
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-05-02
Hit The Freeway
歌手:Toni Braxton
And we dont stop no more
Whats the problem?
Always complain
When there's chicks that are starving
What type of game is this?
I used to support you
I thought you'd appreciate
Some of the things that I bought you
Shoes from Milan,Louis Vuitton
Animals on back and jewels on your arm
Money is nothing to make moves with at dawn
Roll in the big fish, leave them fools in the pond
Just when I made up my mind, I dont want you at all now
You had your chance, you owned me, what makes you wanna call now?
Can you try and tell me what you choose her as your friend?
Just when I think you've given up, it's you again
All I can say
Farewell, my lonely one, nothing else here can be done
(So hit the freeway)
I dont ever wanna see you again
You didnt do me right, so
So long, goodbye, goodnight
(So hit the freeway)
Maybe in some other life I'll see you again
I would've bet the Dow Jones nothing compared to our fun
Imagine how crushing it was for you to say I was not the one
My friends say I was in denial defendin' you as a perfect friend
Now new rumors have risen up-it's you again
Now all I can say
Farewell, my lonely one, nothing else here can be done
(So hit the freeway)
I dont ever wanna see you again
You didnt do me right, so
So long, goodbye, goodnight
(So hit the freeway)
Maybe in some other life I'll see you again
Though it's down that you let me and crazy you upset me
You owned and could've kept me, maybe you didnt get me
I wanted to pioneer, discover, explore and cover
The world as we know it, but you had to go and blow it
Damn, its been so long since I heard your voice last summer
To be honest it made me smile when I seen your number
Baby, tell me why I should reconsider being you friend?
Well, maybe someday in your dreams, my love, you could say
"Damn, it's you again"
Now all I can say
Farewell, my lonely one, nothing else here can be done
(So hit the freeway)
I dont ever wanna see you again
You didnt do me right, so
So long, goodbye, goodnight
(So hit the freeway)
Maybe in some other life I'll see you again

Je M'appelle Hélène 是法语歌哦

张敬轩有首歌里面有句 I am your man ,这是哪首歌
答:这是林忆莲的你是我的男人,张敬轩拉阔音乐时候, 翻唱林忆莲经典他又刻意把忆莲的《你是我的男人》的歌词由You are my man 改成 I am your man

i swear 是谁唱的?
答:[I Swer]专辑所收录的大都是很经典的英文作品,另外再加上几首原创的英文歌。翻唱歌曲中最棒的要属[I Will Always Love You]和[I Swear] ,前者是近年来英文歌坛的一首难得的好歌,可以说是无人不知无人不晓,忆...

答:楼上朋友们都是从百度知道直接拿的,里面有些国语专辑收录的粤语歌曲并没有去掉,如《深呼吸飞行》《狠心爱我》等等或者《And I Love You So》这首英文歌~~ 偶只能给你收录在那29张专辑里的歌了 唱过的就算的话就太多太多不计其...

beyond 和林意莲有一首合唱,是关于童真之类的,请问谁知道歌名。谢谢
答:是beyond的《情人》歌词中有一句:是缘是情是童真还是意外 但这首歌不是关于童真的。这首歌是她在1994年怀念家驹《祝你愉快》演唱会上唱的,另外她还唱过beyond的《光辉岁月》《情人》歌词如下:盼望你没有为我又再渡暗...

答:7.有关“莲”的诗句, 【江南】 江南可采莲, 莲叶何田田。 鱼戏莲叶间, 鱼戏莲叶东, 鱼戏莲叶西,鱼戏莲叶南,鱼戏莲叶北。 【采莲曲】王昌龄 荷叶罗裙一色裁, 芙蓉向脸两边开。 乱入池中看不见, 闻歌始觉有人来。 【晓出...

答:乱入池中看不见, 闻歌始觉有人来. 蝶恋花 欧阳修越女采莲秋水畔。窄袖轻罗,暗露双金钏。照影摘花花似面。芳心只共丝争乱。鸂鶒滩头风浪晚。露重烟轻,不见来时伴。隐隐歌声归棹远。离愁引著江南岸白居易《题灵隐寺红辛夷花,戏酬光...

答:忆莲 歌手:梁咏琪 专辑:叱咤903 歌名:破晓 作曲:dick lee 作词:周礼茂 遗弃的声音 又响起了 遗弃的感觉偏剩下多少 不听 不触摸 不痛楚 懒看 懒记忆 懒问我 今天得到的叫甚黱 管不了 天亦天天的了 地天天的了 心...

答:MEMORY 音乐剧 《猫》里的非常有名的唱段。英文歌词 Midnight Not a sound from the pavement 午夜,大地一片死寂 Has the moon lost her memory 是否月亮也失去了她的记忆 She is smiling alone 看她独自笑得...

答:这是林忆莲的《只可活一次》中的两句歌词,正确的歌词是“光阴里记下我的诗 ”和“尽全力在这生寻求自身意义”。歌名:《只可活一次》歌手:林忆莲 填词:潘源良 谱曲:冯镜辉 专辑:《盛放忆莲》歌词:冷冷的雨陪伴世间...
