
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-05-18

Third, from teaching activities in teaching activities supevisors convert guiders, participants

"Teaching", in "said wen jie zi" explanation is that "the had done under the validity, the hidden" is a "teacher, students in the XiaBei relationship" on the next, means that teachers, students obey orders with execution.

The new curriculum, the teaching process is that teacher-student interaction process, teachers leader by knowledge to students' learning participants and directors;

Teachers' ideas should by "teaching" to "guide", let the traditional sense of teachers' teaching and students' learning lessons, keep teachers and students formed in a true "learning community".

In this "community", the teacher should guide students to know how to get to the knowledge, acquiring knowledge tools, and learn how to according to the needs of understanding to deal with all kinds of information method to make students "will study" "can learn";

Teachers should not only involved in their children's learning activities, but also as the promoter, students learn to students' development for all this, take effective ways and means, activate every student body's potential;

Lets students in the limited time, see, hyperactivity, think more, listen, speak;

以各种形式开展交流活动,诸如小组活动、同伴活动、 角色扮演、游戏等课堂活动方式,让学生在课堂上大有可为,各显其能。
In various forms, such as the exchanges activities group activities and peer activities, role playing, games etc classroom activities way, let the students in class, GeXianJiNeng bright prospects.

Make students from "want me to learn" into "I want to learn," truly become the study master, but such students, teachers can become the friend, partner, become a guide to students' learning and participants.

I try to show 我尝试去解释
how related the dialogue and structure is对话和结构是多么紧密相连的
the changing nature of 改变的性质
the learn of the teachers. 靠!。。。教师的学习。。。我只能这么翻译了,你自己去拼句子吧,哈哈


All of us communicate with one anothernonverbally,as well as with words.Most of time,we are not aware that we aredoing it .We gesture with eyebrows or a hand , meet someone else’s eyes andlook away,change positions in a chair.These actions we assume areoccasional.However in recent years reseachers have discovered that these is asystem to them almost as consistent and understandable as language.
Oneimportant kind of body language is eye behavior.Americans are careful about howand when they meet one another’s eyes.In our normal conversation ,each eyecontact last only about a second before one other’s eyes,they become moreintimate .Therefore,we carefully avoid this,except in suitable situation.
Reseachers who are engaged in the study ofcommunication throught body movement are not prepare to spell out a precisevocabulary of gestures.When an American rubs his nose,it may mean he isdisagreeing somenone whit someone or refusing something.But there are otherpossible explanations,too.Another example:when a student in conversation with aprofessor holds the older man’s eyes a little longer than is usual, it can be asign of respect; it can be a challenge to the professor’s authority; it can besomething else entirely .The researchers look for patterns in the situation,not for a separate meaningful gesture.
Communication between human beings would bejust dull if it were all done with words.




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答:Thank you.

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答:它会随着眼泪而流出来。后面一句的原意是眼泪可以将它洗出来,我觉得这样翻译和前句不搭,遵循前后的主语一致的原则,翻译出来比较通俗易懂。And there is a little salt in the tears.同时,眼泪里面还含有少量盐的成分。It can kill the germs in our eyes.它可以有效的杀死我们眼睛里的细菌。

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