
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2025-01-09







局 长 近藤 勇 (天然理心流)
总 长 山南 敬助 (北辰一刀流)
参 谋 伊东 甲子太郎 (北辰一刀流)
副 长 土方 岁三 (天然理心流)
一番队长 冲田 总司 (天然理心流)
二番队长 永仓 新八 (神道无念流)
三番队长 斋藤 一 (无外流、一刀流)
四番队长 松原 忠司 流派不明
五番队长 武田 观柳斋 (北辰一刀流)
六番队长 井上 源三郎 (天然理心流)
七番队长 谷 三十郎 (神明流)
八番队长 藤堂 平助 (北辰一刀流)
九番队长 铃木 三树三郎 (北辰一刀流)
十番队长 原田 左之助 (种田流枪术,一说是宝藏院流枪术)
诸士?#123;役兼监察 山崎 烝 流派不明
二番队伍长兼监察 岛田 魁 (心形刀流)
监察 尾形 俊太郎 流派不明


冲田总司 Okita Souji 1844~1868









无奈天妒英才,冲田很早就患上了肺结核,池田屋事件之后病情逐渐加重,吐血不止.伏见·鸟羽一战,病入膏肓的冲田已经无法再握刀了,只得到千驮谷养病,脱离了战场.新撰组最后时刻,当土方在战场上玉碎时,冲田则在病榻上与病魔战 斗.最终回天乏术,于1868年5月30日病故,年仅二十四岁.

冲田总司,名房良,天保十三年(1842)或十五年(1844)生于武藏国,其父冲田胜次郎是陆奥国白河藩阿部能登守的家臣.胜次郎身体很弱,年纪轻轻就去世了,而总司的养父井上林太郎也无故脱藩,去了远方.幼年失怙的总司,在八岁的时候,进入一家名为"试卫馆"的乡下道场,学习天然理心流剑术. 6 o8 E?)
还有一种说法,这些身份来历,都是总司成年以后,自己编造的.他只是一个弃婴,被试卫馆馆主近藤周作收养了而已.但不管怎样,周作的养子近藤勇和弟子土方岁三,象父亲又象兄长一般把总司养大,却是大家都承认的事实.总司对这两人的爱和崇敬,直接引导他走完短暂但辉煌的人生历程. \/l y X<
总司相貌清秀,很有人缘,但他却不靠这点,或者靠自己深得新馆主近藤勇的疼爱,确定自己在道场中的位置.他苦练剑术,不到十九岁,就获得了天然理心流的免许皆传(即已经有自己开门授徒的资格了).据说他擅长使用"突"技(而这正是天然理心流剑法的最大特色所在,还记得《风火英雄》中,对于总司独创"三段刺"的描写吗),近藤勇一直认为他是本门下代掌门的最佳人选. !8Y`b) @A3
有一个传说,近藤勇有一个养女,经常到道场里来帮助洗涤和打扫.经过长时间的接触,他爱上了总司,并终于鼓起勇气向心上人告白.然而遗憾的是,总司只是冷淡地回答说:"我还在修行中……".遭到拒绝的姑娘,在痛苦和羞愧之下,竟然引刀割喉自杀.还好抢救及时,保住了性命,不久就被父母强迫嫁了人……真是一段凄美的爱情故事啊.姑娘不明白,总司已经决定把他的一切,都献给剑道修行,和对养育之爱的还报了吧. \sVes=6 t
文久三年(1863),幕府招募浪士队,维护京都治安,试卫馆全员在近藤和土方的带领下前去报名.因为种种原因,最后浪士队的计划取消了,但在京都守护职松平容保的策划下,新撰组却诞生了. hZhPwogi9
新撰组成立初期,共设三位局长理事,除近藤勇外,还有芹泽鸭和新见锦.芹泽强横暴躁,给新撰组带来了很不好的影响,可是后台太硬,又无法循正常渠道扳倒他.无奈之下,近藤一党决定采取断然行动(据说,是总司最早提出的建议)——当年九月十三日夜,京都风雨大作,近藤,土方,冲田等五人突然杀入岛原地方某料亭,将正与情人幽会的芹泽斩杀.芹泽是神道无念流的高手,却在狭窄的根本无法达成合围的居室中,被轻易砍倒,从此没人再敢轻视天然理心流是乡下剑法了吧. f86 "<
此后不久,新见锦也因事故引咎切腹,近藤勇成为唯一局长,试卫馆成员实际掌控了新撰组的主导权.总司成为一番组长,副长助勤,并兼击剑示范.据说他非常喜欢小孩,在京都的时候,经常利用处理队务的间隙,和壬生寺(新撰组屯所)附近的孩子们玩耍.那时候,他不过才二十岁,也许还保有着天真的童心吧,或者是为了补偿孤独童年所遗留的寂寞感…… vqyafSr O

