Chan's Who Am I? (USA)
Amnesia (Norway)
Jackie Chan Is Nobody (Germany)
A member of a CIA-sponsored multinational black ops special forces unit is on a mission to kidnap several South African scientists working on a highly volatile extraterrestrial compound brought to Earth in a meteorite. According to the computer data showing the names of the participants of the operation, one of them was 'Jackie Chan' (Chan). He falls victim to a staged "incident" which results in the death of his colleagues. He survives, but is subsequently stranded in the African veldt with massive amnesia. When asked by natives for his name, he replies "Who am I?", which they take to be his real name. Experiencing flashbacks hinting at his true identity, 'Who am I?' proceeds to befriend two beautiful women - Christine (Michelle Ferre), a CIA agent working undercover as a journalist, and Yuki (Yamamoto Mirai).

Renegade ex-US Army officers and black market arms dealers are illegally exporting the extraterrestrial compound, and 'Who am I?' is the only potential threat to their operations. Agents are sent out to stop 'Who am I?' before he can expose their criminal activities. He defeats numerous ex-renegade agents, and ultimately engages in a tightly choreographed roof-top fight scene in Rotterdam against Morgan's two top hitmen, and performing the film's signature stunt, sliding down the steeply-pitched glass roof. The CIA secures the villains' arrests, and 'Who am I?' comes to terms with his identity.

[edit] Production Notes

Willemswerf buildingThe film was shot between February and March 1997.
The film contains one of Chan's largest all-car chase scenes, in which his Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution IV flips onto its side, hurls enormous amounts of gravel at pursuers, crashes through fruit stands, bounds down stairs, and causes another car to go sailing off the side of a 4-story parking garage.
During a scene in the movie, there is a wanted poster depicting Chan's character, noting his height as 5'10". Chan's real height is 5'8".
The hotel room number Chan's character stays in is 1954, the year of Chan's birth.
The movie features several Rotterdam landmarks such as the Erasmus Bridge, the Beurstraverse (which was portrayed by the film makers as being in Johannesburg), the Cube houses and the Willemswerf building (which served as the headquarters of the villains and from the side of which, 'Who am I?' escaped by sliding to the ground).
[edit] DVD releases

UK DVD coverThe US DVD release is cut by 9 minutes with the following changes and omissions:

A scene in which 'Who am I?'s special forces unit is double-crossed appears as a black-and-white flashback in the middle of the original film. For the US release, that scene is placed immediately after Chan's unit completes their mission.
'Who am I?'s interaction with the African tribe has been reduced dramatically. Cuts include a scene in which he asks the tribal boy, Baba, how many days it takes to walk to civilization; a scene showing the tribe's farewell ceremony for 'Who am I?'s journey; and a his scene in which he performs an interpretation of the tribal dance.
The rally race scene has been shortened.
A scene where 'Who am I?' recovers feeling in his mouth and explains his situation to Yuki has been cut.
All but two instant replay shots (wherein 'Who am I?' drives through a fruit stand, and where he narrowly escapes falling furniture in Rotterdam) have been deleted.
[edit] Box office
Who Am I? grossed HK $38,852,845 in its Hong Kong theatrical run.

[edit] Awards and nominations
1999 Hong Kong Film Awards
Winner: Best Action Choreography (Jackie Chan)
Nomination: Best Actor (Jackie Chan)
Nomination: Best Film Editing (Peter Cheung, Chi Wai Yau)
Nomination: Best Picture (Barbie Tung) (executive producer)
Nomination: Best Sound Design

Scientists discovered in South Africa in order to obtain a singularity with a lethal ore, in particular the commandos Jack (Jackie Chan) falls into the "Who Am I" in danger. Many years ago, scientists discovered a mineral in South Africa, this mineral by the shock will produce a highly lethal.
To own possession "Demonic", in particular the commandos, and 11 team-mate Jack was the CIA sent to South Africa, the use of advanced weapons and forcibly abducted by three scientists and all the "Demonic" As far as has been in private transactions, Morgan ordered men deliberately creating air crash, resulting in all the commandos were killed and Jack was lucky to survive.
When the African indigenous peoples in the forest found him, he was dying, and completely lost the memory. Under the care of indigenous people, Jack gradually recovered, but his own identity and live here for reasons that have no knowledge of. To this end, he always ask "Who am I", so get used to the indigenous people called him "who I am." To find out his identity, Jack decided to leave the villagers enthusiastically determined to unlock the difficulties that they have long-standing problem, but he had just one appearance, he plunged into a series of position was being pursued and killed.

