
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-04-28



是Blaxy girls的《If you feel my love》。

这首《If you feel my love》也是她们在罗马尼亚的一个音乐节上,特地mix的版本。


我知道有一首是这样的,叫miss Shanghai,前奏就是京剧,我还纳闷,京剧怎么和上海扯上关系了,是女的唱的

if you feel my love

If you wanna lie to me
If you'll ever see yourself
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far
If you wanna lie to me
If you'll ever see yourself
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far
If you feel my love
Can you hear my thoughts
Can you feel everything
And if you hear my thoughts
Can you feed my soul
Can you save it too
You're not the one that I need
To stay high on my feet
Don't need you to succeed
Can you feel that hate that runs to you
Can you feel it too
If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games
Be with your jerks
It will be just fine
If you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far
If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games
Be with your jerks
It will be just fine
If you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
You must be the way I want
If you wanna lie to me
You must be the way I want
If you wanna be with me
If you'll ever see yourself
You must be the way I want
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
Cause you've gone too far
You must be the way I want
If you wanna lie to me
If you'll ever see yourself
Don't come back and cry for me
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
Cause you've gone too far
If you feel my love
Can you hear my thoughts
Can you feel everything
If you hear my thoughts
Can you feed my soul
Can you save it too
You're not the one that I need
To stay high on my feet
Don't need you to succeed
Can you feel that hate that runs to you
Can you feel it too
If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games
Be with your jerks
It will be just fine
If you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far
If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games
Be with your jerks
It will be just fine
If you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
If you wanna be with me
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
You must be the way I want
If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games
Be with your jerks
It will be just fine
If you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far
If you wanna lie to me
You must change the file
Play your games
Be with your jerks
It will be just fine
If you'll ever see yourself
Just the way you are
Don't come back and cry for me
'Cause you've gone too far

地址 http://static.eok.ro/tracks/5903/47313500_1218637734.mp3



开头是京剧,后面是英文的歌 歌名叫什么
答:盖世英雄 (流行 京剧 英文 说唱)

有没有人听过一首歌,前面是以京剧开头,后面就是英文,然后中间还有夹杂京 ...
答:if you feel my love (京剧版)

答:Blaxy Girls的If you feel my love 近前看其详上写着 秦香莲年三十二岁 那状告当朝驸马郎 欺君王 瞒皇上 那悔婚男儿招东床 近前看其详上写着 秦香莲年三十二岁 状告当朝驸马郎 欺君王 瞒皇上 那悔婚男儿招东床 If you...

谁知道这个歌,开始是京剧饶口,然后是女的唱英文,京剧内容有一段是《三 ...
答:歌曲:If you feel my love 歌手:Blaxy Girls 地区:罗马尼亚 Blaxy Girls,这由漂亮美眉组成的年轻摇滚乐队来自罗马尼亚。成员分别为:Rucsy - 主音/吉他,Amalia - 吉他,Cristina - 贝斯,Gela - 鼓手,Ana-Maria - 键盘。

答:是不是 if you feel my love 我好喜欢这首~如果不是,也推荐给你噢~~

答:是Blaxy girls的《If you feel my love》。是个来自罗马尼亚的摇滚组合。这首《If you feel my love》也是她们在罗马尼亚的一个音乐节上,特地mix的版本。如果你需要前面加京剧段的版本,我可以E-mail给你。


求一首歌 刚开始是用京剧唱的中间是英文的(不是北京一夜)
答:《If you feel my love》 近前看其详上写着 秦香莲年三十二岁 那状告当朝驸马郎 欺君王 瞒皇上 那悔婚男儿招东床 近前看其详上写着 秦香莲年三十二岁 状告当朝驸马郎 欺君王 瞒皇上 那悔婚男儿招东床 If you feel ...

答:歌曲名叫《If you feel my love》,罗马尼亚的组合Blaxy Girls演唱的一首歌曲,收录于专辑《If you feel my love》中。歌曲原唱:Blaxy Girls 填 词:Blaxy Girls 谱 曲:Blaxy Girls 歌词 近前看其详上写著,...

...歌曲一开始是京剧(好像是秦香莲片段) 后面是英文 求大神指点迷津_百 ...
答:you feel my love》,肯定是这首 部分中文歌词:近前看其详上写著 秦香莲三十二岁 那状告当朝驸马郎 欺君王瞒皇上 悔婚男儿招东床 近前看其详上写著 秦香莲三十二岁 那状告当朝驸马郎 欺君王瞒皇上 悔婚男儿招东床 ...