
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-05-18

Red clothes

It was a foreign language schools in the women's dormitory, there are a number of times at night often have a red woman's clothes to sell door-to-door late at night, do not know how she was downstairs escaped inspection.Every day, all night, a knock-room, if someone opened the door and asked; 'red clothes do not want to /' As the girls were very angry after the quarrel, are not big cried, a few days this night. One night, That woman came again. Thunk! Thunk! When the door opened from the inside out one of the girls she roared; "what the red dress? I want the whole. How much does it cost?"
Woman smiled, turned away and did not give her a red dress, and that night we all slept well, no one has come knocking at the door. The next day, the dormitories were all up, only that the women's big red red The roar of girls not to get up, her students opened her quilt, she is all red, her skin of the upper part of the body has been ripping up. Huang who have blood flow, looks like a dress Red pieces of clothing.



CREEPY STORY...few years ago,a mother and father decided they needed a break,so they wanted to head out for a night on the town.
So they called their most trusted babysitter.
When the babysitter arrived,the two children were already fast asleep in bed.
So the babysitter just got to sit around and make sure everything was okay with the children.
Later at night,the babysitter got bored and went to watch tv
but she couldn't watch it downstairs because they didnt have cable downstairs
(the parents didn't want the children watching too much garbage).
So she called them and asked them if she could watch cable in the parents' room.
Of course the parents said it was ok,
but the babysitter had one final request.
She asked if she could cover up the clown satue in their bedroom
with a blanket or cloth,because it made her nervous.
The phoneline was silent for a moment,
(and the father who was talking to the babysitter at the time)
said....take the children and get out of the house....
we'll call the police...we don't have a clown statue...
the children and the babysitter got murdered by the clown.
It turned out to be that the clown was a killer that escaped from jail.
If u don't repost this within 5 minutes
the clown will be standing next to your bed at 3:00 am
with a knife in his hand. There i said it so the evil clown won't kill me.I hate chain letters!!!





















1974 年11月13日,萨福克郡警局的警员们接到报警电话后赶到了长岛海洋大道112号,在这栋荷兰式的湖边别墅中,一个足以让所有人震惊不已的罪案现场呈现在警员面前:房主笛福一家六口横尸床上,均为中弹而亡。几天后,笛福一家的唯一幸存者——小罗纳德·笛福坦然向警方自首,供认是自己在双亲和四个兄弟姊妹熟睡时用步枪射杀了他们,并坚持是别墅里的一种“神秘声音”唆使他犯下这一惨绝人寰的罪行。但即使小罗纳德·笛福在审判中一再发誓,陪审团也没有接受他这个听上去就已足够荒唐的理由,检察官认定他作案只是为了骗取高额的保险金,最终法官以六项一级谋杀的罪名判处小罗纳德150年的监禁。
The story behind the story began on 13th November 1974, when six members of the DeFeo family were killed. The parents, Ronald and Louise DeFeo, were shot in bed while they slept, along with their two sons and two daughters. The sole remaining family member, Ronald Jr. ("Butch"), was arrested for the crime, convicted, and sentenced to prison.

The strangest thing about the murders was that all of the bodies were found face down in bed, as if something had held them there while they were shot. Not one of the family appear to have been woken by the sounds of the gunshots, even thought the high powered rifle that was used can normally be heard up to a mile away when fired.

With the family dead, the house went up for sale. The horrific nature of the massacre unnerved the otherwise quiet Long Island neighbourhood.

The following year, a new family, the Lutzes, moved into the house. George and Kathy Lutz, along with their three children, said that shortly after they moved in, their six-bedroom abode became a Hell house. It seemed that perhaps the demons that drove Butch to slaughter his family were not in his head but in the house.

An unseen force ripped doors from hinges and slammed cabinets closed, noxious green slime oozed from the ceilings, a biblical-scale swarm of insects attacked the family, and a demonic face with glowing red eyes peered into their house at night, leaving cloven-hoofed footprints in the morning snow. Locked windows and doors would open constantly by themselves. George Lutz would wake up every night at 3.15 am, the exact time that the DeFeo murders took place. A priest was called upon to bless the house, but was driven back with painful blisters on his hands, and was told by a demonic voice to "Get out!".

After 28 days the family fled the house, never to return. They left all of their possessions in the house which were never collected. They quickly went public and told of the horrors that that tormented them in the house.


Red clothes
That was a foreign language schools in the women's dormitory, there are a number of times at night often have a red woman's clothes to sell door-to-door late at night, do not know how she was downstairs escaped examination. Every night, a knock room, if someone opened the door and asked: "be not red?" As the girls were very angry after the quarrel, are not big cried, a few days this night. One night, that woman came again. Boom! Boom! When the door opened, out of one of the girls she roared from the inside; "what the red dress? I want the whole. How much money?" the woman smiled, turned away, did not give her a red dress, and that night we all slept well, no one come knocking at the door. The very next day, the dormitories were all up, only that the women's big red red roar of girls not to get up, her classmates to her son open, she, she is all red, her upper body skin has been ripping. Blood covered, looks like wearing a red dress.

那是一个外语学校的女生宿舍,有一些时间夜里经常有一个穿红衣服的女子深夜上门推销,也不知道她是怎么逃过楼下检查的.天天夜里都来,一间间房间的敲,如果有人开门就问:“要不要红衣服?”由于女生被吵后非常生气,都大叫着不要,一连几个晚上都这样.有一个晚上,那个女子又来了.咚!咚!这时门开了,从里面冲出一个女生对她大吼;"什么红色的衣服?我全要了.多少钱?" 那女子笑了笑,转身走了,也没给她红色的衣服,那晚上大家都睡得很好,没有人再来敲门了.第二天,宿舍里的人全都起来了,只有那个冲红衣女子大吼的女生还没有起床,她的同学把她的被子掀开,她,她浑身都是红色的,她上身的皮已经被剥开了.血流得满身,看起来就像是穿了一件红衣服.



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