英语手抄报内容 题目是better English, better future(更好的英语,更美好的未来)
Future is better!强调未来代表着美好,对未来的憧憬和信心。可译为:未来更美好!未来是美好的!相信未来的美好!等
Make a better future! 强调努力后得到更美好的未来。可译为:去创造一个更加美好的未来吧!
翻译:expecting/looking forward for a more wonderful future with you。
In this growing society, English is becoming a more and more important aspect of one's life. Knowing how to speak good English means being a better communicator, and often getting a better job -- one that requires more communication between other foreign companies or investment companies. English is a very global language, and learning how to speak English would mean being able to communicate with people from many different countries, through many different cultural backgrounds. Better English, better future -- the "better future" might be only a job with a high salary, but for me, it is also linking the world together with communication; understanding each other no matter each other's ethnic group, and being a better communicator who can express their thoughts throughout this whole world.答:饺子是一种历史悠久的民间吃食,深受老百姓的欢迎,民间有“好吃不过饺子”的俗语。每逢新春佳节,饺子更成为一种应时不可缺少的佳期肴。 据三国魏人张揖著的《广雅》记载那时已有形如月牙称为“馄饨”的食品,和现在的饺子形状基本类似。到南北朝时...
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