Admission reason: A tumur-like growing shows in the right breast for about 1 year, and biopsy confirmed cancer cells for about a month ago.
Patient's general appearance: No abnomal findings in cardiac-pulmonary system, adominal region and vital signs are stable.
Cancer specialist findings: Found a aproximately 1.5 cm X 1.5 cm hardening in the lower edge of the right breast. The skin surface is smooth, no reports of pain from the patient while putting presure on the hardening area. No secretion from the nipple when putting presure to it. No findings of any lymph nodes in the right axilary area.
Diagnosis: Right breast cancer (post biopsy)
During hospitalization: Finished pre-surgery physical examination, on 07/26/10 performed biopsy with local anesthesia.
Pathophisiology (post biopsy): Invasive ductal carcinoma in the right breast. ER(+++),PR(+++),cerbb(-),Ki-76
On 07/29/10, perfromed Right side mastectomy + sentinal lymph node biopsy
Post surgery: 08/03/10, started chemotherapy (120 mg Docetaxel + CTx1g) for a week. Patient tolerated the procedure well. The surgical side was healing properly. CBC/BMP is within normal range. Patient's discharged.
Post-surgery biopsy shows: T1N0M0
Physical status of the patient while discharging: Patient's vital signs are stable. No major complains of discomfort, no abnormal findings in cardiac-pulmonary systems and adominal region.
Follow up with scheduled outpatient treatments
PRN treatment for increasing WBC
**.带升白针出院备用**. 这个我也不太明白,因为按常理这个不应该带回家的
入院诊断:1.左甲状腺残叶肿物 2.左侧甲状腺癌术后 3.双侧结节性甲状腺肿术后 出院诊断:1.左侧甲状腺残叶乳头状癌 2.左侧甲状腺癌术后 3.双侧结节性甲状腺肿术后 4.重度缺铁性贫血 5.电解质紊乱:低钾,低钙血症 6.高血压病 7.左肾囊肿 8.甲状旁腺功能减退症 9.乙型肝炎病毒携带者 入院情况:患者何平,女,43岁,以“双侧甲状腺术后四年”为主述诉入院。查体:神志清楚,颈软,颈静脉无怒张,气管居中,左侧甲状腺可触及肿物,大小分别为1.5cm*0.5cm、2.5cm*1.5cm,形状不规则,肿物偏硬,呈实性感,表面光滑,境界欠清,可随吞咽动作上下移动,无压痛,无震颤,未及血管杂音,右侧未扪及明显肿物。4、辅助检查:甲状腺彩超(福清市医院2011.02.21)示:双侧甲状腺术后,左侧颈部上段低回声团块。 诊疗经过:入院后完善相关辅助检查,排除手术禁忌症,于2011.03.07在全麻下行“左侧甲状腺残叶切除 左侧淋巴结改良性清扫 左侧喉返神经探查术”。术后予抗炎、止血、补液等治疗、患者恢复良好,引流管已拔除,手术切口愈合佳,无渗血、渗液,未拆线。术后病理示:(左侧甲状腺残叶及第VI组LN)乳头状癌,侵及甲状腺被膜、周围纤维脂肪组织及临近的4枚淋巴结。另查见淋巴结(1/1)查见转移癌。淋巴结:左颈III区LN(0/13),左颈IV区LN(0/1),左颈II a区LN(0/2),左颈V区LN(0/3),左颈II b区LN(0/3)未见癌转移。另于(左颈II bLN)查见甲状腺组织,灶区细胞密集,生长活跃,灶区呈乳头状增生。患者术后血压波动于140-160/90-100mmHg,行肾上腺CT示:左肾囊肿;双侧肾上腺CT平扫 增强未见明显异常。醛固酮卧立位测验结果未见异常。8AM皮质醇679.8nmol/L,4PM皮质醇554.3nmol/L,去甲肾上腺素402pg/ml,肾上腺素128pg/ml。 出院情况:目前患者一般情况好,血压仍波动于140-160/90-100mmHg之间,余无特殊不适。今要求出院,请示上级予以办理。 出院嘱咐:继续治疗:出院带药:优乐甲100ug Qd*7天;复可托2支 qd*7;罗盖全0.5ugbid*7天;钙尔奇D600 0.6gbid*7;氯化钾缓释片 1gtid*7。2.注意事项:注意血钾、血钙情况,定期复查,建议往心血管内科治疗高血压。 3.门诊随访:定期复查甲状腺功能及甲状腺彩超
Her mother had a thyroid tumor surgery in 2007 and had a second operation in 2011. She now resides in Europe and needs regular review. However, doctors need to know the previous medical records before they are willing to give treatment. Here I have found several translation companies. I am not willing to translate. I am afraid that the translation mistakenly delays treatment and I cannot believe in translation software. Therefore, I would like to ask good-hearted people for help. The situation is really urgent. Please, thank you very much. The following is the original text of the medical record, thanks again.
