云与波 Clouds and waves
MOTHER, the folk who live up in the clouds call out to me-- 妈妈,住在云端的人对我唤道——“我们从醒的时候游戏到白日终止。
"We play from the time we wake till the day ends. “我们与黄金色的曙光游戏,我们与银白色的月亮游戏。”
We play with the golden dawn, we play with the silver moon. 我问道:“但是,我怎么能够上你那里去呢?”
I ask, "But, how am I to get up to you?" They answer, "Come to the edge of the earth, lift up your hands to the sky, and you will be taken up into the clouds." 他们答道:“你到地球的边上来,举手向天,就可以被接到云端里来了。”
"My mother is waiting for me at home," I say. "How can I leave her and come?" “我妈妈在家里等我呢,”我说,“我怎么能离开她而来呢?”
Then they smile and float away. 于是他们微笑着浮游而去。
But I know a nicer game than that, mother. 但是我知道一件比这个更好的游戏,妈妈。
I shall be the cloud and you the moon. 我做云,你做月亮。
I shall cover you with both my hands, and our house-top will be the blue sky. 我用两只手遮盖你,我们的屋顶就是青碧的天空。
The folk who live in the waves call out to me-- 住在波浪上的人对我唤道—— “我们从早晨唱歌到晚上;我们前进又前进地旅行,也不知我们所经过的是什么地方。”
"We sing from morning till night; on and on we travel and know not where we pass." 我问道:“但是,我怎么能加入你们队伍里去呢?”
I ask, "But, how am I to join you?" They tell me, "Come to the edge of the shore and stand with your eyes tight shut, and you will be carried out upon the waves." 他们告诉我说:“来到岸旁,站在那里,紧闭你的两眼,你就被带到波浪上来了。”
I say, "My mother always wants me at home in the evening--how can I leave her and go?" 我说:“傍晚的时候,我妈妈常要我在家里——我怎么能离开她而去呢!”
Then they smile, dance and pass by. 于是他们微笑着,跳舞着奔流过去。
But I know a better game than that. 但是我知道一件比这个更好的游戏。
I will be the waves and you will be a strange shore. 我是波浪,你是陌生的岸。
I shall roll on and on and on, and break upon your lap with laughter. 我奔流而进,进,进,笑哈哈地撞碎在你的膝上。
And no one in the world will know where we both are. 世界上就没有一个人会知道我们俩在什么地方。
AH, these jasmines, these white jasmines!
I seem to remember the first day when I filled my hands with these jasmines, these white jasmines.
I have loved the sunlight, the sky and the green earth;
I have heard the liquid murmur of the river through the darkness of midnight;
Autumn sunsets have come to me at the bend of a road in the lonely waste, like a bride raising her veil to accept her lover.
Yet my memory is still sweet with the first white jasmines that I held in my hand when I was a child.
Many a glad day has come in my life, and I have laughed with merrymakers on festival nights.
On grey mornings of rain I have crooned many an idle song.
I have worn round my neck the evening wreath of bakulas woven by the hand of love.
Yet my heart is sweet with the memory of the first fresh jasmines that filled my hands when I was a child.
MOTHER, let us imagine we are travelling, and passing through a strange and dangerous country.
You are riding in a palanquin and I am trotting by you on a red horse.
It is evening and the sun goes down. The waste of Joradighi lies wan and grey before us. The land is desolate and barren.
You are frightened and thinking--"I know not where we have come to."
I say to you, "Mother, do not be afraid."
The meadow is prickly with spiky grass, and through it runs a narrow broken path.
There are no cattle to be seen in the wide field; they have gone to their village stalls.
It grows dark and dim on the land and sky, and we cannot tell where we are going.
Suddenly you call me and ask me in a whisper, "What light is that near the bank?"
Just then there bursts out a fearful yell, and figures come running towards us.
You sit crouched in your palanquin and repeat the names of the gods in prayer.
The bearers, shaking in terror, hide themselves in the thorny bush.
I shout to you, "Don't be afraid, mother. I am here."
With long sticks in their hands and hair all wild about their heads, they come nearer and nearer.
I shout, "Have a care! you villains! One step more and you are dead men."
They give another terrible yell and rush forward.
You clutch my hand and say, "Dear boy, for heaven's sake, keep away from them."
I say, "Mother, just you watch me."
Then I spur my horse for a wild gallop, and my sword and buckler clash against each other.
The fight becomes so fearful, mother, that it would give you a cold shudder could you see it from your palanquin.
Many of them fly, and a great number are cut to pieces.
I know you are thinking, sitting all by yourself, that your boy must be dead by this time.
But I come to you all stained with blood, and say, "Mother, the fight is over now."
You come out and kiss me, pressing me to your heart, and you say to yourself,
"I don't know what I should do if I hadn't my boy to escort me."
A thousand useless things happen day after day, and why couldn't such a thing come true by chance?
It would be like a story in a book.
My brother would say, "Is it possible? I always thought he was so delicate!"
