正则表达式(\/[^0-9]\/g,'')中的"\/g"是什么意思 ???
表达式加上参数g之后,表明可以进行全局匹配,注意这里“可以”的含义。对于表达式对象的exec方法,不加入g,则只返回第一个匹配,无论执行多少次均是如此。如果加入g,则第一次执行也返回第一个匹配,再执行返回第二个匹配,依次类推。例如 var regx=\/user\/d\/;var str=“user18dsdfuser2dsfsd”;va...
1、ilysm=I love you so much:我非常爱你。2、imysm=I miss you so much:我非常想念你。3、glove——give love:给予爱。4、shmily——see how much I love you:知道我有多么爱你!5、gmomotdly——give me one more opportunity to do love you:给我一次再爱你的机会。6、dove——do ...
Baytril 10 拜有利(恩诺沙星)10 Oral solution 口服溶液 anti-infective agent for the therapy and prophylaxis of infectious diseases by Mycoplasma as well as gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria 是一种治疗和预防支原体以及革兰氏阴性菌和阳性菌感染的抗菌药物。1ml contains 100mg 1毫升含有...
英语常用缩略词有:OIC--Oh I see(我明白了);BRB--Be right back(马上回来);BFN--Bye for now(再见);LOL--Laughing out loud(大笑);ASAP --As soon as possible(尽快);BTW--By the way(顺便说一下);JK--Just kidding(仅仅是玩笑);TTYL --Talk to you later(晚点说)。表...
GM-GameMaster,游戏管理员。理论上是维持游戏秩序的。。有时也被当做出气筒用 HP-生命值 Incoming(INC)-有怪物或者敌人接近。KOS-KilledonSight,敌对npc打算杀你。一般说某某会kos我。LOOT-从被杀死的怪物或包箱里拿取财物。LVL-Level,等级。MOB-怪物。Newbie-菜鸟,有时用来形容新玩家的一个术语,但...
(6) Rubin SC,Hoskins WJ,Saigo PE;Prognostic factors for recurrence following negative second-look laparotomy in ovarian cancer patients treated with platinum-based chemotherapy.Gyneco Oncol 42:137-141,1991(7) Markman M:Intraperitoneal antineoplastic agents fou tumors principally confined to the ...
示例3:原句 “Tourism can have a negative effect on the natural environment.” 替换为 “Tourism can exert a negative effect on the natural environment.” 扩展:“As countless holidaymakers flood into the tourist spot, tourism can exert a negative effect on the natural environment, ...
本杰明 富兰克林 英语简介
the creation of many of the specific terms such as positive, negative, electrical conductors, batteries, charger, Spark GM to become the world's vocabulary. He borrowed the concept of positive and negative on mathematics, science and the first to use positive and negative electrical c...
& Mold:<100CFU\/gm沙门氏菌Salmonella: Negative大肠杆菌E.Coli: Negative储藏条件Storage: 阴凉、干燥、避光。Store in cool & dry place, Keep away from strong light and heat.有效期Shelf life:12个月,12 Months when properly stored。药理作用:抗高血压,抗心率不齐,兴奋子宫的作用。
Copyright 什么意思?
Intellectual property standards, especially patents and copyright, had negative effects or might have negative effects on the public domain.知识产权标准,特别是专利和版权对于公有领域有负面或可能有负面影响。A High Court judge in London did not agree. He said the idea was too general to ...