不甚感激!! 请专家帮我把这份彩超报告单翻译成英文!急用!
甲状腺形态大小正常,包膜尚光滑,腺体组织回声不均,于右侧叶下极 探及一低回声结节,大小约0.46cm X 0.41cm,界尚清,内见多个点状强回声,CDFI检查结节周边及内部见稍丰富血流信号,整个腺体血供尚正常。
双侧颈部大血管旁 探及多个低回声结节,右侧大者约1.3cm X 0.28cm, 左侧大者约1.4cm X 0.4cm,边界清楚,内回声尚均匀,CDFI检查未见明显异常彩色血流信号。
Color Doppler Ultrasonography Diagnostic Report
Examination positions: thyroid gland and lymph node at the neck
Examination findings:
The size of thyroid morphology is normal, its envelope still smooth, inhomogeneous echo is observed on gland tissues; the lower pole of right lobe shows a 0.46cm X 0.41cm low echo nodule still with clear territories, strong echo of multiple dots is observed inside; slightly abundant blood flow signals are observed around and inside of nodule by CDFI examination; blood supply of the whole gland organ is still normal.
Adjacent to the large blood vessels at both sides of the neck show multiple low echo nodules, the size of large nodule at the right side is about 1.3cm X 0.28cm, large nodule at the left side is about 1.4cm X 0.4cm,both territories are clear, the internal echo is quite homogenous, abnormal color Doppler flow signal is not detected by CDFI examination.
甲状腺右侧叶实性结节伴钙化 (MT未排)
This examination indicates that:
Solid nodule with calcification at the right lobe of thyroid gland (MT not discharged)
Lymph nodes detected at both sides of the neck
Please combine clinic with close follow-ups, and receive further examination when necessary.
Color Doppler ultrasonic diagnosis report
Check the site: thyroid and neck lymph nodes
Check to see:
Thyroid form the normal size, capsule is smooth, gland organization echo differentials, in the right under leaves very agent and one low echo nodules, about the size of 0.46 cm X 0.41 cm, ShangQing world, seen several strong echoes in the patch, CDFI inspection nodules and see a little rich around the internal flow signals, the gland is normal blood supply.
Bilateral neck out more than the great vessels and low echo nodules, the right ones about 1.3 cm X 0.28 cm, interceded on the left is about 1.4 cm X 0.4 cm, borders, inside the echo is even, CDFI inspection has not seen the apparently unusual color doppler signal.
Examination of the:
Thyroid nodule with calcification YeShi sex on the right (MT not row)
Bilateral neck agent and lymph nodes
Please combined with clinical and closely followed up, when necessary further examination
Color Doppler ultrasonic diagnosis report
Check the site: thyroid and neck lymph nodes
Check to see:
Thyroid form the normal size, capsule is smooth, gland organization echo differentials, in the right under leaves very agent and one low echo nodules, about the size of 0.46 cm X 0.41 cm, ShangQing world, seen several strong echoes in the patch, CDFI inspection nodules and see a little rich around the internal flow signals, the gland is normal blood supply.
Bilateral neck out more than the great vessels and low echo nodules, the right ones about 1.3 cm X 0.28 cm, interceded on the left is about 1.4 cm X 0.4 cm, borders, inside the echo is even, CDFI inspection has not seen the apparently unusual color doppler signal.
Examination of the:
Thyroid nodule with calcification YeShi sex on the right (MT not row)
Bilateral neck agent and lymph nodes
Please combined with clinical and closely followed up, when necessary further examination
Color Doppler ultrasonic diagnosis report
Check the site: thyroid and neck lymph nodes
Check to see:
Thyroid form the normal size, capsule is smooth, gland organization echo differentials, in the right under leaves very agent and one low echo nodules, about the size of 0.46 cm X 0.41 cm, ShangQing world, seen several strong echoes in the patch, CDFI inspection nodules and see a little rich around the internal flow signals, the gland is normal blood supply.
Bilateral neck out more than the great vessels and low echo nodules, the right ones about 1.3 cm X 0.28 cm, interceded on the left is about 1.4 cm X 0.4 cm, borders, inside the echo is even, CDFI inspection has not seen the apparently unusual color doppler signal.
Examination of the:
Thyroid nodule with calcification YeShi sex on the right (MT not row)
Bilateral neck agent and lymph nodes
Please combined with clinical and closely followed up, when necessary further examination 。
Color Doppler ultrasonic diagnosis report
Check the site: thyroid and neck lymph nodes
Check to see:
Thyroid normal shape and size, coating is smooth, glandular tissue echo is not equal, to the right lobe of lower pole probe and a hypoechoic nodules, about the size of the 0.46cm X0.41cm, Shang Qing, seen in multiple punctate echogenic, CDFI nodules in the peripheral and internal slightly rich blood flow signals, the whole gland blood supply is normal
Bilateral neck exploration near great vessels and multiple hypoechoic nodules, right big about 1.3cm X0.28cm,1.4cm X0.4cm left for about, clear boundary, internal echo is homogeneous, CDFI examination showed no obvious abnormal color flow signal.
Check tips:
The thyroid gland right Ye Shi sex tubercle partner calcification ( MT Unsorted)
Bilateral neck exploration and lymph node
Please a combination of clinical, close follow-up, if necessary, further examination
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回答:病情分析: 你好!不知道你是感觉哪一侧有疼感?从你的检查结果来看,左侧精索静脉有增粗,这种情况容易发生精索静脉曲张问题,但现在并没有曲张。 指导意见: 首先需要确定你的感觉症状与这个检查是否相符(是否同一侧)。 你的症状不一定就是静脉的增粗原因引起的。因此需要根据你的具体情况判断是否有其它...