最佳答案 (1) 与老师 Last Friday , we had an lesson and it was really unforgettable because it was the last lesson given by our kind English teacher ,Mr Lee.When Mr Lee slowly went into the classroom ,we could see clearly that it was hard for him to leave us though he had taught us for only three months.He said something about his future plan ,which moved us all deeply.Then he started the last lesson.
We all listened attentively(仔细地) to every word he said .If only we had done like this before The naughty boys unusually behaved well in this last lesson. It was obvious(分明的)that all of us had the common feeling that we wouldn't let him go.
Though we didn't want our good teacher to go ,it seemed to be too late . As the saying goes,"only when we lose something do we realize the value of it."(这句你应该能了解)
At last,with the bell ringing,Mr Tang looked at us all soulfully(蜜意地) and expressed what he thought. He hoped that we would make progress in our study and become good citizens(百姓) in society.
What an unforgettable lesson!(2)与同学He was not only my deskmate, but also my best friend. I remember the first day I moved to the school, the teacher seated me beside him. I was shy then hardly speaking the anybody, everyone thought that I was a chunk of ice and didn't want to make friends with me.and I dare not speak in public.Because I'm afraid of my classmates laugh at me. He was different, he always tell jokes to me and wore a sunny smile. When he found that I was bad at math, he stayed late after school teaching the process of how to solve each problem with patience. School seemed to be a much better place with him around, we laughed together, studied together and became unseperatable ever since.
Our neighborhood used to be quiet.However,these days,strange things are happening in our neighborhood and everyone is unhappy.Zhou Gu,the local school teacher,is extremelyworried.When he was interviewed by the local newspaper,he said,"Every night we hear strange noises outside our window.My wife thinks that is could be an animal,but my friends and I think it must be teenagers having fun.My parents called the police,but they can not find anything strange.They think it might be the wind.I do not think so"
What is it?
When Mr Tang slowly went into the classroom ,we could see clearly that it was hard for him to leave us though he had taught us for only three months.He said something about him future plan ,which moved us all deeply.Then he started the last lesson.
We all listened attentively(认真地) to every word he said .If only we had done like this before!(如果我们以前就这样该多好啊)The naughty boys unusually behaved well in this last lesson.
It was obvious(明显的)that all of us had the common feeling that we wouldn't let him go.
Though we didn't want our good teacher to go ,it seemed to be too late . As the saying goes,"only when we lose something do we realize the value of it."(这句你应该能理解)
At last,with the bell ringing,Mr Tang looked at us all soulfully(深情地) and expressed what he thought. He hoped that we would make progress in our study and become good citizens(公民) in society.
What an unforgettable lesson!
The thing happens in a evening on Friday , I and the teacher who is in the same school having forgot to go home because of playing basketball , not being completed already very lately therefore when returning to a family leave for our mission. Second days do not have way facing teacher's criticism , we fix a hereafter cannot but have accomplished school assignment again also
在我人生的旅途中,有这样一位重要的导师,他是我学术上的引路人,也是我人生的启蒙者。他就是我高中时期的英语老师,Mr. Smith。第一次与他相遇是在我高一的第一天。他身材高大,面带笑容,给人一种亲切而温暖的感觉。当我第一次与他目光交汇时,他的热情和友好让我感到了家的氛围。而后的学术...
我与老师的一件事 冬季的一个傍晚,我刚打扫完教室,准备回家。突然,听见后面有人叫我,我回头一看,是老师。老师说:“你怎么还在这呀?”我回答:“今天是我值日。”“哦”老师点点头,又说:“我送你回家吧。”“老师,不……”我还没说完,老师便打断了我的话“老师我知道你家离学校远,...
我与老师的一件事 在与老师接触的时间里,犹如一个璀璨的天空;发生的每一件事,都像一颗小星星在一闪一闪的眨眼睛.其中,有一颗星星最闪亮:那是发生在我上一年级的时候.有一天中午,我回家吃饭.在路上就觉得肚子不舒服,后来跌跌撞撞的走回家,连饭也吃不下了,妈妈看我肚子那么疼,赶紧背着我去医院...
she taught me a very important lesson, the topic is "how forgiveness".中文翻译:在一个课间,我正在写作业,突然,有两个同学在打起了架,他们碰撞到了我的桌子,然后我的笔盖飞了出去,掉在地上,我很愤怒,但是我的同桌却告诉我不要生气,并走过去帮我捡起了笔,我很感谢她,她为我上了...
最佳答案 (1) 与老师 Last Friday , we had an lesson and it was really unforgettable because it was the last lesson given by our kind English teacher ,Mr Lee.When Mr Lee slowly went into the classroom ,we could see clearly that it was hard for him to leave us though he ...
我与老师发生的一件事作文350 字左右
写作思路: 开头部分介绍我读书时遇到的一位难以忘怀的老师。 主体部分描述一个具体的事件,即我在学校遭遇困扰时,老师无私地伸出援手。结尾部分表达对老师的感激之情。下面分享三篇范文,供您参考。作文一:《与老师的难忘瞬间》(400字)我与老师之间有一个难忘的故事,让我终生难以忘怀。那是在我的...