
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-05-05





  This morning, my mother and I went to climb the Great Wall.

  My mother and I arrived at the foot of the Great Wall, and I immediately rushed up and walked less than 100 meters. I was tired and tired. I couldn't walk any more. I rested for 10 minutes and found that my mother had reached the top floor. I immediately raced to catch up. When I caught up, my mother walked about 100 meters, so I had to run. My mother stopped to rest, too, and I took advantage of my mother's rest, and I ran for a while to get to my mother. My mother and I went on and on to the exit. My mother and I walked for about 30 minutes to the plum garden, walked past meiyuan, and then it was fast to the exit, and I sped up to the exit.

  When we got to the exit, we went back happily!







  The Great Wall is the place I yearned for. Today I am at the badaling Great Wall in Beijing.

  We started the Great Wall. The Great Wall was paved with squares of bricks. The Great Wall was wide and five or six horses were in parallel, like a wide and long road. There is a beacon on every other road, and the beacon tower is used to light fireworks to convey important military feelings, such as enemy situation, Taiwan and Taiwan.

  I looked away from the wall, and the Great Wall was like a long, winding tummy in the middle of the mountains, and under the endless blue sky, this long dragon was magnificent and magnificent. From afar, the mountains rise and fall, and the trees of the mountains rise and fall. It's like a sea of green. I looked down again, a car like a beetle, a pedestrian like an ant.

  Standing on the Great Wall, with the square brick under foot, and holding the stone on the wall, it is natural to think of the working people who built the Great Wall in ancient times. In ancient times, there were no cars, trains, cranes and other transport tools. It was not easy for two or three thousand pounds of bricks to be carried by ancient craftsmen to the steep mountains. I don't know how many people have died under the Great Wall, but it is because of these ancient labouring people that this mighty long dragon has been found.

  The Great Wall, how powerful you are, how powerful you are, I love you.







  The Great Wall has beautiful scenery different from other places and has a unique flavor.

  And I was lucky enough to stand on the Great Wall and look down on people. Walking the winding paths, fingers stroking kemen SLATE of years trace, from the bottom of my heart can't give birth to a kind of awe, respect is it that after years striving still tall and straight posture, fear is it the time trials and send out an aggressive momentum, majesty.

  Thought, walk, walk to the block beside the walls of other countries' people for us, and look at a few plant grass tenacious stand from time accept as a souvenir, looking down from the wall again, eyes as if the hordes, our soldiers are fighting with the enemy bravely, blood-spattered... A gust of wind blew their shadows away, blowing my wandering thoughts back to me, but I could not blow my heart out of my heart, and I did not know when.

  Sunset west sink gradually, slowly away from the wall along with the crowd, I got on the bus, probably because of its want to stay, looking back, heart was deeply moved, in the backdrop of the sunset, in the afterglow of the foil, in the evening as the background, the Great Wall is so magnificent, so grand, so majesty, and a hint of subtle lonesome... As he came back, a flock of wild geese looking out of the window flew over the Great Wall and said in a low voice, "goodbye, the Great Wall."

  "The sky high clouds, look at the south flying geese.






  During the summer vacation, I went to the Great Wall of Beijing.

  My name is badaling Great Wall. The Great Wall twists and turns and twists and turns like a dragon, which is very difficult to climb. On the Great Wall, I feel the faint breeze blowing, very cool. One of the astronauts once said that in space, you can only see the Great Wall of China and the Great Wall of the Netherlands. In the process of climbing the Great Wall, I was not afraid to be tired, and I fought side by side with my friends. He came first and I got second.

  At the peak, I thought, there is an old saying in China: the Great Wall is not a good man. Now, I am a good man!

  My friend, if you want to go to the Great Wall, go to Beijing. I have climbed the Great Wall for the second time






  It was a holiday. My father and I went to Beijing to travel. We visited the Great Wall of our country. There are three kinds of Great Wall, the Great Wall, the Great Wall and the Great Wall. The Great Wall starts at qinhuangdao and ends at jiayuguan, which is about 6,000 kilometers long.

  First of all, we climbed the Great Wall of badaling, which is known as the Great Wall of China and foreign countries. I saw the Great Wall like a dragon lying on the rolling hills. Despite the hot weather and steep incline, I managed to get over the difficulties and got to the top of the Great Wall, and got the certificate of "no Great Wall". On the top of the hill I had a feeling of a cloud.

  On the third day, we reached the Great Wall of the Great Wall of qinhuangdao, which is a place to resist the enemy from the sea and send troops. I picked up some shells, played with the sea water, took some pictures and went to the Great Wall, the Great Wall. It is known as "the first pass of the world", and the words "the first turn of the world" are as high as 1 meter per word. Because the Great Wall was not very long, it took me only over an hour to finish it.

  By visiting the ancient Great Wall of our country, I feel that the creation of ancient people is great, and I am proud that I am a Chinese.

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