
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2025-01-18


  The Internet is a giant network of computers located all over the world that communicate with each other.

  The Internet is an international collection of computer networks` that all understand a standard system of addresses and commands, connected together through backbone systems. It was started in 1969, when the U.S. Department of Defence established a nationwide network to connect a handful of universities and contractors. The original idea was to increase computing capacity that could be shared by users in many locations and to find out what it would take for computer networks to survive a nuclear war or other disaster by providing multiple path between users. People on the ARPNET (as this nationwide network was originally called) quickly discovered that they could exchange messages and conduct electronic "conferences" with distant colleagues for purposes that had nothing to do with the military industrial complex. If somebody else had something interesting stored on their computer, it was a simple matter to obtain a copy (assuming the owner did not protect it)。

  Over the years, additional networks joined which added access to more and more computers. The first international connections, to Norway and England, were added in 1973. Today thousands of networks and millions of computers are connected to the Internet. It is growing so quickly that nobody can say exactly how many users "On the Net".

  The Internet is the largest repository of information which can provide very very large network resources. The network resources can be divided into network facilities resources and network information resources. The network facilities resources provide us the ability of remote computation and communication. The network information resources provides us all kinds of information services, such as science, education, business, history, law, art, and entertainment, etc.

  The goal of your use of the Internet is exchanging messages or obtaining information. What you need to know is that you can exchange message with other computers on the Internet and use your computer as a remote terminal on distant computers. But the internal details of the link are less important, as long as it works. If you connect computers together on a network, each computer must have a unique address, which could be either a word or a number. For example, the address of Sam's computer could be Sam, or a number.

  The Internet is a huge interconnected system, but it uses just a handful of method to move data around. Until the recent explosion of public interest in the Internet, the vast majority of the computers on the Net use the Unix operating system. As a result, the standard Unix commands for certain Internet services have entered the online community's languages as both nouns and verbs to describe the services themselves. Some of the services that the Internet can provide are: Mail, Remote use of another computer (Telnet), File Transfer (FTP), News, and Live conversation.

  The most commonly used network service is electronic mail (E-mail), or simply as mail. Mail permits network users to send textual messages to each other. Computers and networks handle delivering the mail, so that communicating mail users do not have to handle details of delivery, and do not have to be present at the same time or place.

  The simplest way to access a file on another host is to copy it across the network to your local host. FTP can do this.

  Presently, a user with an account on any Internet machine can establish a live connection to any other machine on the Net from the terminal in his own office or laboratory. It is only necessary to use the Unix command that sets up a remote terminal connection (Telnet), followed by the address of the distant machine.

  Before you can use the Internet, you must choose a way to move data between the Internet and your PC. This link may be a high-speed data communication circuit, a local area network (LAN), a telephone live or a radio channel. Most likely, you will use a Modem attached to your telephone line to talk to the Internet. Naturally, the quality of your Internet connection and service, like many other things in life, is dictated by the amount of money that you are willing to spend.

  Although all these services can well satisfy the needs of the users for information exchange, a definite requirement is needed for the users. Not only should the users know where the resources locates, but also he should know some operating commands concerned to ease the searching burden of the users, recently some convenient searching tools appears, such as Gopher, WWW and Netscape.

  World wide web (www) is a networked hypertext protocol and user interface. It provides access to multiple services and documents like Gopher does but is more ambitious in its method. A jump to other Internet service can be triggered by a mouse click on a "hotlinked" word, image, or icon on the Web page.

  As more and more systems join the Internet, and as more and more forms of information can be converted to digital form, the amount of stuff available to Internet users continues to grow. At some points very soon after the nationwide (and later worldwide) Internet started to grow, people began to treat the Net as a community, with its own tradition and customs. For example, somebody would ask a question in a conference, and a complete stranger would send back an answer: after the same question were repeated several time by people who hadn't seen the original answers, somebody else gathered list of "frequently asked questions" and placed it where newcomers could find it.

  So we can say that the Internet is your PC's window to the rest of the world.


  Internet 是计算机网络的国际性的集合,这些网络都符合具有地址和命令的标准体系,并经骨干网连在一起。Internet始建于1969年,当时美国国防部为连接少数几所大学和协议企业而建立了一个全国性网络。最初的想法是要增加计算机能力并可由许多地点的用户共享,并且通过提供用户间多条路径来找到哪一种计算机网络能够在核战或其他灾难中幸存。ARPNET(这种全国网络最初的名称)上的用户很快就发现他们可以与远距离的同事交换消息,并且进行某种目的的电子“会议”,而这些目的与军事工业企业没有任何关系。如果另外一些人在其计算机中存有有趣的东西,得到其拷贝是很容易的事(假定拥有者没有进行保护)。




  虽然Internet是一个巨大的互联系统,但它仅使用一点简单办法就将数据传来传去。近来公众对Internet产生了极大的兴趣,在这之前,绝大多数网上计算机都使用Unix操作系统。结果,用于某些Internet业务的标准Unix命令已经进入联机团体语言当作名词和动词来描述业务本身。 Internet可以提供的一些服务为:电子邮件、远程使用其他计算机、文件传送、电子新闻和实况对话。
























(2)互联网、因特网、万维网三者的关系:互联网包含因特网,因特网包含万维网。凡是能彼此通信的设备组成的网络就叫互联网,因特网是基于TCP\/IP让不同的设备彼此通信,TCP\/IP协议由很多协议组成,不同类型的协议又被放在不同的层,其中,位于应用层的协议就有很多,只要应用层使用的是HTTP协议,就称为万维网。 二、互...

通俗来说,“互联网+”就是“互联网+各个传统行业”,但这并不是简单的两者相加,而是利用信息通信技术以及互联网平台,让互联网与传统行业进行深度融合,创造新的发展生态。 几十年来,“互联网+”已经改造及影响了多个行业,当前大众耳熟能详的电子商务、互联网金融、在线旅游、在线影视、在线房产等行业都是“互联网+...


互联网的含义指的是什么 互联网的意思什么是互联网




1. 互联网:互联网,也称为国际网络,是由众多相互连接的网络组成的全球性网络系统。这些网络通过一系列共同的协议,如TCP\/IP,实现逻辑上的互联互通,形成了一个庞大的网络结构。2. 网站:网站是一组通过互联网访问的页面集合,这些页面通常使用HTML、CSS和JavaScript等技术制作。网站用于展示特定的信息...


1. 互联网,亦称因特网或网际网,是由广域网、局域网以及个人计算机,依据特定通讯协议构成的国际计算机网络。2. 互联网允许人们跨越地域限制,与远方的朋友发送电子邮件、协同完成工作任务以及共同娱乐。3. 1995年10月24日,“联合网络委员会”(FNC)通过了一项关于互联网定义的决议。该决议认为,“...