
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2025-01-09


  All over the world today people are gathered in love viduals

  to celebrate the life of a man

  that taught the world how to love

  People may be wondering why there's such an emotional outburst

  我们必须明白Michael人生旅程 才能明白他对我们所有人来说意味着什么
  But you would have to understand the journey of Michael to understand what he meant to all of us

  For these that sit here as the Jackson family -

  a mother and father with nine children that rose from a working class family in Gary, Indiana

  他们只有一个梦想 没有人相信在那个年代这样的梦想能够实现
  they had nothing but a dream.No one believed in those days that this kind of dream could come true,

  但他们坚持相信着 Michael从不肯让世界把他们从追梦之路上退回去
  but they kept on believing and Michael never let the world turn him around from his dreams.

  I first met Michael around the 1970 Black Expo, Chicago, Illinois.

  Rev. Jesse Jackson, who stood by this family till now,

  从他还是一个可爱的孩子起直到现在 他从未放弃梦想
  and from that day as a cute kid to this moment, he never gave up dreaming.

  It was that dream that changed culture all over the world.

  When Michael started, it was a different world.

  因为Michael继续前行 因为他从来不接受限制
  But because Michael kept going, because he didn't accept limitations

  因为他拒绝让别人决定他的障碍 他打开了全世界
  because he refused to let people decide his boundaries, he opened up the whole world.

  在音乐的世界里 他戴上一只手套 提起他的裤腿
  In the music world, he put on one glove, pulled his pants up

  他打破了肤色界限 我们才会出现在视频里 杂志封面上
  and broke down the color curtain where now our videos are shown and magazines put us on the cover.

  正是Michael Jackson 把黑人、白人、亚洲人和拉丁人聚集到一起
  It was Michael Jackson that brought Blacks and Whites and Asians and Latinos together.

  正是Michael Jackson 让我们高唱“天下一家” 并在Live Aid慈善演出很早之前就开始赈济饥民
  It was Michael Jackson that made us sing, "We are the World" and feed the hungry long before Live Aid.

  因为Michael Jackson坚持不懈
  Because Michael Jackson kept going

  他为人们创造了一种舒适度 让隔离的人们通过他的音乐紧紧连接在一起
  he created a comfort level where people that felt they were separate became interconnected with his music.

  正是这种舒适感 让来自日本、加纳、法国还有宾夕法尼亚的孩子们能够接受彼此
  And it was that comfort level that kids from Japan and Ghana and France and Iowa and Pennsylvania got comfortable enough with each other

  到后来我们能在电视上看到Oprah秀不再奇怪 看到老虎伍兹打高尔夫也不再奇怪
  until later it wasn’t strange to us to watch Oprah on television. It wasn't strange to watch Tiger Woods golf.

  当年在Michael的舒适中成长的孩子现在40岁了 并能舒适地选举一个有色人种为美国总统
  Those young kids grew up from being teenage, comfortable fans of Michael to being 40 years old and being comfortable to vote for a person of color to be the President of the United States of America.

  Michael做到了!Michael让我们彼此相爱! Michael教导我们团结一致!
  Michael did that. Michael made us love each other. Michael taught us to stand with each other.

  There are those that like to dig around mess.

  但世界上数以百万计的人们,将高举他的讯息 不是满天飞的谣言 而是他的爱的讯息
  But millions around the world, we're going to uphold his message. It's not about mess, but it's about his love message.

  就像你翻越高山的时候 有时候膝盖会受伤 有时候皮肤会划破
  As you climb up steep mountains, sometimes you scar your knee; sometimes you break your skin.

  但我们在意的不是那些伤疤 我们只需要完成旅程
  But don't focus on the scars, focus on the journey.

  Michael打败了他们! Michael登上了顶峰!
  Michael beat 'em, Michael rose to the top.

  他用歌声打败了他的批评者 他用舞蹈打败了他的怀疑者 他用表演打败了那些悲观主义者
  He out-sang his cynics, he out-danced his doubters; he out-performed the pessimists.

  每次被打倒他都会重新站起来 每次被驱逐他都会重新拼回来
  Every time he got knocked down, he got back up. Every time you counted him out, he came back in.

  Michael永不止步! Michael永不止步! Michael永不止步!
  Michael never stopped. Michael never stopped. Michael never stopped.

  我要感谢Jackson夫人和Joe Jackson以及他的兄弟姐妹们
  I want to say to Mrs. Jackson and Joe Jackson, his sisters and brothers:

  我们谢谢你们带给我们 一个教会我们去爱的人 一个教会我们去希望的人
  We thank you for giving us someone that taught us love; someone who taught us hope.