Admission diagnosis: 1. Left thyroid remnant leaf tumor 2. Left thyroid cancer 3. Postoperative diagnosis of bilateral nodular goiter: 1. Left thyroid residual leaf papillary carcinoma 2. Left thyroid cancer 3. Postoperative 3. Bilateral nodular goiter postoperative 4. Severe iron deficiency anemia 5. Electrolyte disturbance: hypokalemia, hypocalcemia 6. Hypertension 7. Left renal cyst 8. Hypoparathyroidism 9 Hepatitis B virus carriers admitted to the hospital: He Ping, female, 43 years old, was admitted to the hospital on the basis of "four years after bilateral thyroidectomy." Physical examination: conscious, soft neck, no angulation of the jugular vein, central trachea, left thyroid palpable mass, size 1.5cm*0.5cm, 2.5cm*1.5cm, irregular shape, hard mass, Really sexy, smooth surface, less clear boundary, can move up and down with swallowing movements, no tenderness, no tremor, no vascular murmur, the right side of the palpable mass. 4, auxiliary examination: thyroid color Doppler ultrasound (Fuqing Hospital 2011.02.21) showed: after bilateral thyroid surgery, the left upper cervical hypoechoic mass. After the diagnosis and treatment: After admission, improve the relevant auxiliary examination, remove surgical contraindications, in 2011.03.07 under general anesthesia, "Left left thyroid resection of the left side of lymph nodes modified sweep left recurrent laryngeal nerve exploration." Postoperative anti-inflammatory, hemostasis, rehydration and other treatment, the patient recovered well, the drainage tube has been removed, the surgical incision healed well, no bleeding, exudation, no stitches. Postoperative pathology showed (pig left thyroid and VI group LN) papillary carcinoma, invasion of the thyroid capsule, surrounding fibrous adipose tissue, and adjacent four lymph nodes. Also check the lymph nodes (1/1) to find metastatic cancer. Lymph nodes: LN(0/13) in the left neck III area, LN(0/1) in the left neck IV area, LN(0/2) in the left neck IIa area, LN(0/3) in the left neck V area, left neck II There was no cancer metastasis in LN (0/3) in b area. Another thyroid tissue (left neck II bLN) was found. The tumor area was dense, with active growth and papillary hyperplasia. Postoperative blood pressure fluctuates in the range of 140-160/90-100 mmHg. Adrenal CT indicates: left renal cyst; no obvious abnormalities were found in plain CT scans of bilateral adrenal glands. No abnormality was found in the aldosterone standing position test. 8AM cortisol 679.8nmol/L, 4PM cortisol 554.3nmol/L, norepinephrine 402pg/ml, epinephrine 128pg/ml. Discharge: At present, the patient is generally in good condition, and the blood pressure still fluctuates between 140-160/90-100 mmHg. There is no special discomfort. This time it is required to leave the hospital and ask the superior to handle it. Hospital discharge: continue treatment: discharged with medicine: excellent music A 100ug Qd * 7 days; complex can care 2 qd * 7; Luoge full 0.5ugbid * 7 days; Calci D600 0.6gbid * 7; potassium chloride slow Release tablets 1gtid * 7. 2. Note: attention to potassium, calcium, regular review, it is recommended to cardiovascular treatment of hypertension. 3. Outpatient follow-up: regular review of thyroid function and thyroid color ultrasonography
Initial diagnosis: 1. Rheumatic heart disease mitral insufficiency 2. Arrhythmia atrial fibrillation 3. Cardiac function grade Ⅲ Supplementary examination:1. The heart of color: AO 36mm PA 36mm LA 46mm LV 75mm RA 49mm RV 18mm EF 51.50 Diagnostic tips: the expansion of the left ...
Mail as follows;Because I tooth ache during the period of the class examination in the bec of May, this year, influenced my seriously exertive.Hope you can consider to try me winding to re- beat a cent and change grade.Have the medical history as certificate.(right after ...
Hospital medical records。根据法律规定,病历分为三种:一、住院病历,医院保管时间不得少于30年,遗失或损坏均为院方责任;二、在医院建立档案的门诊病历,医院保管时间不得少于15年;三、由患者保存的门诊病历,包括化验单、检查单、挂号票根等,这些患者一定要妥善保管。医院有没有保存患者病例的义务,...
化验单laboratorio dela hoja 1.肝功能de la función hepática 肾功能La función renal 血清suero 电解质electrólito 2.乙肝La hepatitis B 丙肝La hepatitis C 3.梅毒sífilis 4.爱滋病SIDA 5.血透记录registrosde hemodiálisis 6.姓名nombre 年龄edad 性别género 7.病历Los registros médicos ...
求高人帮忙翻译下这份病历 医生写的实在看不懂
首先先问一下你的病情,才能根据病情推断出来一些,以下是我给你简单翻译的:左阴...根部疼痛不适4天 查体阴性 B超阴性 尿常规阴性 下面的药更得需要你的病情来判断,希望你先介绍一下病情,就相对好翻译一些 其中一种药是头孢类的,你可以自选头孢类的都可以 ...
density is uniform; splenic vein distended; pancreatic and bilateral kidneys have no obvious abnormity; after peritoneal no significant lymphadenopathy; intraperitoneal effusion.Impression:1, the left lobe of liver lesions, considering primary liver cancer.2, liver cirrhosis, splenomegaly.
s sign positive.No shifting dullness heard on percussion.The clinical diagnosis on admission was acute appendicitis.Emergent operation should be performed after the routine examination.左下腹部软,无压痛。罗符辛氏征阳性,无移动性浊音叩诊,临床诊断为急性阑尾炎,急诊手术应常规检查后进行。
请帮忙翻译一下医生写在病历本上的几句话 实在看不清 有图
复原记录如下:G2P0(孕期两次,生产零次)。2011年进行宫颈CIN III锥切术。无药物过敏史。妇检结果显示:外阴正常,阴道畅通,粘膜无充血,具体位置暂时无法看清。宫颈光滑,为锥切术后的变化,其他部分触诊不明确。宫颈细胞学检查未能配合完成。人乳头瘤状病毒检测未进行。详细病历记录如下:患者G2P0,2011...