(1.DepartmentofAutomaticControl,BeijingInstituteofTechnology,Beijing1 81,China;
2.BeijingLongchuangSolarAutomaticControlLtd.,Beijing1 37,China)
这是我找到的最不错的了,你就适当的的添加一些就行了 。Thesis Title : Solar Water Heater Circulation by Stream Power
Candidate : Mr. Yossawin Kayanant
Thesis Advisor : Asst. Prof. Dr. Pichai Namprakai
Field of Study : Thermal Technology
Faculty : School of Energy and Materials
B.E. : 2546
The objective of this research was to develop a passive solar domestic hot water (SDHW) heating
system utilizing flat plate collector, a newly designed, as well as a self pumping and self regulating
units. Advantages of solar water heater circulation by a stream power is to reduce 40 % weight of
equipments that are placed on the roof, by installing the large water storage tank at a lower level,
whereas the collector and upper header remains on the roof. The principle design of this system was
based on the different between temperature–pressure created by collector. It allows the downward
transport of heat from a collector by self pumping passive water vapor. The lifting height was tested at
1 and 1.5 m level, and the average temperature of the collector was about 70–90 ?C. Systems of this
type consists of the followings. Flat plate has a total gross surface area of 0.795 m2. Capacity of water
and air are 1.8 and 1.2 liters. Water volume circulation is 0.3 l/cycle. The collector absorbs the solar
energy and changes it into thermal energy in form of hot water in the collector. Vapor pressure drives
the hot water or vapor downward from collector to the storage tank. The storage water tank and air
space capacity were 19.8 and 0.2 liters. Water volume circulation is 0.5 l/cycle. It transfers heat from
flat plate collector to the storage tank. During pressurizing water–vapor, the cooler water would flow
up to the upper header. The capacity of upper water header was 1.5 liters. Water volume circulation is
0.8 l/cycle. Stored water flows from storage tank and adsorbs the solar energy then was transferred to
the upper header. The lift check valve during pressurizing water–vapor is closed to prevent reverse
flow of vapor from the collector to the upper header. Check valve was open and cause water in the
upper header drains by gravity into the collector. The total water circulation is 0.8 l/cycle, results in the
lifting height of 1 and 1.5 m. Water mass flow rate are 2.4 and 0.09 kg/h. Hot water temperature are 60
?C and 39 ?C. The circulation rates are 16 and 1 cycles/day. Average Daily thermal efficiency are 21 %
and 7 %, respectively. The system efficiencies are effected by insolation levels and thermal loss of
collector and hot water capacitance in the storage tank and lift height. Increasing of hot water
temperature can be obtained by reducing water capacitances in tank or reducing lift height or increasing
the collector area. The system efficiency can be increased by reducing thermal losses in all equipments,
using higher performance collector and improving heat transfer by enhancing well mixing in storage
tank with circulation for reducing stratification in hot water temperature level.
Keywords : Solar Water Heater / Flat Plate Collector / Circulation by Stream Power / Self Pumping
解决方法:1、水温水位信号线位置接错。2、水温水位探头位置安装位置调整。感温探头短路,一种是感温探头胶封处因“热胀冷缩”开缝进水,一种是接线某处两线短接 最好方法,联系厂家更换一个探头,很便宜,但一定要与控制显示器配套的,否则会测温不准。
6. 关闭电源:在不使用太阳能热水器时,务必关闭测控仪的电源开关,确保安全并节省能源。三、注意事项 使用前确保太阳能热水器已经安装妥当并已经连接好所有线路。操作过程中注意防触电安全。定期检查测控仪的工作状态,确保其正常运行。根据季节和天气情况调整水温参数,确保热水供应并延长设备使用寿命。
需要注意的是,在启动加热时,如果水位低于50%,测控仪会自动先上水至50%再加热,以保护电加热管。四、其他功能与注意事项 测控仪还具有多种保护功能,如炸管保护、自动防溢流和低水压上水等,以确保太阳能热水器的安全运行。在使用过程中,用户应定期检查测控仪的显示屏或指示灯,了解系统的工作状态。...
1. 首先,断开全智能测控仪与太阳能热水器的连接线,并取出电池。2. 接着,测量测控仪的输入电压,确保其处于允许的电压范围内。3. 随后,识别连接线的颜色,并按照正确的颜色将连接线插入测控仪的对应插孔中。4. 之后,安装好电池,并确保电池固定牢固。5. 最后,打开水阀,让水流入太阳能热水器中...
用螺钉固定牢固。4、 将太阳能热水器测控仪挂在托架上,安装完毕。水温水位传感器的安装:先在太阳能热水器侧部溢流管上旋上信号线紧固件,将水温水位传感器由溢流管插入,在传感器标有卡线标识的位置用压线板紧固引出口的信号线,将信号线引入室内时应避免拉断或擦伤。