long pasia???

供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2025-01-12



阅读Long Pasia,Long Mio的Lundayeh族
马来西亚婆罗洲,沙巴州深远西南部与印尼东加里曼丹及砂拉越老越(Lawas)交界的地域,有个叫乌鲁巴打斯(Ulu Padas)的地方。这里有两个村庄—龙巴夏(Long Pa Sia)及龙米奥(Long Mio)居住著叫仑达雅(Lundayeh)的族群。龙巴夏与龙米奥的仑达雅族人,和东加里曼丹柯拉央—柯拉比高原(Kerayan-Kelabit Highlands)及砂拉越老越(自称为仑巴旺族—Lun Bawang)的仑达雅族人拥有著共同的传说。不管是印尼或马来西亚的仑达雅族人都相信,传说中的传奇英雄人物—Upai Semaring是他们族人的祖先。那些传说早在国家边界存在之前就已经存在与流传……

《龙巴夏与龙米奥的仑达雅族—他们的历史与传说》(The Lundayeh Of Long Pa sia and Long Mio—Their History and Legengs)这本书是马来西亚国际自然基金会(WWF)出版,书中仑达雅族人的传说,大部份是一名丹麦学生於二零零三年在乌鲁巴达斯逗留的数个星期期间,从村民的口述收集,进行筛选后,由Lene Topp撰写成书。Lene Tope—丹麦人,她自二零零零年开始在乌鲁巴打斯进行一项由丹麦所赞助的计划。全书包括封底封面加插画,只有簿簿的五十六页,以英文、仑达雅及马来语三种语言的平实纯朴语调,叙述龙巴夏与龙米奥仑达雅族人的历史与传说。书里的插画是出自龙巴夏的仑达雅族画家—Lait Lakong之手笔,非常传神。仑达雅族传说中历史与文化的遗址,至今散布在乌鲁巴打斯森林里的各处,书中也有各遗址照片,令人恨不得想亲身去探个究竟!

起始—In The Beginning…

根据仑达雅人的传说,在最初的时候,地球上只有一个人,他的名字叫Rang Dongo。神见Rang Dongo一个人在地球上非常忧伤与孤单。於是,神进入他的梦里,告诉他—只要登上那个地区最高的一座山,在那山顶上,将会有一份让他快乐起来的礼物。





从此,Rang Dongo不再孤单了。

鳄鱼土丘—Crocodile Mound




葬礼—Burial Rituals





乌拜赛马林与其家庭—Upai Semaring-The Family


有个男人,乌拜赛马林(Upai Semaring)与妻子、女儿们居住在一个附近有个大瀑布的柯拉央(Krayan)的小村庄。这地方目前位於印尼东加里曼丹省的北部。这个家庭以打猎及捕渔技巧著称,尤其是乌拜用藤制鱼具(bubu)的捕鱼技巧,每天放在瀑布附近河里,总是载满鱼儿。

空的bubu—Empty Bubu


斗巨蛇—The Snake Fight



乌拜离家—Upai Leaves Home



他在远行中来到了一个叫龙巴湾(Long Bawan)的地方,靠近巴湾河。他在那里的高山上发现一个洞穴,决定在此暂时定居下来。他用他的双手打造梯阶,从山脚的河边直达山顶洞穴口。乌拜是个巨人,他所打造的梯级特别高,普通人根本难以


龙巴湾的洞穴—The Cave In Long Bawan



乌拜首领—Upai Becomes Chief




腿环—The Leg Ornament




离开柯拉央—Leaving Krayan



抵达峇柯拉兰(Ba Kelalan)时,他的女儿死了。传说,她被葬在那里,她的坟墓有许多装满珠宝和珠子的罋。她的墓目前仍在山柯拉兰附近。在乌鲁巴打斯地区靠近巴复河一带(Pasia River),也有类似的坟墓小丘,据说其中也包括乌拜另一名女儿的墓。

