
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-05-18
请问下有牛人知道8月10号《天下足球》意甲20年20人中巴乔短片中的背景音乐吗? 真的是跪求了如题 谢谢了

Invece No——萝拉·普西妮(Laura Pausini),QQ音乐上有,你可以先确定一下

是Edvin Marton的magic stradivarius


Gareth Gates唱的With you all the time
I live beneath the heart
I watch you from the dark
I'm every breath I'm every dream
I've known you forever
I've followed you everywhere
I'm every scar I'm who you are
when you think you're alone
when you cry cos someone's unfair
you can rest assured I'm always there

even when you feel like you don't belong
even when you fall and it all goes wrong
you know that I'm with you
that I'm with you all the time

say a little prayer for the restless heart
we shall never ever drift apart
know that I'm with you
know that I'm with you
with you all the time

I'm walking round the room
I'm laughing when you smile
and when you cry I cry too
I made you a promise
that I shall forever be
you're on your own but not alone
when you're down and you're rife
and the world tells you no-one cares
you can rest assured im always there

even when you feel like you dont belong
even when you fall and it all goes wrong
you know that I'm with you
that I'm with you all the time

say a little prayer for the restless heart
we shall never ever drift apart
know that I'm with you
know that I'm with you
with you all the time

save a little love for me
you'll see
save a little love for me
you'll see
save a little love for me
you'll see
and you'll see

even when you feel like you dont belong
even when you fall and it all goes wrong
you know that I'm with you
that I'm with you all the time

say a little prayer for the restless heart
we shall never ever drift apar
know that I'm with you
know that I'm with you
with you all the time

you know that I'm with you
that I'm with you all the time

say a little prayer for the restless heart
we shall never ever drift apart
know that im with you
know that im with you
with you all the time


答:Gareth Gates唱的With you all the time 下面是歌词:I live beneath the heart I watch you from the dark I'm every breath I'm every dream I've known you forever I've followed you everywhere I'm every scar I'm who you are when you think you're alone when you cry cos som...

答:葛瑞盖茨的With You All The Time http://music1.hexun.com/Save/Music/2007/0601/2072/M_13AF4D7E82F7E199.WMA With You all The Time- 文本歌词 I live beneath the heart I watch you from the dark I'm every breath I'm every dream I've known you forever I've followed you e...


答:是问介绍巴乔时放的背景音乐吗?背景音乐是 <With You All The Time> 歌手:葛瑞盖茨 http://music1.hexun.com/Save/Music/2007/0601/2072/M_13AF4D7E82F7E199.WMA With You all The Time- 文本歌词 I live beneath the heart I watch you from the dark I'm every breath I'm every...

答:Hope you never grow old Hope you never grow old Forever young I hope you stay Forever young Do-do-do-do Never Grow Old 是The Cranberries《wake up and smell the coffee》/《在咖啡香中醒来》的一首歌曲。这首歌还被用做了《天下足球》里的背景音乐了的,是在放巴乔特辑的时候。

天下足球 开篇结尾背景音乐
答:here i am 韩日世界杯后新赛季的五大联赛开篇曲,来自bryan adams Everything I do,I do it for you 天下足球欧洲五大联赛开篇曲,来自bryan adams better man 献给忧郁王子巴乔的一首老歌,也做过天下足球的片尾曲,来自robbie williams dying in the sun 韩日世界杯送走法国、葡萄牙、阿根廷、...

答:1.英俊的外表(音乐:my love)“天生的优雅,表面的脆弱,他是个拥有许多生命的男子,一只带有东方眼神的豹子” 摘自巴乔自传——《天上的门》有人这样形容巴乔,他有着古罗马骑士雕塑一样的面容,他的眼睛如地中海般湛蓝,如果你有幸看到他的笑魇,一定会沉迷于其中,无法自拔,再也不愿意醒来。巴乔...

答:《Never grow old》以前,每次到巴乔生日的时候,《天下足球》总会制作一部纪念巴乔的专辑来送给歌迷。他的经典进球,他的永恒瞬间,他的精彩照片,配着小红莓的《Never grow old》,让人带着无限伤感去欣赏!去怀念!今天,再次听到了这首代表着巴乔的歌,大屏幕里放着巴乔曾经的辉煌,突然又有流泪的...

答:Unbreakable--Westlife——天下足球Top10结束歌曲 ★看球听歌★ Heal the world--Michael Jackson——我们热爱足球,我们关心天下 Never grow old--The Cranberries——献给浪漫不羁,充满质感,不屈,无所不能的罗伯特·巴乔 美丽心情--本多RURU——八月份一期纪念巴乔的专题 别走--许美静——巴乔告别MTV里...

答:对于一个将足球视为生命的男人来说,世界杯就像是他的初恋情人。1994年的这个夏天,当巴乔站在一个男人一生中最重要的时刻的时候,他与幸福擦肩而过。对于巴乔来说,失去了世界杯,就像是失去了他最深爱的恋人。这种忧伤,伴随一生! 所有的梦想和被梦想,都开始在遥远的1982世界杯。那里是中国第一代球迷开始接近世界杯...