My Day
My name is Zhou Hongjie. My English name is Bill. I’m sixteen years old. I study in Dongzhou Middle School. I’m in Class 12, Grade 8. Here is my day.
I often get up at five fifty in the morning. I spend twenty minutes putting on my clothes, washing my face and brushing my teeth. It takes me ten minutes to have breakfast. Luckily, my home is opposite the school. I am always the first to go to school. I go to school at 6:25. Before class, I do some reading.
Classes begin at seven twenty. There are five lessons in the morning and four lessons in the afternoon. I have lunch and supper at school. I always do some exercise after school. I like playing table tennis best. If I have free time, I will play chess with my father. Sadly, I always lose, but I never give up playing chess. I think I will beat my father some day.
My school life is colourful.
my daily life
I can't get up early. because i finish my homework is very late.
I get up at half past six.I finish all myself at 6.20. I have breakfast at 6.20. I till school at seven o'clock.
I have four lesson in the morning and three lesson inthe afternoon. The first lesson beginning on 8.00.
After school,I walk to home with my bestfriend.And finish my homework with my bestfriend.we play computer ganmes after finish our homework.
I go to bed usually at about 10.00.
for a while,that day break.
我不能起床很早.因为我经常很迟才完成我的作业.我6点半才起床.我6点20做好我的准备(洗脸 刷牙) .我6.20吃早餐.我7点钟到达学校.
我早上又4节课 下午有3节课在下午 我们第一节课在8点钟开始.
放学后 我和我的好朋友步行回家还有完成我们的作业 完成我们的作业后,我们就玩电脑游戏
Hello, everyone! I don’t like sports, but Ilike eating very much.So I'm a little heavy. I eat a lot food every day. For breakfast, I like milk,eggs and bread a lot . For lunch, I like French fries, beef,pork, fish,chicken, hamburgers and apples. For dinner, I like fruits,vegetables ,some meat and rice .
My Day
My name is ..... My English name is ..... I’m。。。 years old. I study in 。。Middle School. I’m in Class。, Grade 。 Here is my day.
I often get up at five fifty in the morning. I spend twenty minutes putting on my clothes, washing my face and brushing my teeth. It takes me ten minutes to have breakfast. Luckily, my home is opposite the school. I am always the first to go to school. I go to school at 6:25. Before class, I do some reading.
Classes begin at seven twenty. There are five lessons in the morning and four lessons in the afternoon. I have lunch and supper at school. I always do some exercise after school. I like playing table tennis best. If I have free time, I will play chess with my father. Sadly, I always lose, but I never give up playing chess. I think I will beat my father some day.
My school life is colourful.
无论是在学校还是在社会中,许多人都有过写作文的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。相信许多人会觉得作文很难写吧,以下是我收集整理的学会做饭作文,希望能够帮助到大家。 学会做饭作文1 今天中午,我把作业写完了,妈妈上班去了,突然觉得肚子有点饿了,...
4. 写一篇350字作文 《我会炒菜》要求:要写经过、体验 近日,爸爸、妈妈工作很忙。放学回家总要等好久妈妈才能回来做饭。 1天下午,我放学回家,闲着没事干,就拿起《科技小报》看了起来。真巧,上面有1段介绍怎样炒白菜的小文章。看着看着,我产生了1个念头:爸爸妈妈工作忙,我学会炒菜,不就可以减轻他们的1点负担吗...
“哦!哈哈哈……我终于学会了炒“辣椒炒肉”! 2. 《学做拿手菜——辣椒炒肉》作文 我会做许多菜,比如炒青菜、西红柿炒鸡蛋、青椒炒肉丝等等,但我最拿手的菜是油炸排骨。 今天是星期天,我正好闲在家里,决定做一道我最拿手的菜,让家人品尝一下美味佳肴,也顺便改善改善伙食。我去菜市场买回了需要买的菜——...
当家一天作文3 今天我当家,平常家里是妈妈当家,看见他们无论什么事情都能自己作主,而我们小孩子却只有听大人的,于是,我就想要是如果能自己当家一天该多好啊! 终于,有一天,妈妈要去宁波买书,早上妈妈给我五十元钱叫我负责一天的开销,接过钱的那一刻,我差点没高兴的跳起来。 妈妈走了,我一个鲤鱼“打挺坐起来...
倏忽就上了初一,小学时那快乐的时光已经消失,我的初中生活作文_作文。在跨进新校园的同时,仿佛回到了刚上一年级,还是同一名女孩,如今,一高一矮,一大一小。还是脸上粘着羞涩,那样保守的找了一个女同学坐在了她的身边,和小时候一样,我俩不一会聊的投机,成了朋友,初中一年级作文《我的初中生活作文_作文》。 倏忽...
在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家或多或少都会接触过作文吧,作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。还是对作文一筹莫展吗?下面是我为大家整理的八年级下册作文7篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 八年级下册作文 篇1 教学目标 1.在学生原有写作的基础上继续提高、锻炼写...
无论是在学校还是在社会中,大家都不可避免地会接触到作文吧,作文可分为小学作文、中学作文、大学作文(论文)。那么一般作文是怎么写的呢?下面是我为大家整理的家的味道作文,欢迎大家分享。 家的味道作文1 人们常说,生活总是五味俱全。在我的家中也能体味到生活的各种滋味。不信,我带你们去看看。 记得有一次晚...
这真是愉快的一天啊! 快乐的一天优秀作文6 星期四,我们学校组织去旅游我很开心。我准备了好多好吃的:有海苔、汽水、薯片、饼干和巧克力等。各个班级分坐十几台旅游大巴,浩浩荡荡出发了! 经过大约一个小时的车程我们到达了目的地,进了大门刚走几步就看到几个雕像,导游老师给我们介绍了几个历史人物故事;同学们都听...