英语高手们^-^ 请帮忙翻译一些句子 多多益善~
I will never keep silent since I have you .
1 私有成分必须在经济活动中占据主导地位,而政府对经济的干预作用也将随着私有化进程而有所改变。
2 经济增长率要达到多少才能弥补失业所导致的的人才市场上的求职需求。
2. 下面哪个省不属于西部大开发的范围?which of the followings does not in the spectrum of the western devolopment plan
3. 中国的国土面积仅次与哪个国家?which country does china follow as the 3rd largest country.
4. 中国是在哪一年加入世界贸易组织的?in which year China joined the WTO
5. 下列哪个不是中国的邻国?which of the followings does not next to china
6. 中国近代史的开端是1940the hisorty of modern CHina began at 1940
7. 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家CHina is the largest developing country
8. 中文是世界上使用人数最多的语言Chinese is the most widely used language in the world
9. 中国有几个省how many province are there in CHina
10. 美利坚合众国成立以来的第一任总统是? who is the first president of USA
11. 联合国大会总部的所在地是?where is the location of the UN general assembly
12. 下列哪个不是联合国常任理事国? which of the followings does not belong to the permanant member of the UN
13. 世界上含盐量最高的海域是?which is the world highest salilty water
14. 土耳其属于哪个洲 which continent does turkey belong to
15. 世界上最大的平原在哪里where does the largest plainland locate
16. 阿根廷的官方语言是西班牙语the offical language of argentina is spanish
17. 北欧三国是芬兰瑞典丹麦3 nordics are finland sweden and denmark
18. 世界上最寒冷的地方在南极the coldest rigion in the world is antarctic
19. 美国不是第二次世界大战的发源地 USA is not the oringin of the world war2
20. 英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言english is the most widely spoken language in the world
1.What kind of terrain-based of China? plain. Mountain. hilly or plateaus ?
2.which province followed not belong to the range of Western Development ?
3.Which country does China second to in the area ?
4.Which year does China join the WTO?
5.Which country isn't China's neighbor country
6.China's modern history begins in 1940?
7.China is the biggest developping country in the world
8.Chiese is the laguange that most people use
9. How many provinces are there in China?
10.Who is the first president since U.S was founded?
11. Where is the headquarters of the UN General Assembly?
12.Which of the following is not a permanent member of the United Nations
13. which sea has the most salinity ?
14.which continent does Turkey belongs to ?
15. Where is the world's largest plain ?
16. Argentina's official language is Spanish
17. three are Finland, Sweden and Denmark in Nordic
18. The world's coldest place is the Antarctic
19. United States is not the birthplace of World War II
20. English is the most widely used language in the world
1 艾达已经很难保持关注,听方向在课堂上。如果她变得沮丧,她拒绝做她的工作,还是告诉我是怎么回事。她的行为正在她的句名人名言。她让小的努力时,没有在直接监督。艾达需要加强带她的时间和使用整洁handwriting.她也需要实践她的信的声音和利用它们来解码新单词.2 艾达已经表现出极大的改善这一term...
I am in love 求助英语好的高手们帮忙翻译下!
I am in love "坠入爱河"或者"热恋中的我"都可以 这样一个很简单的句子 翻译方法很多 关键看你怎么理解 in love 在爱中 ,in 为介词 我是在爱中 当然不符合中国人的语法
a conclusion\/different conclusions 得出结论\/得出不同的结论 另外说一句,上面的这句翻译有些不是很妥当,句中用的是过去时drew,最好翻译成“从相同的事实中我们得出了不同的结论。”哇!这么多,我晕!不过这只是个人意见,不准确,多多指教!看来你还很好学,多多努力哟,加油!我支持你.我看好你....
我来试试哈:I think we shouldn't buy all the ads(buy有相信的意思). Ads are just means of propagandization to attract consumers attention so as to make their products sold. As competitions among products are getting more and more intense,false ads have become more.So consumers ...
英语高手们,帮忙翻译这个句子 关于运动的
翻译:1、from exercise, continue to jump for 10 minutes, jogging 30 minutes or jump JianShenWu 20 minutes, time-consuming, energy consumption of aerobic exercise.2、Effect reducing weight is very obvious.3、strong muscles, make your body continuously.英语学习方法 1、英语基础 要想学好...
高手们帮忙翻译一下一个句子。 我不同意孩子的唯一职责是努力学习以及...
I disagree that one of the duties is to work hard and behave well at school
conversation that is of importance when we are seeking to develop our reading to meet the new demands being placed upon us by studying at a higher level.3。准确来说,正是这种对话的重要性时,我们寻求提高阅读满足放置在我们在更高层次学习的新要求。参考资料:人肉翻译,错了莫怪我。
1.당신은 저한테 있어서 만질수 없는 빛과 같은 존재입니다.당신은 저를 ...