
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2025-01-09

1、Naive ghost(幼稚鬼)2、Flipped (怦然心动)3、Conceal 掩饰 4、Garbage (坏蛋)5、Porridge you(稀饭你)6、Sparkling crystal 亮晶晶 7、noregrets(无怨无悔)8、Traveler 释怀 9、Still 依旧 10、Arrange.(安排)11、The lane 深巷 12、Ricegirl(痞女)13、Socialman(社会人)14、From first...

游个来回 英文怎么翻译啊 在线等
He swam back and forth five times up and down the swimming pool.他在游泳池里游了5个来回。(词典上的标准说法)再多游一个一回:one more time, back and forth 踩水:tread water 蹬夹:kick and hold the water 划水:stroke,arm pulling,屏气:hold one's breath swim cap游泳帽,...

I like traveling. I'll have a dream: throughout China. Now I would like to travel, but because the relationship between work and have no time, it makes me feel very sorry. Because time is very compact and I followed Tours travel, so I prefer to travel in his car, like ...

我觉得这里最合适的应该是trip。journey的意思指旅程,旅途,如果说是journey to Korea感觉指的是从起始点到达韩国的旅程,所以不合适。travel,travelling词义泛指旅游,travel to Korea 翻译成去韩国旅游,travelling in korea 可以翻译成在韩国旅行,也是可行的。但是若要翻译成‘之旅’的话travel不合适,...

关于英文游戏翻译,英文游戏翻译软件这个很多人还不知道,今天来为大家解答以上的问题,现在让我们一起来看看吧!1、有能把手机英文游戏翻译成中文的软件。2、方法一:Babylon 是一款来自以色列相当优秀的多国语言免费翻译软件,全球领先的字典及翻译软件Babylon还推出了中文版,并提供免费下载。3、支持的互译...

该文从专有名词,节日文化,饮食文化,地名书名,谐音文化及著名诗词的中文英译几个方面,对旅游英语翻译问题方法进行初步探讨。1.1 旅游英语专有名词的翻译方法 要理解文章内容,离不开翻译,在此过程中,肯定要涉及翻译理论和技巧。旅游活动涉及食、宿、游、购、娱和文化。一些和旅游文化有关的名词的...

game 游戏

游戏英文是game,play,sport,recreation。游戏相关知识如下:Electronic Game电子游戏AVG(Adventure Game)冒险类游戏Graphic Adventure图形冒险类游戏Text Adventure文字冒险类游戏PZL(puzzle game)解密类游戏STG (shooting Game)射击类游戏Doom-like三维设计类游戏FTG(Fighting Game)格斗类游戏FlightSim飞机...

逸游[yì yóu]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?
”《明史·汪元锡传》:“陛下不以宗社为重,专事逸游,岂能长保天下?”见“ 逸游 ”。[逸游]百科解释 “逸游”是易游天下国际旅行社(北京)有限公司为打造出一个舒适安逸的旅游生活理念,而启用的全新品牌! 更多→ 逸游 [逸游]英文翻译 Yiyou [逸游]相关词语 恣睢 无赖 貔貅 紫色 ...

自助游 = Free and easy (package)团体游 = (All-inclusive) group tour


徐州市訾侦 ...... 4 But the traditional Chinese painting enjoys the very high sound by its glorious historical unique style as well as the bright national characteristic in the world . 5 Shanghai's Yufu Temple by has two rare images of Buddha to be famous, each becomes with the entire block white Burma jade carving.

公荣17296797786:求翻译成英文: 哈喽,大家好!我是这个动物园里的导游!欢迎来动物园,动物园里有许多有趣的动物.瞧!求翻译成英文:哈喽,大家好!我是这个动物园... -
徐州市訾侦 ...... [答案] Hello,everyone!I was in the zoo guide!Welcome to the zoo,there are manyinteresting animal in the zoo.Look!The koala,they come from Australia,theyAdorable,they like to eat leaves,like sleeping in the d...

公荣17296797786:翻译成英文:导游正领着参观者参观长城. The guide - -- - ----the visitors - ----the Great Wall. -
徐州市訾侦 ...... The guide __is__ __leading__the visitors __to___the Great Wall.

徐州市訾侦 ...... 当他的导游as his guide

公荣17296797786:a guide to China,是翻译成“到中国的导游”还是“负责游览中国的导游” -
徐州市訾侦 ...... [答案] 应该是“中国指南”

公荣17296797786:导游英文自我介绍.把下面的中文翻译成英文~ -
徐州市訾侦 ...... Hello, everyone, my name is XX, from XX, now we have the most beautiful youth, I don't want to in the twenty years of age but still do what you can do with a 80 - year - old, play computer, watch TV. I like to travel, with a smile, to visit the motherland of ...

公荣17296797786:英语翻译1,汉:欢迎来到中国 英:_____________________2,如果你来我们这个城市游玩,我来给你当导游.翻译:欢迎你到中国来游玩呢? -
徐州市訾侦 ...... [答案] Welcome to china. I will be your guider if you visit our city.

公荣17296797786:英语翻译我是小导游 -
徐州市訾侦 ...... [答案] I am a young tourist guide

公荣17296797786:把“经理你好,我在网上看到你们招聘导游的广告.我很坚信,自己是你们所需要的不二人选.”翻译成英语... -
徐州市訾侦 ...... Dear Manager,I find your advertisement for employing guide. I'm very confident that I will be your best choice.

公荣17296797786:英语翻译英语翻译.我对成为一名博物馆的导游感到兴奋 I being a guide at a museeum 准确. -
徐州市訾侦 ...... [答案] 不知道为什么要用 being 句型,其实用 be 就可以了: I'm excited to be a guide at a museum.