元治元年(1864)六月五日夜,三十余名攘夷志士集合于京都一间名为池田屋的小旅馆,商议打倒幕府的计划.因为情报泄漏,新撰组全体集合于八坂神社,由局长近藤亲自带队,奇袭池田屋.这是使新撰组得以名扬天下的战斗,总司手舞爱刀"乞食清光",冲锋在前.虽然志士中不乏剑道高手,却无人能在他的面前走上三个回合.当场便有七名志士倒在血泊之中,丢了性命——其中包括著名的长州尊王思想家吉田稔磨,肥后志士松田重助和熊本藩兵学教师宫部鼎藏——其余的,都做了俘虏. qk<Z4]3=x
恶斗结束,满身都是敌人鲜血的总司,却无缘无故地倒下了.经诊断,他得了在当时算是不治之症的肺结核病.从此,剧烈的咳嗽,呕血和越来越虚弱,就伴随着这位美少年剑士,一步步走向永恒的死亡(同样精于剑术,却因为肺痨而英年早逝的美少年,还有德川幕府初期的田宫坊太郎,这是真正的巧合呢?还是传说所造成的巧合呢?). |J w`I
流动的天下局势,并不因为新撰组的努力,而改变其前进方向.幕府势力逐步衰退,倒幕诸藩联合起来,终于掀起了戊辰战争.幕府军放弃京都,向江户方向收缩防线,而新撰组也随同一起向江户撤退. T ~O *A9
总司没有逃往江户,他就留在京都附近,和抚养他长大的他的父亲,他的兄长,永远告别了.他是从去年年底开始,病情突然恶化的.不久以后,就被送到乡下千太谷的植木屋平五郎家中静养,在这个山明水秀的地方,度过了一生的最后时光. &" 4 yk(
伏见·鸟羽战役,幕军全面溃败,而新撰组干部们惊世骇俗的剑术,也根本无法阻挡肩扛火枪的新政府军的前进步伐.最终,近藤勇在甲府战败后,弃械投降,于庆应四年(1868)四月,被判处斩首之刑.土方岁三率领新撰组残部北上虾夷地,于明治二年(1869)新政府军进攻五稜郭的时候,自杀性冲阵,被乱枪击毙. Z)/v @L oN
近藤的死讯,在一个月后传到了总司的耳中.他回想自己的一生,他的一生都在为天然理心流而努力,为新撰组而战斗,为了他的父亲同时也是他的兄长——近藤和土方——得以驰骋于乱世中,而不懈地挥刀斩杀.现在,近藤死了,土方率领残部北上,也势不能持久,新撰组已经完成了它的历史使命,它应该终结了,那么自己的生命呢?自己生命的存在还有什么意义? 9FS@O9>6x







