otherwise,其发音为英[ˈʌðəwaɪz]或美[ˈʌðərwaɪz],作副词时意为"否则",表示如果条件不成立时的情况。例如:"We're committed to the project. We wouldn't be here otherwise." 这句话意味着,如果我们全心投入,才会出现在这里,否则就不会有这种结果。
orelse, 发音为英[ɔ:els]或美[ɔrˈɛlˌz],通常用于口语或非正式场合,也可表示威胁或选择。比如:"This time, we really need to succeed or else people will start giving us funny looks." 这里强调了成功的重要性,否则就会面临负面的反应。
"否则'Otherwise, '
否则 用英语怎么
否则 英语怎么说
or 一般表示否则,给你举个例子:I have to get up early or i will not catch up the bus!
otherwise、or 例:Pay attention not to tell the other delegations about our facility, otherwise(或or) they will all want it and that is not possible.注意不要向其它代表团透露我们的设备,否则他们都会想得到同样的设备,而那是不可能的。
像“因为、此外、否则、既然” 这样的英语单词或短语
回答:因为 because owing to on account of by reason that because of for as much as for inasmuch in respect that as what with that insomuch as inasmuch as being that for reasons of one reason or another by occasion of by reason of 此外 moreover besides furthermore in ...
“否则,我会告到消协来维护我的合法权益”--- Otherwise, I will go to the Consumers Association to get back my legitimate right.
除非...否则 英语怎么说
除非...否则 Unless ... otherwise 满意请采纳,谢谢
Otherwise, the consequences are serious.望我的回答有用哈.
否则我们将不会让你进入英语怎么说否则不用or 并且填三空
otherwise you won't be let in