Our village people would all say in amazement, "Was it not lucky that the boy was with his mother?"
英 诗《 Stray Birds 》摘 译《 泰 戈 尔 - 飞 鸟 集(12 则) 》
拉宾德拉纳特 · 泰戈尔(Rabindranath - Tagore / 1861—1941),印度诗人、文学家、社会活动家、哲学家和印度民族主义者。代表作有《吉檀迦利》、《飞鸟集》、《眼中沙》、《四个人》、《家庭与世界》、《园丁集》、《新月集》、《最后的诗篇》、《戈拉》、《文明的危机》等。 [1]1861年5月7日,拉宾德拉纳特·泰戈尔出生于印度加尔各答一个富有的贵族家庭,13岁即能创作长诗和颂歌体诗集。1878年赴英国留学,1880年回国专门从事文学活动。1884至1911年担任梵 社秘书,20年代创办国际大学。1913年,他以《吉檀迦利》成为第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的亚洲人。1941年写作控诉英国殖民统治和相信祖国必将获得独立解放的遗言《文明的危机》。
一. 原 文 / 解 读 / 中 译 文
Tagore's《 Stray Birds 》
—— by Rabindranath - Tagore(IND / 1861—1941)
英 诗《 泰 戈 尔 - 飞 鸟 集 》
—— 原 著 - 拉宾德拉纳特 · 泰戈尔(印度 / 1861—1941)
摘 译《 泰 戈 尔 - 飞 鸟 集(12 则) 》
—— 解 读 / 翻 译 - 李世纯 - 中国 长春 - 2020. 11. 23
1'. 《 飞 鸟 集(1)大音无声 大爱无形 》
Stray birds of summer come to my
window to sing and fly away. And
yellow leaves of autumn, which have
no songs, flutter and fall there with a sigh.
1.《 飞 鸟 集(4)委 曲 求 全 》
It is the tears of the
earth that keep her a
smiles in bloom.
润饰着自己___那笑容花季 ... ...
a. it ... that ...: it 与 that 之间内容表示:原作意欲着重,强调,彰显之事物;原作本意表达 “ 隐忍/屈己待人/忍辱求全/乐中有哀/甜中有苦 ”
b. 题目为本作追加,以阐明主题
2. 《 飞 鸟 集(13)天 道 酬 善 》
Listen ,
my heart ,
to the whispers of the world
with which it makes love to you !
世界她,她爱你,赞你,眷顾你 ... ...
Listen ,
my heart , b
to the whispers of the world
with which it makes love to you ! c. d
a. 读过原文,该不难想到“ 善有善报 ... ... ” ,“ 天道酬勤 ... ... ”,“ 润物细无声 ... ... ”,“ 送人玫瑰 ... ...” 等传统道德理念、人生世界观
b. 此处词义为“ 爱心、善举、 仁慈 ... ...”
c. 指代 whispers
d. 指代 the world
e. 题目为本作追加,以阐明主题
3. 《 飞 鸟 集(14)虚 实 分 明 》
THE mystery of creation is like the
darkness of night it is great. De-
delusions of knowledge are like the fog
of the morning. a
a. 原作本意:既要对比论事,又要对仗,对偶,且言辞明快,有理有据;;原作本意表达:褒奖创新创意为真,贬夷异想谬见为假
b. 题目为本作追加,以阐明主题
4.《 飞 鸟 集(15)过 犹 不 及 》
Do not seat your love upon a precipice a
because it is high.
a. Do not (1+1.2):否定本作中 because 及之后文字 ... ...,并非否定 seat (1+3);原作本意表达:爱非阳春白雪,海誓山盟,爱在朝朝暮暮,衣食住行
b. 题目为本作追加,以阐明主题
5.《 飞 鸟 集(44)大 浪 淘 沙 》
THE world rushes on over the strings
of the lingering heart making the music
of sadness.
弦拨踌躇迟疑 a
a. 本诗异曲同工汉语箴言经典:人无远虑常近忧,机遇惠顾有心人;不可因循守旧,故步自封,优柔寡断,要紧跟潮流,与时俱进
b. 题目为本作追加,以阐明主题
6. 《 飞 鸟 集(50)盖 心 智 者 》
THE mind, sharp but not broad, a
sticks at every point but does not move.
a. broad(50.1-1):本文中意指:大概/大略/粗略/略约/笼统/广泛地
b. 题目为本作追加,以阐明主题
7. 《 飞 鸟 集(87)渴 望 》
THIS longing is for the one who is
felt in the dark, but not seen in the
渴望者也, a
a. 原作本意:宏观、概论,非狭义、具体说事
b. 题目为本作追加,以阐明主题
8. 《 飞 鸟 集(120)静 夜 思 》
I feel thy beauty, dark night,
like that of the loved woman
when she has put out the lamp.