脚印、遮蔽处与山洞的珠子印记—Footprint、Shelter And Bead Marks In Cave



在令人叹为观止的玛加瀑布(Maga Fall)附近的河边,在一块沙岩上,还遗留著乌拜巨大的脚印。

石雕—Stone Carvings


这些雕刻的痕迹至今仍存在於乌鲁巴打斯的马当河(Matang River)上游,例如依那立石(Batu Inarit)。沙巴与砂拉越边界的布郎特鲁桑(Punang Trusan)的一块石头,亦发现相似的雕刻。



Cooking Stone(Batu Angan)





一天,乌拜决定离开乌鲁巴打斯。有关乌拜其后的故事,则有各种说法,但大部份都说—乌拜去了Bang Pedian,也就是汶莱。

汶莱的传说中,亦出现一个类似的人物,只不过在汶莱的传说里,他的名字变成了阿旺赛毛(Awang Semaun)。



也许在他方—A Journey To Somewhere Else






龙巴湾之鬼魂—The Ghost In The Long Bawan

满月之夜,你时儿仍可听见乌拜的笛声从巴湾山(Bawan Mountain)幽幽传来。






Heath forests of Sabah's Long Pasia

(Nature Watch/July-September 1996)

Text by Chua Ee Kiam ; Photography by Billy Kon & Chua Ee Kiam

The intrepid pair were lured by stories of the glorious pitcher plants in that remote region but they found far more -not only heath forests rich in medicinal plants, rhododendrons, and a splendid show of wild orchids in bloom, but a graveyard of burial jars on a hill so ancient that no tribal person could tell them when this mysterious burial ground was abandoned.

Far south of Kota Kinabalu, close to the Sarawak border, is Long Pasia, a fertile basin which is home to the Lundayeh Muruts, one of Sabah's tribal people. Enticed by stories of the glorious pitcher plants in that remote region of Borneo we headed for their village which was to be our base 'camp' while we explored the nearby hills and mountain, covered with heath forest.

It was fortunate that we had planned our 'adventure' for March (1996), as it was their dry season. Had we tried to get into the village during their rainy season, we would have found ourselves sloshing in leech-covered mud and torrential rain. Even then it was an arduous trek into the village of about 40 homes and 200 odd villagers. (see box on 'Getting There'). The Lundayeh Muruts still live a life very little different from that of their ancestors hundreds of years before them. They plant hill padi and harvest bamboo shoots, mushrooms, ferns and many other edible plants from the nearby forest. They also harvest damar (a resin that is obtained from the bark of dipterocarp trees and used in some paints and coatings) for sale, and that appears to be their only commercial activity

They hunt deer and wild boar which are abundant and fish in the clear, clean waters of the Pasia and Matang Rivers. Their village Long Pasia, in Lundayeh language, means "confluence" (Long) and "red river' (Pa Sia).

To us urbanites, loaded with our sophisticated gear, it was hard to fathom why anyone would want to live in such a remote place without any modern amenities whatsoever. But they appear a contented lot and their only health problem seems to be high blood pressure. This is apparently due to their heavy use of salt. As wild animals are plentiful, their hunts bring in more meat than they can immediately consume. So excess meats were salted.

That first night, after dining by flickering candlelight (there being no other forms of lighting), we found the chill creeping in. Night temperatures at this elevation (1000 metres), can be as low as 18 degrees C. Undeterred we decided to do some trekking by torchlight, led by our sure-footed Lundayeh guides.

On our way into the village we had passed clumps of the spectacular Torch Gingers (Etlingera sp.) and also grove after grove of bamboo. We headed out to see some luminescent fungi. We spotted some tiny ones but it was difficult to capture them on film. On the way, training our eyes across the river, we spotted a civet cat, probably on the prowl. We also met a couple of villagers who said they planned to spend the night by the streams, waiting for the fish to spawn that night. Like salmon, these fish also swim upstream to lay their eggs in the shallows where they are fertilised. Unfortunately, this is also the time when the fish, fat with roe, are most vulnerable. You guessed it. Some landed in our cooking pot!

We spent the night at the village, in one of the rooms in our guide's home. Bed was a thin mattress and blanket was a bedsheet. When dawn broke, we were raring to climb another 1025 metres, to reach the 2025 metre high Bukit Rimau.

