翻译下列句子 高分悬赏

供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-05-13

This is only your memories
When you first came to this place, you were very upset
You try to leave, but never find the end
You're starting to try and take risks.
When you first met it, you were very scared.
It's been with you
You have won some victories.
You start to be brave
You begin to be wise
Sometimes, you are actually in the Creative Arts
Your perseverance
Though sometimes you get hurt
But you never give up
And it all the way to the light!

Zhejiang provincial bus to design province common longitudinally ordinary bus

JiaXiu floor is a very artistic value of guiyang of old buildings
He built in 1598, with hundreds of years of culture, it also is the representative of guiyang
There have been many ancient praised him
When I first saw it, I will deeply in love with it
Plain appearance of rich inner this is JiaXiu floor
It is the soul of guiyang culture
It with the children of guiyang through countless spring and autumn
It stands forever in our hearts
相传明朝年间,贵阳这个地方出了一位状元②。官府为了讨好他,愿出巨资修一座藏书楼,作为他读书游艺的地方。为此,知府大人请了三位风水先生,在全城察看了一番之后,认为南明桥那里是块风水宝地,回来向知府大人禀报,确定就将藏书楼修在南明桥上,并且取名叫“①甲秀楼”。 地点确定后,知府大人又请来了本地最有名的一位石匠和二位木匠,带着他们来到南明桥上看一回,便下令选个黄道吉日动工修建。 知府走后,石匠师傅打了一壶酒,把木匠师傅请到家里,两个人喝了三盅之后,石匠叹口气对木匠说;“兄弟,知府大人下令造楼,哪个敢违抗。只是这南明河上,眼下就只有这一座桥贯通南北,桥上要是再修了藏书楼,这桥就成了状元公的地盘,交通要道不就成了一块禁地吗!日后哪个还敢从桥上经过?有钱的倒可以坐船摆渡,没钱的呢,就只好望河兴叹了。尤其是那些进城卖菜的、推车挑担的,就更不方便了。 木匠说:“大哥说得有道理,这南明桥确实是个交通要道;只是知府大人已经画好了圈圈,你我兄弟二人又怎敢不照办呢?” 石匠说:“顾不得知府大人了。我们还得替百姓着想,不然,日后你我世世代代都要背骂名。” 木匠说;“听大哥的意思,这藏书楼不修了?” 石匠说:“当然要修,只是换个地方就是了。” 木匠问:“换在哪点?” 石匠说:“沿河下去一百二十步,就是块好地方。” 木匠觉得这主意好,就决定这样办。 当天晚上,贵阳城内阴云密布,大雨瓢泼。这两位能工巧匠把自己的师兄师弟,徒子徒孙召集到南明河边,连夜拦河修桥,凿木造楼。远近的居户人家本来就担心知府大人在南明桥上造藏书楼,断了日后过河的通路,现在听说两位匠人另选了一块地方造楼,一个个都冒着狂风暴雨,赶来相助。那天晚上,也不知道有多少男女老少在河岸边担石挑土,架梁立柱,只听到人声沸腾,惊天动地。等到东方发白,大雨停了的时候,一座精巧玲珑飞雕梁画柱的楼阁已经矗立在碧波荡漾的南明河新桥的鳌矶石上了。 当“甲秀楼”三个金光闪闪的大字出现在楼阁上之后,知府大人才闻讯来到南明河边。他见藏书楼没有建在南明桥上,十分恼怒,立刻传令叫两个匠人来回话。衙役们四处寻找,就是找不到那个石匠和木匠的踪影。知府大人没有办法,只好将就拿这座九眼新桥上的藏书楼给状元公了。 后来人们才知道,这两位匠人因为害怕官府追究,造完楼后,就带着妻子儿女远走他乡了。所以直到今天,人们一直不知道修造甲秀楼的两位匠人到底姓什么,叫什么。 注: ①甲秀楼,位于贵阳市城南,南明河中鳌矶石上。初修于明代,后经多次改建和重修。 楼与浮玉桥相连,柳岸堆烟,风景十分秀丽,是贵阳一大风景名胜。 ②贵阳在清光绪年间出了个赵状元。所谓明朝年间出了状元,实系讹传。

Jiaxiu Lou is a very Guiyang old buildings of artistic value
He was built in 1598 it has for hundreds of years of culture is also representative of Guiyang
There have been many ancients praised him
When I first saw it when I fell in love with it
Plain rich inner surface that is Jiaxiu Lou
It is the cultural soul of Guiyang
It came accompanied by the children of Guiyang numerous Spring and Autumn
It stands in our hearts forever
Stands the famous old pavilion Jiaxiu Lou million in Guiyang in the Ao Nanming alum rock (this rock resembles the legendary giant ao). Convergence of both sides are floating Yuqiao. The traditional Chinese architecture was built during the Wanli 20 years (1598). A founding governor of Guizhou repair Koto counting to 1981 until the city government funds the maintenance, Gailou experienced six major repairs. Guiyang, Guizhou, four hundred years has witnessed the vicissitudes of wind and rain, is the witness of the history of Guiyang, Guiyang is a sign of the development of cultural history. Many visitors come to play in Guiyang, the first choice is Jiaxiu Lou
Jiaxiu Lou is three three corners Tented roof eaves, attic, such construction in the history of ancient Chinese architecture is unique. This feature can be a big fuss in order to increase the visibility of this floor, and can appreciate nature, to attract the majority of travel enthusiasts, and construction experts to tour, and inspections. About 20 meters tall, flying Ikara Qiaojiao, 12 stone prop nets, protection of white stone railing flower sculpture, Alice natural erect, smoke water, satellite window, as in painting. Ascends the building overlooking the surrounding scenery, vividly remembered. Such as the White Dragon lying floating Yuqiao wave length of 90 meters, through the downstairs, through both sides. Bridge has Hanbi Pavilion, underneath a culvert Bitan, Shueiyuetai, Bridge has Cuiwei Court, echoes.

Jiaxiu Lou is a very Guiyang old buildings of artistic value
It was built in 1598 it has for hundreds of years of culture is also representative of Guiyang
There have been many ancients praised him
When I first saw it when I fell in love with it
Plain rich inner surface that is Jiaxiu Lou
It is the cultural soul of Guiyang
It came accompanied by the children of Guiyang numerous Spring and Autumn
It stands in our hearts forever。

Jiaxiu Lou is a very Guiyang old buildings of artistic value
It was built in 1598 it has for hundreds of years of culture is also representative of Guiyang
There have been many ancients praised him
When I first saw it when I fell in love with it
Plain rich inner surface that is Jiaxiu Lou
It is the cultural soul of Guiyang
It came accompanied by the children of Guiyang numerous Spring and Autumn
It stands in our hearts forever
