
供稿     日期:2024-04-28

释义:n. 存在;生存;生物;思想感情;身心。
例句:It being a Sunday, the old men had the day off.

He is being met at the station tonight. 今晚有人去车站迎接他。
Your brother is being very annoying this evening. 你兄弟今晚很烦人。

1. 存在;生存,生命
2. 本质,特质,本性
3. (精神上)存在物;生物;人
4. (人的)体质,体格;个性;人格,品格
5. 可能性的实现
6. 存在、可能存在或逻辑上可以设想的东西

例句:A nuclear war would kill millions of living beings.

例句:We do not know exactly how life first came into being.

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate® Dictionary

1be·ing 1 n.
Pronunciation: 'bē(-i)ŋ
Function: noun
Date: 14th century

1 a : the quality or state of having existence b (1) : something conceivable as existing (2) : something that actually exists (3) : the totality of existing things c : conscious existence : LIFE
2 : the qualities that constitute an existent thing : ESSENCE especially : PERSONALITY
3 : a living thing especially : PERSON 2being 2 n.
Function: adjective
Etymology: present participle of be
Date: 14th century

: PRESENT ― used in the phrase for the time being 3being 3 n.
Function: conjunction
Date: 1528

chiefly dialect : SINCE, BECAUSE ― usually used with as, as how, or that being (as used in expressions) 4 n.
human being
ill being
Supreme Being
for the time being
well being

be 1 n.
Pronunciation: 'bē
Function: verb
Inflected Form: past 1st &3d singular was \'wəz, 'wäz\ ; 2d singular were \'wər\ ; plural were ; past subjunctive were ; past part been \'bin, 'ben, chiefly Brit 'bēn\ ; present part be·ing \'bē(-i)ŋ\ ; present 1st singular am \əm, 'am\ ; 2d singular are \'är, ər\ ; 3d singular is \'iz, əz\ ; plural are ; present subjunctive be
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bēon; akin to Old High German bim am, Latin fui I have been, futurus about to be, fieri to become, be done, Greek phynai to be born, be by nature, phyein to produce
Date: before 12th century

intransitive verb
1 a : to equal in meaning : have the same connotation as : SYMBOLIZE <God is love> <January is the first month> <let x be 10> b : to have identity with <the first person I met was my brother> c : to constitute the same class as d : to have a specified qualification or characterization <the leaves are green> e : to belong to the class of <the fish is a trout> ― used regularly in senses 1a through 1e as the copula of simple predication
2 a : to have an objective existence : have reality or actuality : LIVE <I think, therefore I am> b : to have, maintain, or occupy a place, situation, or position <the book is on the table> c : to remain unmolested, undisturbed, or uninterrupted ― used only in infinitive form <let him be> d : to take place : OCCUR <the concert was last night> e : to come or go <has already been and gone> <has never been to the circus> f archaic : BELONG, BEFALL
verbal auxiliary
1 ― used with the past participle of transitive verbs as a passive-voice auxiliary <the money was found> <the house is being built>
2 ― used as the auxiliary of the present participle in progressive tenses expressing continuous action <he is reading> <I have been sleeping>
3 ― used with the past participle of some intransitive verbs as an auxiliary forming archaic perfect tenses <Christ is risen from the dead ― 1 Cor 15:20(DV)>
4 ― used with the infinitive with to to express futurity, arrangement in advance, or obligation <I am to interview him today> <she was to become famous> be- 2 n.
Function: prefix
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English bi-, be-; akin to Old English bī by, near ― more at BY

1 : on : around : over <bedaub> <besmear>
2 : to a great or greater degree : thoroughly <befuddle> <berate>
3 : excessively : ostentatiously ― in intensive verbs formed from simple verbs <bedeck> and in adjectives based on adjectives ending in -ed <beribboned>
4 : about : to : at : upon : against : across <bestride> <bespeak>
5 : make : cause to be : treat as <belittle> <befool> <befriend>
6 : call or dub especially excessively <bedoctor>
7 : affect, afflict, treat, provide, or cover with especially excessively <bedevil> <befog> be (as used in expressions) 3 n.
glory be
be all and end all
far be it from
fit to be tied
be friends with
be oneself
to be sure
to be
would be
what is it
as is
that is to say
where one is at
who is who
for all one is worth
who was who
as it were
human being
ill being
Supreme Being
for the time being
well being
been around
has been

© 2005 Merriam-Webster, Incorporated 武汉埃伦变色服饰浪漫时尚的服装之选 企业-织锦厂 南京云锦服饰 政府指定Vicon English-Chinese(S) Dictionary

being [be·ing || 'biːɪŋ]
n. 存在; 生命; 生存; 生物
be [biː;bɪ]
v. 是; 值; 等于Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

[U] existence: The Irish Free State came into being in 1922. ◆ A new era was brought into being by the fall of Communism.
[C] a living creature: human beings ◆ a strange being from another planet
[U] (formal) your mind and all of your feelings: I hated Stefan with my whole being.
See also BE v.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

being 1
be·ing1 /ˈbiːɪŋ/ v [linking verb]
the present participle of be
used to give the reason for something
Being a quiet sort of person, I didn't want to get involved.
You can't expect them to sit still for that long, children being what they are.
being as
BrE spoken because
= as
You might as well drink it, being as you've paid for it. being 2
being2 W3S2 n
come into being/be brought into being
to start to exist
a law that first came into being in 1912
a living thing, especially a person
a human being
intelligent/conscious/rational etc being
a story about alien beings who invade Earth
[U] literary
the most important quality or nature of something, especially of a person
the core/roots/whole of sb's being
The whole of her being had been taken over by a desire to return to her homeland.Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary

1.being beings
Being is the present participle of be.