夜——静谧啊——好美——好惬意 ,
爱着的她呀——把灯儿熄 ... ... a
a. “ 爱着的 ” :本文中译文,属转译,若直译原文 the loved = “ 被爱的 ”:易使读者疑惑 woman “ 她 ” 在场与否,反亵渎原作主旨
b. 题目为本作追加,以阐明主题
9. 《 飞 鸟 集(138)书 不 尽 言 》
I am ashamed of my emptiness,
said the Word to the Work. b. c
I know how poor I am when I see you,
said the Work to the Word.
“ 词我自愧虚且空 ”,
“ 文我深感词贫穷,
每每幸相逢 ”... ...
a. 读过原文该不难想到我国文坛大师 “ 书不尽言,言不尽意 ” ,“ 名可名,非常名 ” 等传统辩证为文理念
b. 此处可以理解为“ 词汇/言语/单词 ... ...”
c. 此处可以理解为“ 作品/文章/论说/著述 ... ...”
d. 题目为本作追加,以阐明主题
10. 《 飞 鸟 集(144) 哀 怨 LOGO 》
ONE sad voice has its nest among
the ruins of the years.
It sings to me in the night, "I
loved you."
“ 爱你,爱你 ... ...我爱过你 ” ... ... a
a. 原作本意:嘲讽因循守旧,落伍时代,吐槽时尚,怨天尤人,消极厌世,永远滞后社会发展病态心理
b. 题目为本作追加,以阐明主题
11. 《 飞 鸟 集 (146)醋 坛 》
I HAVE my stars in the sky, b
But oh for my little lamp unlit in a
my house.
a. 本文语感风趣幽默,笔调自嘲自弄,妙笔揶揄,调侃天下 “ 醋坛 ”
b. little (146.2-4): 此处侧重表达心理情感爱意之“ 小 ”,非局限实物实体之“ 小”,属昵称
c. 题目为本作追加,以阐明主题
d. HAVE:本文意为:自身蒙/遭/享受 ... ... 某后/结果,使 ... ... 处于 ... ... 某后/结果;致使 ... ... 成为 ... ... 之状/态;此处词义并非 “ 具有 ”;参考 1:They had two houses sold up last week ; 参考 2:We've had it done for long. 我们早齐活了
二. 译 注 / 译 后 感
a'. 首先,特别鸣谢:本作主要参考文献 a 本作主要参考文献 b
本作主要参考文献 c 本作主要参考文献 d
a. 原著作者拉宾德拉纳特 · 泰戈尔作品寓意独到别致,思想淋漓入微,立意发人深省,语感文情并茂,富含东方禅哲,堪称时代首肯,举世公认,且手笔简洁明快,朗朗上口,想必译界非诗意《泰戈尔》,韵律《飞鸟集》或有耽告慰诗人,有逊饕餮华语受众;为阐明主题理解,副标题为本作追加
b. 一个单词、一个文字,无论中外,其真正含义、生命活力,不仅在专家学者的词典、时尚强大的百度,也不仅在词法、句法、语法,而更多体现在实地的、实践中的语言、语句、语境、篇章的字里行间;翻译要完美原意,更要完美传递;原意传递要完美,其载体修辞不可或缺
c. 本作译文尚有无奈数笔,期待更多诗友、译友积极参与,相互学习,共同提高
高级英语第一册第三课ship in the desert 的全文翻译
1、I was standing in the hot sun on the hot steel deck of a fishing boat. The fishing boat can process up to 15 tons of fish a day during the harvest season. But it's not harvest time.我头顶烈日站在一艘渔船的滚烫的钢甲板上。这艘渔船在丰收季节一天所处理加工的鱼可达15吨。
...为什么还有别的说法 但大意都是一样的 是翻译的问题吗?
(I leave no trace of wings in the air,but I am glad I have had my flight.)这段诗句是泰戈尔最宝贵,最深遂的智慧的乍现。虽然有部分人喜欢把它诠释为:天空没有翅膀的痕迹,但鸟儿已飞过。可是,意韵并无二致。所想表达的,都是一种如何看待世界的方式。更多的是翻译为:天空没有翅膀的...
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下面是听的英文,自译,水平有限,有*的我不确定。I like to take this opportunity to thank Al Gore and Kevin,for giving the world the wake up call is so badly needs.right? 我要借此机会感谢凯文沃尔(执行制片)及主合作人戈尔,搞出了这么个世界急需的呼声……and for starting ***th...
i need to wake up这首歌的翻译
带我去我想去的地方 To comprehend the things that I can’t see 去领悟我无法看清的东西 Cause I need to move 因此我要行动 I need to wake up 我要醒来 I need to change 我要改变 I need to shake up 我要振作 I need to speak out 我要表达 Something’s got to break up 摧毁...
的曲目中文翻译 (好在我还蛮喜欢他的,就辛苦点一个一个凑吧)1.The Gypsy Maid 吉普赛少女 2.Requiem 安魂曲 3.Child in Paradise 天国的孩子(好听)4.Anthem 颂歌 5.Hall Of The Mountain King 在山魔的宫中 6.Nathrach 海蛇庙 7.Beyond Rangoon \/ Waters Of Irrawaddy 离开仰光/伊洛瓦底...