嵇袁19337548553:曾经沧海难为水,英语怎么讲啊? -
...... 我是英语专业的 关于这首诗的几位大家翻译有几种 列出来 你选选合适的 林语堂的翻译: it is difficult to be water for one who has seen the great seas ,and difficult to be clouds for one who has seen the Yangtze Gorges.翻译大师许渊冲的全诗译文 ...
嵇袁19337548553:求许渊冲教授对王维诗作《山居秋暝》的英文译本.谢谢. -
...... An Autumn Night in the Mountain by Wang Wei Empty is the mountain shortly after the rain, Cool is the night late in the autumn. Through the green pines the bright moon shines, Over the smooth stones the clear spring flows. The bamboo trees stir ...
嵇袁19337548553:有哪些好的英译中国古诗词 -
...... 下面这五首诗是众译界前辈的杰作.中文诗歌以单音节语言的明快节奏感,转换为英文诗歌那种悠远绵长的律动流转,两相配合,令人心生欢喜.  A Quatrain in Summer To be, one should be a rare fellow. Not to be, one should be a ghost hero....
嵇袁19337548553:谁有许渊冲的唐诗三百首英译啊?发给我五首十首咋样啊?Thank you very much!! -
...... 相思 唐• 王维红豆生南国,春来发几枝. 愿君多采撷,此物最相思.Lovesickness Don Wang Wei When those red berries come in springtime,flushing on your Southland branches. Take home an armful, for my sake, as a symbol of our love. ...
嵇袁19337548553:相思这首诗英文 咋读 -
...... 这首诗的英译版有很多,下面列举了翻译家许渊冲先生对这首诗的英译本:《相思》【唐代】 王维 红豆生南国,春来发几枝. 愿君多采撷,此物最相思.英译版: Love Seeds By Wang WeiRed berries grow in southern land. How many load in spring the trees? Gather them till full is your hand; They would revive fond memories.
嵇袁19337548553:想知道柳永《蝶恋花》许渊冲先生英译的版本 词是“伫倚危楼风细细”这首 -
...... Butterflies in Love with Flowers Liu YongI lean alone on balcony in light, light breeze; As far as the eyes sees, On the horizon dark parting grief grows unseen. In fading sunlight rises smoke over grass green. Who understands why mutely on the rails...
嵇袁19337548553:求:《静夜诗》英文版!!! -
...... 1).In the Still of the Night I descry bright moonlight in front of my bed. I suspect it to be hoary frost on the floor. I watch the bright moon, as I tilt back my head. I yearn, while stooping, for my homeland more. (徐忠杰) 2).A Tranquil Night Abed, I see a ...
嵇袁19337548553:求描写春天的古诗词,带英文翻译的.类似这样,是许渊冲翻译的. -
...... 春词 刘禹锡 Spring poems of Liu Yuxi 新妆宜面下朱楼,深锁春光一院愁.In gala robes she comes down from her chamber into her courtyard,enclosure of spring.行到中庭数花朵,蜻蜓飞上玉搔头.When she tries from the centre to count the flowers,...
嵇袁19337548553:谁有《诗经>“椒聊之实,蕃衍盈升.彼其之子,硕大无朋.椒聊且,远条且.”许渊冲版英译,急求! -
...... [答案] 你把邮箱发来.我把许译诗经给你发过去吧.这在《唐风·椒聊》.许先生翻译为:The fruit of pepper plant,Is so luxuriant.The woman there,Is large beyond compare.O pepper plant,extend Your shoots without end!...
嵇袁19337548553:书销中外40本,诗译英法第一人 怎么翻译许渊冲在名片上印有的 书消中外40本,诗译英法第一人 这句话怎么翻译啊 -
...... [答案] Xu books printed on business cards and foreign consumption 40,verse translation of the first to Britain and France