  我们要感谢你们 因为我们知道这也是你们的梦想
  We want to thank you because we know it was your dream too.

  我们知道你们的心已破碎 我知道你们从美国总统和纳尔逊·曼德拉的吊唁中得到一些抚慰
  We know that your heart is broken. I know you have some comfort from the letter from the President of the United States and Nelson Mandela.

  我希望人们表现出的爱能让你们知道 他没有虚度此生
  I hope the love that people are showing will make you know he didn't live in vain.

  I want his three children to know: Wasn't nothing strange about your Daddy.

  It was strange what your Daddy had to deal with. But he dealt with it...

  他无论如何去面对了 他去面对是为了我们
  He dealt with it anyway. He dealt with it for us.

  So, some came today, Mrs. Jackson, to say goodbye to Michael.

  而我是来说,谢谢你 谢谢你从未止步 谢谢你从未放弃 谢谢你从未退缩
  I came to say, thank you. Thank you because you never stopped, thank you because you never gave up, thank you because you never gave out,

  谢谢你因为你打破了我们的界限 谢谢你因为你消除了障碍
  thank you because you tore down our divisions. Thank you because you eradicated barriers.

  谢谢你给了我们希望 谢谢你 Michael!
  Thank you because you gave us hope. Thank you Michael.

  谢谢你 Michael!谢谢你 Michael!
  Thank you Michael. Thank you Michael!

Michael Jackson was called the king of pop. He was born in Gary in Indiana on August 29th, 1958. He had great talent in music and loved dancing. His most famous album, Thriller, came out on November 30th, 1982, and it was very popular. At the same time, he was also a very warm-hearted person. He gave his money to a lot of charities from different countries.
Unfortunately, he died in his early fifties. He will live in our hearts forever.

Michael Joseph Jackson.(29th,August,1958-25th,June,2009)
Michael Joseph Jackson is a symbol of pop culture figure, and he is a highly influential singer, composer, lyricist, and dancer, record producer, philanthropist, humanitarian as well as the fashion leader, he deeply influenced and promoted the development of popular music, and he known as the king of pop music.He also The greatest music video.He created a modern MV, "Thriller" ,a music video for the world's first modern MV.
He combines black and white R & B rock MJ unique style, sometimes indignant resounding, sometimes mellow voice of Smart and unprecedented high standard of music video, his large-scale concerts all around the world caused a sensation.
He is a music history of the first outside the United States sold 100 million records on the artists. Magic of dance as he is to emulate so many stars.
He is the history of the world's most successful artists! He is in support of the world's 39 rescue Charitable Foundation in 2006 to maintain a personal charity of the Guinness Book of World Records, is the world's personal contributions to charities on behalf of most people.

迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊(1958年8月29日-2009年6月25日),他是流行文化象征性的人物,是一名在世界各地极具影响力的歌唱家、作曲家、作词家、舞蹈家、唱片制作人、慈善家、人道主义者以及时尚引领者,深深影响并推动了流行乐的发展,被誉为流行音乐之王。他是最伟大的音乐录像带。他开创了现代MV,单曲《Thriller》的音乐录像带为全球第一支现代MV。 他融合了黑人节奏蓝调与白人摇滚的独特的MJ乐风,时而高亢激愤、时而柔美灵动的声音,空前绝后的高水准音乐录影,规模宏大的演唱会无不在世界各地引起极大轰动。他是音乐史上第一位在美国以外卖出上亿张唱片的艺术家。他魔幻般的舞步更是让无数的明星效仿。他是世界历史上最成功的艺术家! 他一个人支持了世界上39个慈善救助基金会,保持着2006年的吉尼斯世界个人慈善纪录,是全世界以个人名义捐助慈善事业最多的人。




