
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-05-05
里奥·梅西(Lionel Andrés Messi),生于1987年6月24日,阿根廷著名足球运动员,现为巴塞罗那的前锋球员以及阿根廷的国脚,他被大众称为“新马拉多纳”。2009年12 月22日,梅西凭借着08-09赛季带领巴萨取得西甲、国王杯、欧洲冠军联赛三冠王,击败C罗获得2009年世界足球先生。2010年6月,梅西代表阿根廷国家男子足球队出征2010年南非世界杯。

中文名: 里奥·安德列斯·梅西
外文名: Lionel Andrés Messi
别名: leo、小跳蚤
国籍: 阿根廷
出生地: 阿根廷圣菲省罗萨里奥市
出生日期: 1987年6月24日
身高: 169cm
体重: 64kg
运动项目: 足球

所属运动队: 巴塞罗那
主要奖项: 2009年金球奖
08/09 欧洲冠军联赛金靴奖
位置: 右边锋;前腰;左边锋;影子前锋
女友: 安东内拉
Lionel Andrés Messi (Spanish pronunciation: [ljoˈnel anˈdɾes ˈmesi]; born 24 June 1987) is an Argentinian footballer who currently plays for Barcelona and the Argentina national team. Considered one of the best football players of his generation[3][4][5] and frequently cited as the world's best contemporary player,[6] Messi received several Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year nominations by the age of 21 and won both by the age of 22.[6][7][8][9] His playing style and ability have drawn comparisons to Diego Maradona, who himself declared Messi his "successor".[10][11]

Messi began playing football at a young age and his potential was quickly identified by Barcelona. He left Rosario-based Newell's Old Boys's youth team in 2000 and moved with his family to Europe, as Barcelona offered treatment for his growth hormone deficiency. Making his debut in the 2004–05 season, he broke his team record for the youngest footballer to score a league goal. Major honours soon followed as Barcelona won La Liga in Messi's debut season, and won a double of the league and Champions League in 2006. His breakthrough season was in 2006–07; he became a first team regular, scoring a hat-trick in El Clásico and finishing with 14 goals in 26 league games. Perhaps his most successful season was the 2008–09 season, in which Messi scored 38 goals to play an integral part in a treble-winning campaign.

Messi was the top scorer of the 2005 FIFA World Youth Championship with six goals, including two in the final game. Shortly thereafter, he became an established member of Argentina's senior international team. In 2006, he became the youngest Argentine to play in the FIFA World Cup and he won a runners-up medal at the Copa América tournament the following year. In 2008, in Beijing, he won his first international honour, an Olympic gold medal, with the Argentina Olympic football team.

Chinese name: 里奥·安德列斯·梅西里奥安德列斯梅 West
外文名: English name: Lionel Andrés Messi Lionel Andrés Messi
别名: Synonyms: leo、小跳蚤 leo, little flea
国籍: Nationality: 阿根廷 Argentina
出生地: Place of Birth: 阿根廷圣菲省罗萨里奥市 Rosario City, Santa Fe Province, Argentina
出生日期: Date of Birth: 1987年6月24日 June 24, 1987
身高: Height: 169cm 169cm
体重: Weight: 64kg 64kg
运动项目: Sports: 足球 Football
所属运动队: Their sports teams: 巴塞罗那 Barcelona
主要奖项: Major Awards: 2009年金球奖 Golden Globe 2009
2008年世界足球先生第二名 2008 World Footballer of the second
08/09西班牙国王杯金靴奖 Spanish King's Cup Golden Boot 08/09
08/09欧洲冠军联赛金靴奖 08/09 Champions League Golden Boot
2009FIFA世界足球先生 2009FIFA World Player of the
位置: Location: 右边锋;前腰;左边锋;影子前锋 Right wing; Frontal; Zuobian Feng; shadow striker
女友: Girlfriend: 安东内拉 Antonella

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