答:英文名称:Who Am I 发行时间:1998年01月17日 导演:陈木胜 主演:成龙( 听歌 blog)剧情:为了获得科学家在南非发现的一种具有极大杀伤力的奇异矿石,特别突击队员杰克陷入了“我是谁”的险境。多年前,科学家在南非发现了一种矿石,这种矿石一经震动便会产生极强的杀伤力。为独自占有“魔石”,特...

答:中文名称:我是谁。英文名称:Who Am I。发行时间:1998年01月17日。1976年,加入罗维影视公司,成为旗下签约演员;3月,在动作片《新精武门》中担任男主角,并在影片中模仿李小龙的表演动作;9月,在与王羽合作主演的武侠片《风雨双流星》中饰演反派角色;同年,主演动作片《少林木人巷》;在片中...

答:姓名:成龙 英文:Jackie Chan 本名:陈港生、房仕龙 艺名:陈元楼 陈元龙 籍贯: 山东淄博 临淄 出生地:香港 民族:汉族 出生日期:1954年04月07日 生肖:马 星座:白羊座 血型:AB 身高: 174cm 体重:63kg 嗜好:汽车,缓步跑 最认可的动作女星:杨紫琼 最喜欢演员:卓别林 李小龙 家庭成员:妻子:林凤娇;儿子:房祖名 公...

答:《我是谁》在很早的时候看过一遍,今天又重温了一下这部电影,是一部经典的龙式电影,该片讲述了中央情报局为独自占有“魔石”,派特别突击队队员杰克及11名队友前往南非,不料发生空难使得杰克失忆,从而陷入困境。 一提到成龙大哥的电影自然少不了武打动作,这部电影作为龙氏电影巅峰之作,自然少不了各种场景格斗、从玻...

答:英文片名:Gorgeous 更多中文片名:Glass Bottle High Risk 年代:1999年 国家/地区:中国香港 影片类型:爱情/动作/喜剧 语言:粤语 片长:120 Min 色彩:彩色 混音:杜比数码环绕声 评级:Rated PG-13 for some violent content. 级别:Australia:PG Singapore:PG Argentina:13 USA:PG-13 UK:PG Peru:14 Germany:12...

我是谁 成龙
答:英文自传:《我是谁--成龙自传》 影片自传: 《成龙的传奇》《成龙-我的特技》《龙的深处-失落的拼图》 发行制作公司:成龙英皇影业有限公司 总监制:成龙、杨受成、陈自强、王中军 制片人:陈自强、苏志鸿、陈木胜、王中磊 导演:陈木胜 编剧:陈木胜, 成龙

答:《我是谁》作词:丁晓雯 作曲:刘哲维 原唱:周华健 歌词:wa cha la la yo oh……昏天暗地, 这里到底是那里 要往那里走, 要往那里去 滚滚风沙, 混沌中我是谁 还要怎么追, 还要怎么退 昨天我是谁?今天谁是我? 耕过耘过 得过且过, 来过去过 谁是我是谁, 我是谁是我 是过非过...

答:4.《我是谁》Ngo si sui (1998) 5.《成龙的传奇》Jackie Chan: My Story (1998) 6.《飞鹰计划》Fei ying gai wak (1991) 7.《奇迹》Qiji (1989) 8.《神勇飞虎霸王花》Shen yong fei hu ba wang hua (1989) 9.《A计划续集》'A' gai waak juk jaap (1988) 10.《警察故事续集》Ging chaat ...

