我想要一篇电影《幸福终点站》和《忠犬八公》的英文观后感 字数100字以内就好 谢谢。

供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-05-21

简介:Viktor Navorski, a man from an Eastern European country arrives in New York. However after he left his country war broke out.
Suddenly Navorski is a man without a country - or one that the U.S. cannot recognize, thus he is denied entrance to the U.S. However, he also can't be deported so he is told by the Security Manager that he has to remain in the airport until his status can be fixed.
And also Navorski doesn't speak English very well, so he cannot talk to or understand anyone.
读后感:In the film Frank Dixon asks Viktor” everyone is afraid, why are you not? For example, do you, at this time, have any fear of returning to your own country?” Viktor says, “No, it is my home, I am not afraid of my home.”
And so Viktor has to live in the airport. Later, when the civil war ends, Viktor renews his country’s nationality. It is not too uncomfortable to live in an airport because the many people around him have warm hearts.



他失去了国家的依托,所以他成了这个地球上唯一没有归属的人。维克多成了这个机场唯一的居住者,他穿着睡袍倘佯在机场的大楼里,他用男厕所的水龙头洗澡,他拼凑起坐椅作为自己的睡床,他甚至在机场大楼里打工为自己赚取生活费用。没有人知道他为了什么,他只是一个奇怪的漂流者 ,只是因为一个永远无法预料到的理由而成为一个被抛弃和被遗忘的人。可是他站在机场大厅里,提着行李四处张望的时候;他不懂装懂,答非所问的时候;我们却总可以发现他的诚实和善良。而事实也是,当他用“山羊”为无辜的旅人解难的时候,当他一次次为了得到食物为朋友牵着红线的时候,当他屡及朋友们的前途甘愿放弃自己承诺的时候,他的善良我们为之感动。


"Hachiko: A Dog's Tale" is directed by Lasse Hallstrom (The Cider House Rules), and is based loosely on the real life story of a dog, named Hachiko, who was born in Odate, Japan in 1923. His master, Dr. Eisaburg Ueno, was a professor at the University of Tokyo who died in 1925. Hachiko returned to the Shibuya train station the next day, and every day for the next nine years until he died in 1934. Today, outside the Shibuya train station, where Hachiko waited, is a bronze statue of Hachiko.

In this particular movie we have a similar story, only the dog is in transport to the United States, where he escapes, and ends up in Parker Wilson's (Richard Gere) possession. Parker eventually decides to keep the dog since the owner cannot be found. Hachiko, or Hachi, as he is usually called here, at one point breaks free of his yard, and follows Parker to the train station. Eventually Hachi is allowed to accompany Paker to the train station everyday. But at one point Parker never returns to the train station, since he has died at the university.

The movie then becomes a tale of a loyalty that reaches far into the bonds of memory. Hachiko never realizes that his master has died, and even though he never sees his master again, he never forgets him. What is Hachi's purpose now that his master has died? His purpose seems to be to wait for his master who will never return. It is at once moving and heartrending, as it is a tragedy of sorts, and one that is only resolved once Hachiko also dies. This is a beautifully told tale that makes one think about the things that are important for us to go on living, even after those that we have loved have died.

The Terminal is an excellent comedy/drama that teams Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg together once again. While it not may be their best work together, The Terminal stands far above most of the movies released this year. Viktor Navorski is flying to JFK Airport in New York when his home country, Krakozhia, is overthrown during a military coup. Because of this, Navorski's passport, visa, and ticket are invalidated, meaning he can't go back home, and he can't go to the U.S. The only option left is to stay in the international terminal of the airport. Making the best of the situation, Viktor begins to learn English, learn the ways of the airport, and even get a job as a contractor with a group renovating parts of the airport. Most importantly, Viktor begins to make an impact on the airport staff. Meanwhile, the airport security director is trying to find a way to get Viktor out of his hair and out of the airport. This is a very good, heartfelt movie. And while it may not be Spielberg's best, it is still well worth a watch.

Tom Hanks give an excellent performance as Viktor Navorski, a native of Krakozhia forced to live in JFK airport. Like most of the characters he plays, Hanks' Viktor is incredibly likable. Catherine Zeta-Jones plays Amelia Warren, a stewardess who befriends Viktor. Stanley Tucci plays Frank Dixon, the airport chief of security who wants the popular Viktor out of his terminal. Chi McBride, Diego Luna, and Kumar Pallana are excellent in supporting roles as airport staff that become Viktor's friends during his stay in the airport. If you buy the DVD, beware because there are two different widescreen copies available. One offers just the movie while the other offers widescreen presentation and plenty of great extras including interviews with Hanks and Spielberg. I recommend the one with extras for a deeper look at the movie. For an excellent, heartfelt movie from Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg, check out The Terminal!



我想要一篇电影《幸福终点站》和《忠犬八公》的英文观后感 字数100字以...
答:even after those that we have loved have died.幸福终点站 The Terminal is an excellent comedy/drama that teams Tom Hanks and Steven Spielberg together once again. While it not may be their best work together, The Terminal stands far above most of the movies released this year. Vi...

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答:《幸福终点站》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ypegxwt1g-m4poFVKmRYPQ 提取码:uaw6 作品简介:影片讲述主角前往美国途中家乡发生政变,政府被推翻,所持证件不被美国入境当局承认,被拒绝入境却又不能回国,被迫滞留肯尼迪国际机场期间的故事。

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答:《幸福终点站 (2004)》百度网盘资源免费在线观看:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Btg9v8_6Ev41_NPjQsvU3g ?pwd=1234 提取码: 1234《幸福终点站》是一部2004年梦工厂出品的电影,由斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格执导,主要演员有汤姆·汉克斯、凯瑟琳·泽塔-琼斯、斯坦利·塔奇和齐·麦拜特。剧本由萨沙·杰...



答:《幸福终点站》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:链接:提取码:k687 《幸福终点站》(Happy Endings)是美国电视台ABC于2011年上半年新推出的喜剧类剧集。第一季由13集构成,讲述了6名好朋友被爱情、友情和亲情所连带出来的各种爆笑故事。

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答:链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1ypegxwt1g-m4poFVKmRYPQ 提取码: uaw6 作品简介:影片讲述主角前往美国途中家乡发生政变,政府被推翻,所持证件不被美国入境当局承认,被拒绝入境却又不能回国,被迫滞留肯尼迪国际机场期间的故事。