
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2024-04-27

With the rapid development of science and technology today, pay treasure is also becoming more active in people's life, occupy an increasingly important position. However, everything has two sides, paying treasure also is same, there are good and bad

抱歉回复得晚了。总的价格是1565美金。我的PP账户是美国账户,就算用personal payment方式转账,可能还是会产生手续费,我希望我们各付一半的手续费,请问你能接受吗?

Dear xxxx,
Sorry for the late reply. The total price is USD 1565. My PP account is an US account, even if we make the transfer by means of personal payment, the handling charge will be incurred. So we hope that each of our two parties can pay half of the handling charge respectively, please kindly confirm whether you can accept this expense.

Thanks & Best Regards,


答:called Australia Day, which is on 26th January every year to memorize the day of first group European arriving in Australia. All Australian will take one-day holiday on that day according to the law.The...

求英语大神帮我翻译下这段话 不要翻译器翻译的!
答:我弟弟。奥,他真可爱。叫什么名字?James,你可以叫他Jim 他多大了?21岁。他怎么样?感觉上不错。是的,他很棒,而且很聪明。那个人是谁?我妹妹Tammy。她只有12岁,是我家的老幺。

答:“我以为我能逗你笑,你就会喜欢上我,但是我居然输给了让你哭的人”翻译成中文是:I thought I could make you laugh, you will love me, but I actually lost to the people who made you cry....


答:你好,翻译结果如下(绝对不使用网络翻译):The brand is the immaterial assets of program, therefore, the brand of the program construction seem to be to full importance.《Fan mei le show 》 sees a clamping ...

答:opening-up policy, it reveals the important status and significance of income increase of the farmers, and analyzes the practical dilemma for achieving this goal here. Combinning with the experience of the ...

答:the scale of the Great Wall today laid. Later dynasties were built. Existing Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty architecture.  There are a lot of checkpoints along the Great Wall, Badaling Pass and whistl...

答:3)与巴氏杀菌乳相比,超高压杀菌有助于延长牛乳的保质期,扩大牛乳的销售半径。In the room temperature constant time on fresh milk processing under different pressure, determination of the microbial and chemical index,...

【急】把这段 英文 翻译成 中文,谢谢!不要用翻译软件!!!
答:Dear Mr. Warner:亲爱的华纳先生:How are you? This is Xu, the student from China who will be boarding with you. I am honored by your hospitality and hope that you will forgive my limited English.您好吗...

答:we can learned from it that he is afraid about loneiness, he is afraid about losing George. George is his last supporting. So when George find him, he feel weird that George didn't blame on him as us...