It was a slow climb of eight hours, over undulating terrain which drained our energies. But 1 must say that the slowness was due more to our frequent stops to photograph the splendours of nature, than anything else. At the initial ascent we saw an Aroid in bloom, spotting it by its characteristic spike-shaped inflorescence. We also came across quite a few wild Ixoras, a woody shrub of about five metres festooned with orange flowers. Not only were we drawn to these outstanding blooms, but butterflies too crowded around them. In some areas of the lowland forest here, Tristania (from the Myrtaceae family) flourish. These tall trees which shed their easily - the bark peels off in scroll-like pieces, exposing bare and smooth trunks. Another common sight were spiders with such gigantic abdomens their heads were well hidden. But not only are their abdomens outstanding in size but in colour too. A flashing metallic blue and orange hue, the spiders are probably so brilliantly coloured to warn predators of their toxicity. As we climbed higher, the vegetation changed. Rattans became common. Though attractive, they were a thorn in the side. Literally. This was because the extended rachis from their leaf stalk bore recurved spines that frequently ripped our clothing and tore into our flesh. Sometimes we even had to take a couple of paces back to detach the tenacious rachis. (Some thorns may remain in the flesh and the area could become tender and filled with pus. To prevent this, dig out all thorns with a Swiss knife.)

Another bugbear on these trails are the leeches, yes, even in the dry season, But special "white leech socks," worn over the usual socks effectivIcy protect the feet. Should any leeches manage to attach themselves on our skin, we find that the best way to dislodge them is to dab them with "Axe Balm" oil (Minyak Chap Kapak).