局 长 近藤 勇 (天然理心流)
总 长 山南 敬助 (北辰一刀流)
参 谋 伊东 甲子太郎 (北辰一刀流)
副 长 土方 岁三 (天然理心流)
一番队长 冲田 总司 (天然理心流)
二番队长 永仓 新八 (神道无念流)
三番队长 斋藤 一 (无外流、一刀流)
四番队长 松原 忠司 流派不明
五番队长 武田 观柳斋 (北辰一刀流)
六番队长 井上 源三郎 (天然理心流)
七番队长 谷 三十郎 (神明流)
八番队长 藤堂 平助 (北辰一刀流)
九番队长 铃木 三树三郎 (北辰一刀流)
十番队长 原田 左之助 (种田流枪术,一说是宝藏院流枪术)
诸士?#123;役兼监察 山崎 烝 流派不明
二番队伍长兼监察 岛田 魁 (心形刀流)
监察 尾形 俊太郎 流派不明


冲田总司 Okita Souji 1844~1868









无奈天妒英才,冲田很早就患上了肺结核,池田屋事件之后病情逐渐加重,吐血不止.伏见·鸟羽一战,病入膏肓的冲田已经无法再握刀了,只得到千驮谷养病,脱离了战场.新撰组最后时刻,当土方在战场上玉碎时,冲田则在病榻上与病魔战 斗.最终回天乏术,于1868年5月30日病故,年仅二十四岁.

冲田总司,名房良,天保十三年(1842)或十五年(1844)生于武藏国,其父冲田胜次郎是陆奥国白河藩阿部能登守的家臣.胜次郎身体很弱,年纪轻轻就去世了,而总司的养父井上林太郎也无故脱藩,去了远方.幼年失怙的总司,在八岁的时候,进入一家名为"试卫馆"的乡下道场,学习天然理心流剑术. 6 o8 E?)
还有一种说法,这些身份来历,都是总司成年以后,自己编造的.他只是一个弃婴,被试卫馆馆主近藤周作收养了而已.但不管怎样,周作的养子近藤勇和弟子土方岁三,象父亲又象兄长一般把总司养大,却是大家都承认的事实.总司对这两人的爱和崇敬,直接引导他走完短暂但辉煌的人生历程. \/l y X<
总司相貌清秀,很有人缘,但他却不靠这点,或者靠自己深得新馆主近藤勇的疼爱,确定自己在道场中的位置.他苦练剑术,不到十九岁,就获得了天然理心流的免许皆传(即已经有自己开门授徒的资格了).据说他擅长使用"突"技(而这正是天然理心流剑法的最大特色所在,还记得《风火英雄》中,对于总司独创"三段刺"的描写吗),近藤勇一直认为他是本门下代掌门的最佳人选. !8Y`b) @A3
有一个传说,近藤勇有一个养女,经常到道场里来帮助洗涤和打扫.经过长时间的接触,他爱上了总司,并终于鼓起勇气向心上人告白.然而遗憾的是,总司只是冷淡地回答说:"我还在修行中……".遭到拒绝的姑娘,在痛苦和羞愧之下,竟然引刀割喉自杀.还好抢救及时,保住了性命,不久就被父母强迫嫁了人……真是一段凄美的爱情故事啊.姑娘不明白,总司已经决定把他的一切,都献给剑道修行,和对养育之爱的还报了吧. \sVes=6 t
文久三年(1863),幕府招募浪士队,维护京都治安,试卫馆全员在近藤和土方的带领下前去报名.因为种种原因,最后浪士队的计划取消了,但在京都守护职松平容保的策划下,新撰组却诞生了. hZhPwogi9
新撰组成立初期,共设三位局长理事,除近藤勇外,还有芹泽鸭和新见锦.芹泽强横暴躁,给新撰组带来了很不好的影响,可是后台太硬,又无法循正常渠道扳倒他.无奈之下,近藤一党决定采取断然行动(据说,是总司最早提出的建议)——当年九月十三日夜,京都风雨大作,近藤,土方,冲田等五人突然杀入岛原地方某料亭,将正与情人幽会的芹泽斩杀.芹泽是神道无念流的高手,却在狭窄的根本无法达成合围的居室中,被轻易砍倒,从此没人再敢轻视天然理心流是乡下剑法了吧. f86 "<
此后不久,新见锦也因事故引咎切腹,近藤勇成为唯一局长,试卫馆成员实际掌控了新撰组的主导权.总司成为一番组长,副长助勤,并兼击剑示范.据说他非常喜欢小孩,在京都的时候,经常利用处理队务的间隙,和壬生寺(新撰组屯所)附近的孩子们玩耍.那时候,他不过才二十岁,也许还保有着天真的童心吧,或者是为了补偿孤独童年所遗留的寂寞感…… vqyafSr O

