
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2025-01-17

A Flow Shop with Compatibility Constraints in a Steelmaking Plant*
We present a scheduling methodology for applications where the generation of schedules is constrained by antagonistic and vague knowledge. Besides temporal and capacity constraints, compatibility constraints between consecutive jobs are managed. We model the vague constraints and uncertain data by fuzzy set theory. The importance of single jobs and the difficulty to schedule them is defined on the different constraints and is used to control the generation of schedules. A preliminary schedule is generated by considering the important jobs and those that are difficult to schedule first. Easy or not so important jobs are scheduled later. Finally, the achieved schedule is “repaired” until a schedule is found that achieves a given level of satisfaction. Since the goodness of solutions is rated by fuzzy sets, robust schedules achieve better evaluations than weak schedules. However, if no robust solution is found constraints will be relaxed. This methodology is appropriate for applications in process engineering where uncertain knowledge is dominant. We explain the methodology with a case study from a steelmaking plant for high-grade steel

时间是指在不同的制约因素,是用来控制生成的时间表。初步安排是考虑到所产生的重要的工作和那些有困难的时间表第一。容易或不那么重要的工作计划之后。最后,实现的时间表是“修复” ,直到一个时间表,发现达到某一特定的满意程度。因为善良的解决方案是评价模糊集,强大的时间表实现更好的评价比弱时间表。但是,如果没有强有力的解决办法是找到制约将会放宽。这种方法适合于工程应用过程中在不确定性知识为主。我们解释方法,个案研究从炼钢厂的高档钢材。

中国东盟加速降低关税的进程,中国与10个成员国的东南亚国家联盟(东盟) 加速降低关税的进程,以促进建立自由贸易区(FTA), 说一位高级外贸官员10月10日在北京举行. 中国的关税平均对东盟国家的货物被削减从9.9%降至8.1%,去年虽然比例将下降到6.6%,明年说尹zonghua, 副主任与该部的国际贸易和经济事务的商务部. 平均关税水平将继续下降至2.4%,在2009年,终于在2010年 所排定的时间,为建立中国-东盟自由贸易区, 93%的产品,从东盟国家将可免关税,根据尹. 尹透露削减关税的计划,在第三次中国-东盟自由贸易区研讨会这是由东盟北京委员会与中国-东盟商务理事会. 东盟国家也作出类似的安排,尹说,举了泰国的例子. 泰国削减其平均关税为中国产品从12.9%到10.7%,去年 同时计划进一步降低到2.8%,在2009年,根据银. "实践表明,关税减让已明显增强了中国与东盟经贸发展,"尹说. 官方统计数字显示,中国的贸易与东盟总额130.4亿美元,去年进口额为75亿美元,出口为55.4亿美元. 在今年头8个月以来, 中国进口56亿美元的产品从东盟出口44.9亿美元. 而总的贸易与东盟国家今年预计将超过150亿美元,而据殷. 中国和东盟从降低关税的做法,他们会达到双赢的结果,从自由贸易区 他指出. 中国当时的国务院总理朱镕基提出建立中国-东盟自由贸易区2000年11月,经领袖 明年. 2002年11月,两国元首在北京签署了框架协议,在中国-东盟全面经济合作 并把球滚动的自由贸易区. 到2010年,中国将建立自由贸易区,与汶莱,印尼,马来西亚,菲律宾,新加坡和泰国,越南,寮国, 柬埔寨和缅甸能享受多5年的过渡期. 除了大力推动货物贸易方面, 中国和东盟还将加快谈判,关于服务贸易和投资,以建构自由贸易区,在 全面展开,据殷. bambangkhaeroni,重视贸易与印尼驻华使馆 说的合作,中国与东盟之间的"一直工作动态" 印尼长期以来一直参与区域合作的倡议,如东盟和APEC(亚太经济合作组织),khaeroni说.

1. Secondary (rechargeable) batteries are commonly tested using discharge and charge cycling.蓄电池(充电电池)通常利用放电和充电循环进行测试。
2. The solar controller: To control the entire system, and played a battery charge protection, over-discharge protection.太阳能控制器:控制整个系统的工作状态,并对蓄电池起到过充电保护、过放电保护的作用。
3. The discharging performance of positive active mass containing different additives in lead-acid batteries was studied.对不同添加剂的铅酸蓄电池正极放电性能进行研究。
4. The discharge characteristics of secondary battery provide im-portant information about the battery's capacity and life.蓄电池的放电特性提供了关于电池容量和寿命的重要信息。
来自互联网5. The single battery possibly endures overcharge and overdischarge though the battery operates at normal voltage range.即使在整体不过充电、过放电的状态下,也可以出现单体蓄电池的过充电与过放电。


1. Secondary (rechargeable) batteries are commonly tested using discharge and charge cycling.蓄电池(充电电池)通常利用放电和充电循环进行测试。来自互联网 2. The solar controller: To control the entire system, and played a battery charge protection, over-discharge protection.太阳能控制器:...

charge cycling.蓄电池(充电电池)通常利用放电和充电循环进行测试。来自互联网 2.The solar controller:To control the entire system,and played a battery charge protection,over-discharge protection.太阳能控制器:控制整个系统的工作状态,并对蓄电池起到过充电保护、过放电保护的作用。来自互联网 3....

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in our life, but it is the energy storage device storage capacity and the service life is big. In order to solve this problem, which has been applied in many of the storage device. This paper mainly introduces the new supercapacitor energy device. Both conventional capacitor superca...

The other device called generator makes use of light, heat, and mechanical motion to produce electric energy. Now, more than 95 percent of the world's electric energy is produced by generators其中之一是由化学作用产生电力的电池的电的单元格。调用生成器使其他设备使用的光、 热和机械的运动来产生电...

possibly creates the connection contact not to be good, insteaddamages the battery and the notebook; Finally, the notebook batteryalso plays the UPS role, once the sudden power failure, the batterymay guarantee the computer continues to move, otherwise you willsuffer certainly to lose...

英语专业术语 充电器和电池的 越多越好
chargeable battery 可充电电池 chargeable duration of a call 通话计费时间 chargeable time 计费时间 chargeable time 计费时间收费时间 chargeable time 收费时间 chargeable tonnage 计费吨位 chargeable 可充电的 chargeable 应征税的应负责的可充电的 chargeabletime counter 收费计时器 charged body 带电体 ...

太阳光照在半导体p-n结上,形成新的空穴-电子对,在p-n结电场的作用下,空穴由n区流向p区,电子由p区流向n区,接通电路后就形成电流。这就是光电效应太阳能电池的工作原理。一、太阳能发电方式太阳能发电有两种方式,一种是光—热—电转换方式,另一种是光—电直接转换方式。(1) 光—热—电...

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"Environmental killer" -- used batteries (assessment composition) in life, people often don't think could anywhere will used batteries and other second-class one thrown into a second-class box, have more very person incredibly throw them on the land and lakes tabor, return think ...

Do not charge in a gas tight container ==》不可在密闭容器中给电池充电。Do not short the battery terminals==》不可造成电池短路 Do not incinerate==》 不可将产品投掷于明火(严禁火烧)Flush with water at once if contaminated with electrolyle(Acid) 如果电池被酸性物质污染,请立刻...