Naturally we were exhausted by the long trek -burdened too by heavy camera equipment. But the sight of the glorious pitchers that had lured us on the long hard haul to Long Pasia brought the smiles back. Nepenthes stenophylla were in abundance, most of them being aerial pitchers. At the plateau summit, we had a gloriously clear view and could see, far worked up an appetite. The hill rice tasted good with wild boar 'jerky' and rebung (bamboo shoots). The water, albeit clear, was the colour of tea due to the presence of tannin from fallen leaves. To be safe, we boiled the water before drinking. Our native guides, in particular Fauzi bin Daud, were very knowledgeable about which plants were edible and which were not. They taught us that young rattan shoots, when trimmed off its tough covering, can also be eaten. It has a mild sweet taste and a light crunchy texture. After sampling some we could understand why elephants periodically raid the rattan plantations in Kinabatangan. (Kinabatangan river lies east of Sabah and herds of elephants are found there). We also got to sample wild mushrooms. But only the fresh buds are tender. Once in full bloom the texture becomes as unchewable as leather. (Billy claims that nothing beats Nepalese chicken for rock-hard toughness.) We also came by some wild raspberries. These are pretty but the berries have an empty core and taste a little insipid. Then we also had shoots which grow wild by the river's edge. The villagers collect these and we found that it tastes like asparagus. Another edible plant, this one grows wild along the trails, is a fern which the locals call "Parkis". Only the green shoots are collected. (The Malays also cook "Parkis" in a curry with sweet potato and it is delicious but these shoots are pinkish and could be a different species!)Having mostly had bamboo shoots from cans or the markets, we now had a chance to taste it harvest-fresh. Our guides identified the rebung, deftly chopped it down and removed the outer covering. Even with the outer layer peeled off, the rebung was about the size of a small missile about 800 cm long and they said it would be enough to feed a family of five for a few days. We ate it and found the taste mild and refreshing without the tinge of urea odour one normally gets from barnboo shoots in the market. Besides the array of edible plants presented to us, we also learned that the forests around Long Pasia are rich in herbal/medicinal plants. But it was beyond our scope to explore this in the short time we had. The next day, there were more uphill trails to tackle. Another woody shrub, we encountered, were the Rhododendrons with brightly-coloured and showy flowers. A few species were seen in the montane forests. (When photographing the blooms, do not move the branches too much. The petals drop off all too easily) Many species of wild orchids were in full bloom, a visual feast for orchid fanciers! Trekking, here in the heath forest, was a little easier as the ground had a natural cushion-like feel to it. Heath forests (also known as "Kerangas") are vegetation which can grow on nutrient poor cidic soils. Unlike the empty floor of lowland forests, the soil is covered with thick carpets of liverworts and mosses. More glorious pitchers awaited us. The Nepenthes veitchii with their rims streaked with red, the almost sensuous N. reinwardtiana and the very attractive N. tentaculata. Our journey back to the village took us about 10 hours, due mostly to the numerous photo stops and detours we made. The next day, as our primary objective - the pitchers -had been reached, we decided to climb a lower hill, Bukit Butoi, to investigate what we heard was a popular burial ground in the past.We had to trek along some rather steep trails to get to this burial ground which was located at the mid-level of the hill. What we finally came on was a graveyard of earthenware jars, some of which were glazed. Some jars were placed on flat ground, some along the mountain edge and others in shallow caves We learned that this burial ground did not have a recent past, but a past shrouded in the mists of time and intriguing legends. How did the jars get there? Of what origin were they? We learned from the local guides that these jars had been brought to Borneo in trading sailing ships, way back in history. Written records show that as early as the ninth century A.D., Borneo was trading with Imperial China and exporting camphor wood, pepper and bird's nest. These precious cargoes had been stowed in earthenware jars. But here in Borneo, among these tribal people, the large jars clearly found another use. Like something out of the Arabian Nights (shades of Ali Baba), we learned that the large jars were sectioned near the top and the deceased placed in it. The top was then replaced and a hole made at the bottom to allow the fluids to drain out. A year later, the bones would be transferred to a smaller jar and then both the jars would be carried to the hill and laid to rest in the tranquil forest surroundings. The practice had been abandoned a long, long time ago. The villagers could not tell us when. More mystery was in the air when we came on a mound, shaped like a tortoise, at one of the burial sites. The explanation the guides offered had a distinctly sinister ring to it. They said that this mound marked the place where the victors of tribal wars or disputes gathered to celebrate and drink themselves insensible after they had slain their enemies or rivals. Again they could not put any dates on when such gory celebrations had taken place and one can only surmise that it must have been at least a couple of hundred years ago. We heaved a sigh of relief that headhunting was definitely a thing of the past! Our guides cleared the area, cutting down a few trees (reminded me of what we do during "Qin Ming") and then solemnly observed a few moments of silence. Having satisfied our curiosity about the burial grounds and the victory ound, we began to observe the flora and fauna around Bukit Butoi. Bright orange longhorn acorns (seeds of oak trees) scattered on the forest floor and noted that they would be an important food source for mammals like the Bearded Pig. Besides the common Bearded Pig and also common Sambar Deer, our guide told us they frequently sighted Long-tailed Macaques, Gibbons and Red Leaf Monkeys. We only, heard the Gibbons call but spotted a black-spotted green frog. It sensed our presence and jumped off the instant my camera flashed. Naturally easier to see were the gingers with their brilliant scarlet flowers. Before we left Long Pasia we made arrangements to photograph a Lundayeh girl and she turned up early the next morning waiting by our "landing" all rigged up in traditional attire. Like her fellow villagers, and our guide Fauzi bin Daud, she had a Malay name but they are mostly Christians. (The missionaries have been as busy as the loggers!) Yet another Last and possibly Lost Frontier?
We have been told and we can believe that the forests around Long Pasia are home not only to the Lundayeh people (one of 32 ethnic groups in Sabah), but they also are a storehouse of medicinal plants. We can only fervently hope that these forests will be gazetted a national park before the loggers switch on their destructive electric saws. In adjacent Malingan, timber lorries ply the roads almost unceasingly From out plane we saw the scarred forests of Malingan. The forests of Long Pasia -are they the shrinking last frontiers of the once mighty wilderness in Borneo? Or will they end up as the lost frontier?

We wish to thank the following for assisting us to identify the flora & fauna in Long Pasia: Anthea Phillips (plants) Anthony Lamb (plants), Prof D H Murphy (beetle), Kelvin Lim (frog) and Joseph Koh (spider). References: Pitcher Plants of Borneo by Anthea Phillips & Anthony Lamb and Borneo Magazine Vol 2, Issue No. 2, March-April 1996. "Long Pasia -to the Borneo Triangle and Back" by Henry Coleman.

