
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2025-01-08


Technology has changed our life. Nowadays there are two very important tools for our daily lifes: computer and bicycle. Firstly, computers can provide us with a large amount of information. As for our students, it can offer a couple of study courses or softwares, and enable us fully understand and absorb what we have learned in class. Instant messager is also a very crucial software for our communication nowadays. Moreover, buying commodities online gives us more convenience. Seondly, riding bicycles is a green way of transportation because it can not only make people do exercises but also protects our environment from being polluted. Therefore, the emergence of computer and bicycle make our life much more convenient.


I grew up in the road six years, given me the most was that the evening with the
teachers is that they have a unique form of education that I am an innocent
young girl training to become one of the reasons that the students. Teacher's
Day in this particular festival, although I am not the poet, but the most
sincere hearts of poetry dedicated to the teachers Although I am not singers,
but the hearts of the most beautiful songs dedicated teachers Although I am not
the artist, but the hearts of the most beautiful paintings dedicated teachers……
Ordinary Heroes, forming a word, I thank you

We are going to have a camping tomorrow. As monitor of our class, I'd like to give you some advice on how to choose the right food. First, I suggest you bring enough water because there is no shop around our camping place.If you feel thirty and you have no water to drink, that will be terrible. Second, fruit is also very necessary. A whole day of camping will make us very tired. If we eat some fruit, we will feel refreshed again. Besides, don't forget to bring some bread or cakes with you. Otherwise, you will feel very hungry. Water, fruit and bread or cakes are the things to keep us energetic. Remember to bring them all with you.

初三语文作文 篇2 中午闲来无事,独坐教室一隅,偶然间看到桌上那本和我一样无聊的语文书,轻轻地翻开她,猛然间,感到语文这两个字是那样熟悉,又是那样陌生。 记得从我刚上学的时候就认识了她,可是将近10年了,我却从没细心思索过。搜索记忆,寻找记忆中的每一个背影…… 可是不搜不知道,一搜吓一跳。语文似乎无...

难忘的事 80字的语文作文

要求:全面理解材料,但可以选择一个角度构思作文。自主确立体意,确定文体,确定标题;不要脱离材料的含义作文。小时候,亲情就是母亲温暖的怀抱,父亲宽厚的脊梁,幼小的心灵里能充分感到亲情的温暖与无私.那时的亲情是生病时的探望与呵护, 顿挫时的鼓励与支持,也是得意忘形时的棒喝……是亲情的力量支撑着我们慢慢长大,...

help with housework 英语作文 80字
下面我准备了三篇关于help with housework的英文作文,从决定帮忙做家务的原因,帮忙做家务的过程,帮助做家务的感受三个方向准备的,每篇作文保证都够80字。第一篇范文:作文:My mother works very hard every day, making breakfast and sending me to school in the morning. In the evening, I ...

单选的最后一题没有做对,就是因为思维过于局限,不能往另一个方向想。所以平时要认真对待老师找来的经典题型,以锻炼自己。 月考尚未成功,同志仍须努力! 八年级语文作文 篇3 一、基础知识 作文是字、词、句、段篇的综合训练,它体现出每位同学的认识水平和文字表达能力。 1.审题 只有准确地审清题意,透彻理解...

六年级语文作文10 又上语文课了,在所有麻魔法课程中,我最喜欢上语文课了,今天刘老师上的是朱自清的《背影》。 老师讲生字时,自动粉笔在黑板上写出几个生字和新词。这时,老师的教棍飞来飞去,指着生词,刘老师读到哪,教棍指到哪,自动粉笔“写”出的字能根据不同学生的视力放大、缩小。竟然每个学生看到的字都一样...

作文是字、词、句、段篇的综合训练,它体现出每位同学的认识水平和文字表达能力。 1.审题 只有准确地审清题意,透彻理解题目的意思,解决好“写什么”的问题,写起来才能保证不偏题,不致于“下笔千言,离题万里”。这里教给同学们三种审题方法: (1)分析法:先把题目按词拆开,然后一个词一个词琢磨,理解每个词的意...

从那以后我就经常看报,遇到不懂的字就问奶奶,后来上小学的时候我就认得了很多汉字。 其实语文就在我明年的生活里,只要你人真去体会就一顶能发觉很多很多的学问! 生活中的语文优秀作文6 语文,是一幅意境深远的油画,让人流连忘返;语文,是一桌风味绝伦的佳肴,让人垂涎三尺;语文,是一首优美动人的乐曲,让人沉醉...

写I love my family的80字的英语作文加翻译
I love my family I have a big family . I love my family very much. there are six people in my family. They are my grandparents , my parents, my sister and I. My grandparents are very old . They are both 70 years old. They stay at home every day. My parents are ...