Michael · Joseph · Jackson (Michael Joseph Jackson, June 25 , 2009) on August 29 , 1958-, personage being a world pop-culture emblematic, before the whole world be owning extremely high notability and gigantic influence, king (King of Pop) of being popular is praised. But Michael Jackson he is that outstanding music versatile person, composes music in assuming a word, circumstances makes , compiles music , sings, dance, the instrument performs aspect having remarkable achievements , he Beatles with cat king, says upper the greatest happy history eternity symbol being in popular together, whose accomplishment already exceeds queen both. His individual long range keeps much the country and region gramophone record selling amounts notes, high specification courteous reception having accepted many world country head of government many times, USA Reagan , Bush , continuous three president of Clinton invite the person to enter White House citing whose contribution. He has been started modern MV , music video tape only wrong "Thriller" has been the whole world the first branches modern times MV , has been praised for history mounts "the greatest music video tape ", unparalleled have been advanced MTV position in modern music industry. He has fused black rhythm blue tune and happy wind of unique the white race rock'n roll MJ, sound that the indignant , intermittently soft beautiful bier intermittently loud and sonorous moves, unique high standard music records a scene video , broad in scope concert causes a sensation all in arousing a maximum world everywhere. Authoritative organization had been discussed: Postpone 20 at least if not having MJ , development of pop music, the MV turn up is postponed at least 50. He owns "Thriller" the world sell amounts first titles , sell amounts already amounting to 110 million [4], whose legal version title whole world is sold amounts already exceeding 854 million , "Guinness World Records is recorded into". He is that music history mounts the first artists who having sold hundred million gramophone record outside USA. His devil is unreal as dance steps is to be followed the example of by uncounted stars more. 2006, Guinness world record have issued a up-to-date attestation: The most successful world artist in history! Individual life aspect, Jackson throws into charities all the year round , fix aid 39 charity organization financially, contribution of known number exceeds 400 million U. S. dollar , is "the whole world of Guinness world record contribute to the maximal charities amount of money actor ". But these facade achievement have not been summoned a matchmaker taking seriously together , oppose to be ignored. News report heavier than being summoning a matchmaker aspect, arouses a lot of dispute other include negative news such as his appearance , behavior. He accepts accusing twice acting indecently towards the male child afterwards more, though behind course investigation , two proposals is all judged by the court formally because of without any third impartial evidence innocent, this matter brings about the Michael spirit and body's irrecoverable hurting but to a great extent , bring about permanent but gigantic misunderstanding and hurt and to whose image. He is KING OF POP , that title proposes that when Michael was Jackson30 years old by Elizabeth · Taylor. Forty MJ many years are always guiding wind of being popular for , fore-end, is affecting music , dance , fashion , perfume , cosmetics , building most even if living in pop seclusivelly being at home also going straight ahead , the fitting up is waiting for each fields. He is unique KING OF POP , king of being popular for therefore.

the remarkable achievement in aspects of performance stage,fashion has unique contribution and special influence,he is regarded as the greatest entertainers.His death shocked the world,more than 30 billion were attracted audience from all over the world.翻译:迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊,简称MJ....

自从我打破唱片纪录开始——我打破了猫王的纪录,我打破了披头士的纪录——然后呢?他们叫我畸形人、同性恋者、性骚扰小孩的怪胎!他们说我漂白了自己的皮肤,做一切可做的来诋毁我,这些都是阴谋!当我站在镜前时看着自己,我知道,我是个黑人! ­——迈克尔·杰克逊 ­­我没办法让自己...

哎,我大学的时候写过一篇关于Andy的英语作文,刚才我看到你说的,一找,还在我的英语书里夹着,当时写的水平也确实不行。但是拿出来写在这里,只是为了一种纪念吧。如果能对你有用,那更好啦。by the way,我最喜欢刘德华。my favourite book my favourite book's name is "i grew up as this"...

everyone who's thirsted for more Michael Jackson since his death little more than four months ago, the wait is finally over. For the rest of us, it's time to look on in awe as Jackson's memory – and the legendary fervency of his fans – is ruthlessly exploited till the ...

这是介绍迈克尔杰克逊的 The Bio History of Michael Joseph Jackson began when he was born on the 29th of August 1958 in Gary, Indiana. He was the 7th of nine children. (brothers: Sigmund "Jackie", Toriano "Tito", Jermaine, Marlon, Steven "Randy", and sisters Rebbie, Janet ...

he devoted his life to charity. He is in support of the world's 39 rescue Charitable Foundations.He is the greatest entertainer ever. Michael Jackson long live the King!--- 我写的,不知道算不算难...


迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊(Michael Joseph Jackson,1958年8月29日-2009年6月25日),是世界流行文化象征性的人物,在全世界都拥有着极高的知名度与巨大的影响力,被誉为流行音乐之王(King of Pop)。他是出色的音乐全才,在作词,作曲,场景制作,编曲,演唱,舞蹈,乐器演奏方面都有着卓越的成就,他...

Michael Joseph Jackson (born August 29, 1958) is an American recording artist, entertainer, and businessman. The seventh child of the Jackson family, he debuted on the professional music scene at the age of 11 as a member of The Jackson 5 and began a solo career in 1971 while...

coupled with his successful career, has made him a part of popular culture for almost four decades. In recent years he has been cited as one of the world's most famous men.迈克尔·约瑟夫·杰克逊(英语:Michael Joseph Jackson,1958年8月29日- ),生于美国印地安那州加里市,美国...