Getting There-A Long Hard Haul
Our trip was organised by Borneo's Memories from Kota Kinabalu, capital city of Sabah. Expect to pay about M$1,500 to $2,000 for a week's stay for one person. From KK, the 4WD we travelled in took three hours to reach the town of Sipitang. Expect to hit the roof a couple of times as the the roads are badly rutted. From Sipitang we had hoped to get as close as possible to the village of Long Miou, which is the village before Long Pasia. But the road was even more badly pot-holed and it took us five hours to get reasonably close to Long Miou. Even then we were still an hour's trek away ftom Long Miou.

In the monsoon season the roads will be impassable to vehicles even 4WDs. From Long Miou we had hoped to get a long boat that could take us upstream (M$50 per boat) to Long Pasia but unfortunately, for some unknown reason, the boat was not operating. So we had to trek another three hours to reach our final destination. Fortunately we didn't have to back-track to get out. There is an air-strip about 20 minutes walk from Long Pasia. So we flew in a 19seater MAS twin-otter (M$35 per person), from Long Pasia into Lawas where we hired a car for the one hour journey to Sipitang. As Lawas is in Sarawak, we had to have our passports re-stamped, a border regulation despite our still being in Malaysia. Do note that the plane only flies into Long Pasia every Thursday, so if you're on a tight schedule, meticulous planning is called for before you embark on this "adventure".

The Glorious Pitchers
Worldwide, there are about 70 varieties of this plant which are pretty to look at but a deadly trap for insects. Most pitchers grow naturally in Malaysia and, in a cover story entitled "Pretty Deadly Pitcher Plants" in Nature Watch (Oct-Dec '94). Hugh T W Tan featured several species, including the mottled brown Nepenthes rafflesiana. All pitcher plants belong to the genus Nepenthes in the family Nepentheceae and it is interesting to note that the ones featured in Hugh's article are different from those that Dr Chua and Billy came across in Long Pasia. Hugh had photos of the cute cup-shaped Nepenthes ampullaria, the elegant Nepenthes gracilis and Nepenthes trichocarpa.

The first clusters of pitchers encountered in Long Pasia were Nepenthes stenophylla, most of them being aerial climbers. Others seen and photographed were the Nepenthes veitchii with their spectacular red-streaked rims. They are the only pitchers that clasp tree trunks to grow vertically. The Nepenthes reinwardtiana with their curvy shapes appeared most sensuous to the exploring duo who were also impressed by the size of Nepenthes tentaculata they encountered. Most of the pitchers were well-filled with water, possibly because the rainy season was just over. Some had holes in the base and it appears that these holes were made by small mammals who nibbled at the water-filled pitchers to quench their thirst. Dr Chua also noted that N. tentaculata were larger and more attractive than those encountered while climbing Mt. Kinabalu on a previous trip.

Far south of Kota Kinabalu, close to the Sarawak border, is Long Pa Sia, a fertile basin which is home to the Lundayeh Muruts, one of Sabah's tribal people.

Long Pa Sia, in English means Red River Mouth. Long for river mouth, Pa is river and Sia, red. The village is located at the junction of two rivers; The Matang and Pasia River. These two rivers converged and become the Ulu Padas River, the river head of the Padas River. This river passes by Tenom, the Pangi Hydroelectric Dam and Beaufort on its way to the sea.

Long Pa Sia is a village of about 400 residents. The village is at an altitude of 1000m, and is surrounded by undulating hills.

From Kota Kinabalu City, it will take at least 3 hours on the road to Sipitang Town and from there at least 4 hours in a good 4x4wheel vehicle up the timber road to Long Pa Sia Village. The village facilities are Helicopter Landing pad, Clinic, Primary Scholl, Church SIB, Library, Information Centre, Hostel for pupils and teachers, Malaysia Army Border Patrol, Immigration and Solar Lighting System. The village activities are farming, fishing, handcrafting and hunting.

long pasia???
Far south of Kota Kinabalu, close to the Sarawak border, is Long Pasia, a fertile basin which is home to the Lundayeh Muruts, one of Sabah's tribal people. Enticed by stories of the glorious pitcher plants in that remote region of Borneo we headed for their village which was to be ...


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