Being is used in non-finite clauses where you are giving the reason for something.
It being a Sunday, the old men had the day off.
Little boys, being what they are, might decide to play on it.
Of course, being young, I did not worry.

3.being beings
You can refer to any real or imaginary creature as a being.
People expect a horse to perform like a car, with no thought for its feelings as a living being.
...beings from outer space.

See also human being.
Being is existence. Something that is in being or comes into being exists.
Abraham Maslow described psychology as 'the science of being.'.
The Kingdom of Italy formally came into being on 17 March 1861.
...the complex process by which the novel is brought into being.
= existence
You can use being as to introduce a reason for what you are saying. (mainly BRIT, INFORMAL, SPOKEN)
I used to go everywhere with my mother, you know, being as I was the youngest.
American Heritage Dictionary 4th Edition

be·ing (bēĭng)
The state or quality of having existence. See Synonyms at existence.
Something, such as an object, an idea, or a symbol, that exists, is thought to exist, or is represented as existing. The totality of all things that exist.
A person: “The artist after all is a solitary being” (Virginia Woolf). All the qualities constituting one that exists; the essence. One's basic or essential nature; personality.
conj. Chiefly Southern U.S., Upper Southern U.S., & New England
Because; since. Often used with as or that.Hoodong Wiki

This article uses material from and authorized by Hoodong.comDict.CN Online

being ['bi:iŋ]
n. 人,生物
art. 在,有,是
What is the purpose of our being?
When did the world come into being?
I detest violence with my whole being.
© Dict.CN Online See detailed explanationDr.eye Online

KK: []
DJ: []
1. 存在;生存;生命[U]
When did the universe come into being?
2. 生物;人[C]
Has anybody ever seen any beings from outer space?
3. (常指有生命体之)本质[U]
The result is provided by Dr.eye DictionaryGoogle Definition

Related phrases: well-being great chain of being are you being served human being for the time being supreme being sentient being being and time being there being john malkovich
the state or fact of existing; "a point of view gradually coming into being"; "laws in existence for centuries"
organism: a living thing that has (or can develop) the ability to act or function independently
In ontology, the study of being, being is anything that can be said to be, either transcendentally or immanently.
The name God refers to the deity held by monotheists to be the supreme reality. God is generally regarded as the sole creator of the universe.Swinburne, R.G. "God" in Honderich, Ted. (ed)The Oxford Companion to Philosophy, Oxford University Press, 1995. ... (theology)
In the Harry Potter universe, a being is, as defined by Newt Scamander in Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, a creature "worthy of legal rights and a voice in the governance of the magical world". This definition is distinct from "beast", or a normal, albeit magical, animal. (Harry Potter)
living: satta (qv); further s. puggala. - Belief in eternal personality: bhava-ditthi (s. ditthi), sassata-ditthi (qv).
means existence or presence, belonging to the material or immaterial universe, substance, constitution or nature.
‘By being is understood that which divides into Four Faculties’ (AV B 86); in a sense, as a special term, it is comparable to Heidegger's Seiende, the process of being or what is extant, as opposed to his Sein, the essence of being, which may be closer to the Principles, though as Heidegger ...
For acting purposes, being energy is a giant archetypal realm. Being energy is the opposite of doing energy. Being energy can be described as still, open, expanded, in the direction of vulnerability, effortless, released, quiet, without agenda and present.
A rather complex term in philosophy, as it has been used over the centuries, being is usually equated to existence , a field with which ontology is concerned. Many philosophers have perceived being as the most fundamental property of ultimate reality. ...
The accumulated mass or effect of direct experience; more specifically in relation to awakening, a person's ability to experience, and participate consciously in, their own life. In Robert Burton's teaching this is equivalent to their ability to remember themselves. ...
One's basic or essential nature.
Sanskrit: bhava, lifer, becoming. Tibetan: srid pa; existence

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存在; 生存
禀性; 本质
[the Being ]上帝; 神
存在物; 生物; 人

现在, 目前


n. 存在; 生命; 生存; 生物.

英语后面加es和e 和ing是什么意思

英语后面加es和e 和ing是什么意思
答:ing是在动词后面表示动词进行时的后缀,比如 Buy -- I'm buying

- ed和- ing分别是什么意思?
答:1. 含义解释 -ed形容词表示某个人或物被动地体验或感受到的状态,强调的是情感或感觉方面,比如tired(疲惫的),bored(无聊的),excited(兴奋的),confused(困惑的)等。-ing形容词则表示某个人或物具有的属性、特征...


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et ing是什么意思?
答:ET ING是英语单词“Eating”的缩写。它的意思是“正在吃饭”。ET ING通常可以用来描述一个人正在吃饭,用于状态描述或状态更新。ET ING可能是一个谈论饮食习惯或饮食偏好的常见用语。你可以在社交媒体上看到许多人使用ET ING...

英语单词后面加“ing、s 、ed”是什么意思?


答:-Ing; Bachelor in Engineering=BEng; Master in Engineering=MEng; 美国用E.E. (Engineer's degree).医生头衔是Dr. = Dr. Lee XXX; 工程师头衔是: Ir. Bu Boo0258 ( Ir. = Ingeniero拉丁语,工程师的意思)