
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-05-05

1. Actions speak louder than words. (行动胜于言语)- He promised to help me, but his actions speak louder than words.2. Bite off more than one can chew. (贪多嚼不烂)- She volunteered for every task, but ended up biting off more than she could chew.3. Kick the bucket. (去世)- He kicked the bucket peacefully, surrounded by his loved ones.4. The early bird gets the worm. (捷足先登)- She woke up early and was the first to arrive at the job interview. The early bird gets the worm, after all.5. A penny saved is a penny earned. (省一分就是赚一分)- She decided to cut back on her expenses to save some money. A penny saved is a penny earned, right?6. Rome was not built in a day. (罗马不是一日建成的)- He expected his business to flourish overnight, but Rome was not built in a day.7. Time heals all wounds. (时间可以冲淡一切)- After the break-up, she was heartbroken. But gradually, time healed her wounds.8. Diamond in the rough. (外表不起眼的宝石)- He may not look like a top athlete, but he's a diamond in the rough.9. Once in a blue moon. (难得一见)- She travels overseas once in a blue moon, so she always makes sure to enjoy it.10. No pain, no gain. (不劳无获)- He put a lot of effort into his studies and finally passed his final exams. No pain, no gain, right?

1) Definition: ability to know what is going on even if you are not present Explanation: Used when speaking about someone who has an incredible ability to understand what is going on
even when he / she is not present. Example: He must have eyes in the back of his head to have known that you stole his money in his shop while he was sleeping at home. 2) have your head in the clouds Definition: to have one's thoughts far away
be day-dreaming. Example:Never have your head in the clouds in class or you will get punished by Mr Wong! 3) to be somebody's middle name Definition: to be someone Since you are sick
I do not think you are able to meet Mr Wong. I will be your middle name then. That's all. Ciao
1.The children love playing dangerous game.You really need eyes in the back of your head.孩子们喜欢玩危险的游戏
多加注意.With such hostile colleagues she needs to have eyes in the back of her head.与如此充满敌意的同事共事
处处提防.2.John's head is in the clouds again.He's talking about winning the lottery.约翰又再系度发白日梦
佢讲紧点赢六合彩.Tom has his head in the clouds.The client will never accept Tom's proposal.汤姆的想法不合实际
客户一定不会接受他的建议书.3.Good services is his pany's middle name.佢公司以服务良好见称.Don't worry
I won't tell anyone.Discretion is my middle name.唔驶惊
You must have eyes in the back of your head
how would you not have fallen into the construction site? During class
you should never have you head in the clouds
you should listen attentively and participate actively. I never heard of the last saying
参考: Me


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答:出处:《论语·颜渊》:“曾子曰:‘君子以文会友;以友铺仁。’” 造句:评比会上,各地的朋友纷纷拿出自己的作品交流,~。 3. 四字成语中,含"文"字的有哪些 含“文”的四字成语好多:偃武修文 偃:停止;修:昌明,修明。 停止武事...

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答:1. 四字成语中,含"文"字的有哪些 含“文”的四字成语好多:偃武修文 偃:停止;修:昌明,修明。 停止武事,振兴文教。 咬文嚼字 形容过分地斟酌字句。 多指死扣字眼而不注意精神实质。 一文不名 一个钱都没有。 一纸空文 只是写...

答:听了这首乐曲,碗转动热,让我回肠荡气 这篇文章真是美啊,简直是“文不加点”。 不加点这个成语的意义是指作文章水平极高,写文章一气呵成,无须修改。 杰伦搞起创作来,能两三个小时不离开座位,每次都是一气呵成 的 含辛茹苦 ...

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答:【造句】:从电视上看中国队的比赛,虽然想为他们呐喊助威,可是远隔千里,鞭长莫及,真急人。 6. 四字成语解释及造句 闻鸡起舞 听见鸡鸣就起身,比喻人发奋学习,励精图治。 老爷爷在乡下修养,每天闻鸡起舞,打太极拳健身。 白手起家 一...