For the farm, I think we are all familiar with incredible now! However, it must be really really been very few farmers, but today I was very lucky to go to experience farm.
Came to the countryside, I saw a tall and magnificent camphor Yi Keke, patchwork housing. Pine after they have a piece of land, on the ground all kinds of green vegetables and Cheng Cheng yellow flowers, are distributed throughout the rural areas of the aromatic flowers and grass. Just over the winter, farmers began to spring, they carrying a hoe, holding buckets of fertilizer, Tanaka backwards to keep fertilizer, did not turn back time on a soil with a hoe, and some vegetables have to bear the fruit, and some still have not put the bud, is no loss can be said to people, each strain of vegetables all have different sizes of fruit.
Honest farmers wearing a simple coarse clothes, barefoot, carrying a hoe came to the field, struggling to hoe the vegetable.
Is a human being can be described as ground early spring, just before spring opened the oil preserved vegetables over the entire field. Look at the distant golden rape, it seems that exudes a strange light, I can not help but rape that was attracted by the appearance of snakes. Blooming petals with drops of morning dew still on the vague shapes of beautiful flowers, reflected the sun's light, I am tempted to come to rape him, and revel in the flower world.
The weekend is coming.
I will have a happy weekend.
On Saturday morning, I’m going to do my homework. And then, I’m going out to play.
I’m going to the bookstore and read some books. In the evening, I am going to have dinner with my parents outside.
On Sunday morning, I’m going to the library or do my homework.
And then, I’m going to listen to music. In the afternoon, I’m going to go shopping with my mother.
I like shopping very much.This is my happy and busy weekend.
Do you like this weekend?
Came to the countryside, I saw a tall and magnificent camphor Yi Keke, patchwork housing. Pine after they have a piece of land, on the ground all kinds of green vegetables and Cheng Cheng yellow flowers, are distributed throughout the rural areas of the aromatic flowers and grass. Just over the winter, farmers began to spring, they carrying a hoe, holding buckets of fertilizer, Tanaka backwards to keep fertilizer, did not turn back time on a soil with a hoe, and some vegetables have to bear the fruit, and some still have not put the bud, is no loss can be said to people, each strain of vegetables all have different sizes of fruit.
Honest farmers wearing a simple coarse clothes, barefoot, carrying a hoe came to the field, struggling to hoe the vegetable.
Is a human being can be described as ground early spring, just before spring opened the oil preserved vegetables over the entire field. Look at the distant golden rape, it seems that exudes a strange light, I can not help but rape that was attracted by the appearance of snakes. Blooming petals with drops of morning dew still on the vague shapes of beautiful flowers, reflected the sun's light, I am tempted to come to rape him, and revel in the flower world.
● 家庭方面 家庭生活是学生生活的重要组成部分,许多值得挖掘的素材都来自家庭。比如:家人的聚会、旅游、钓鱼、年夜饭、农家乐等集体活动;还有家人教你学本领、帮你化解矛盾等。请看下面选材于家庭生活的一个作文片段:年三十的下午,我走在去姥姥家的胡同里,为了抵御寒风的侵袭,我在心里勾勒着一桌...
作文是由文字组成,经过人的思想考虑,通过语言组织来表达一个主题意义的文体。四年级游什么半命题作文怎么写呢?下面我给大家收集了关于游___作文四年级下册的内容,欢迎学习借鉴! 游___作文四年级下册【篇1】 8月23日,我在湖南平江游“纯溪小镇”。 从家到纯溪小镇大约半小时左右,从车上往窗外看,景色已经美不...
一家人和和气气的住在一栋房子里,还养着满圈的肥猪,好一派温馨的“农家乐”。中国人该是最安土重迁的吧,因为有家,能遮蔽一切苦风愁雨,干吗还得四处奔波呢? 出门在外,几乎所有的宾馆都有这样一条标语:“宾至如归”,看多了不禁就多想,真的吗?仅那些叠得整整齐齐的床铺,冰冰冷不透一丝温情的被褥和...
初三语文作文 篇3 一个美丽似幻境的地方,那里彩云在飘荡,风中阵阵清香,似于游者相乐,提起这美丽似幻境的银梦湖。谁能不为之心驰神往!到银梦湖去吧,在那里醉入暖风中。涉足澜沧碧水,和大自然这一次亲密接触! 阵阵菜香扑鼻来 到了银梦湖,乘船西行到了“农家乐”那里人人好客,坐在宽敞明丽的楼阁里,阵阵菜香扑鼻...
金华万盛旅游景点介绍作文 金华万盛旅游景点介绍作文三百字
TEL:023-48270487),永胜宾馆(标间:80元,平时可以打8折,上次我们住的那里,干净卫生,性价比很高:TEL:023-85390399)还有其他的一些小旅馆之类的,环境卫生不敢恭维了。 当然还有旅游区周围的农家乐(50-150元不等)用餐篇:在当地我觉得早餐最好吃当地地道小面,遍布大街小巷随处可见,3元\/2两。 还有当地有加火锅-红红...
无论是身处学校还是步入社会,大家都接触过作文吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的记叙方法。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是我整理的六年级作文9篇,仅供参考,希望能够帮助到大家。 六年级作文 篇1 每当在3月下旬的晚上,只要我听见窗外“哗啦啦”的雨声,我就知道春天来了。 春风吹走了冬天的寒冷,带来了温暖...
中秋,这个词人们再也熟悉不过了。一想到中秋,就会想到“月亮”、“月饼”等词。每年中秋,人们过的方式也不同:一家人吃上一次团圆饭、带着月饼去赏月、逛街、在家里看中秋晚会…… 中秋的月亮,是那么的圆,那么的亮。中秋节这个节日是由许多神话传说而定的:嫦娥奔月、吴刚伐桂、玉兔捣药…… 我们爱吃的月饼则是...
五一劳动节的作文400字 篇1 辛勤的劳动会创造出无穷的财富,人每天都离不开劳动,劳动需要付出大量的时间,精力和体力,也会带来辛苦和疲劳,但俗话说:一分耕耘,一分收获,付出越多,回报的越多,所以劳动是需要诚实勤奋的,不可以投机取巧的,每个人都会有劳动的开端,我也不例外。 在我刚上学的一个周末,很早就把作业...
长沙在发展,两型社会、融城这些大口号大计划离我们老百姓的生活听起来有些远,但新长沙却确实是要靠着咱这些平头百姓来建设,长沙过去是什么样子我不知道,现在是什么样子我正在经历,将来是什么样子还得由人去憧憬去建设,长沙的好与不好,仁者见仁智者见智,还是留到大家来评说吧…… 7. 我的家乡作文300字 家乡的...