元治元年(1864)六月五日夜,三十余名攘夷志士集合于京都一间名为池田屋的小旅馆,商议打倒幕府的计划.因为情报泄漏,新撰组全体集合于八坂神社,由局长近藤亲自带队,奇袭池田屋.这是使新撰组得以名扬天下的战斗,总司手舞爱刀"乞食清光",冲锋在前.虽然志士中不乏剑道高手,却无人能在他的面前走上三个回合.当场便有七名志士倒在血泊之中,丢了性命——其中包括著名的长州尊王思想家吉田稔磨,肥后志士松田重助和熊本藩兵学教师宫部鼎藏——其余的,都做了俘虏. qk<Z4]3=x
恶斗结束,满身都是敌人鲜血的总司,却无缘无故地倒下了.经诊断,他得了在当时算是不治之症的肺结核病.从此,剧烈的咳嗽,呕血和越来越虚弱,就伴随着这位美少年剑士,一步步走向永恒的死亡(同样精于剑术,却因为肺痨而英年早逝的美少年,还有德川幕府初期的田宫坊太郎,这是真正的巧合呢?还是传说所造成的巧合呢?). |J w`I
流动的天下局势,并不因为新撰组的努力,而改变其前进方向.幕府势力逐步衰退,倒幕诸藩联合起来,终于掀起了戊辰战争.幕府军放弃京都,向江户方向收缩防线,而新撰组也随同一起向江户撤退. T ~O *A9
总司没有逃往江户,他就留在京都附近,和抚养他长大的他的父亲,他的兄长,永远告别了.他是从去年年底开始,病情突然恶化的.不久以后,就被送到乡下千太谷的植木屋平五郎家中静养,在这个山明水秀的地方,度过了一生的最后时光. &" 4 yk(
伏见·鸟羽战役,幕军全面溃败,而新撰组干部们惊世骇俗的剑术,也根本无法阻挡肩扛火枪的新政府军的前进步伐.最终,近藤勇在甲府战败后,弃械投降,于庆应四年(1868)四月,被判处斩首之刑.土方岁三率领新撰组残部北上虾夷地,于明治二年(1869)新政府军进攻五稜郭的时候,自杀性冲阵,被乱枪击毙. Z)/v @L oN
近藤的死讯,在一个月后传到了总司的耳中.他回想自己的一生,他的一生都在为天然理心流而努力,为新撰组而战斗,为了他的父亲同时也是他的兄长——近藤和土方——得以驰骋于乱世中,而不懈地挥刀斩杀.现在,近藤死了,土方率领残部北上,也势不能持久,新撰组已经完成了它的历史使命,它应该终结了,那么自己的生命呢?自己生命的存在还有什么意义? 9FS@O9>6x


==Okita Soji==

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Okita Sōji (冲田 総司), (1842 or 1844 - July 19, 1868) was the captain of the first troop of the Shinsengumi, a special police force in Kyoto during the late shogunate period. He was a well-known genius swordsman, being one of the strongest out of the Shinsengumi, along with Saito Hajime and Nagakura Shinpachi.


He was born Okita Soujirou Fujiwara no Harumasa in 1842 or 1844 from a samurai family in the Shirakawa- han's Edo mansion. His great-grandfather was Okita Kan'emon ( - 1819) and his grandfather was Okita Sanshiro ( - 1833.) His father, Okita Katsujiro, died in 1845; he had two older sisters, Okita Mitsu (1833-1907) and Okita Kin (1836-1908.) In 1846, in order to marry the adopted son of the Okita family, Okita Rintaro (1826-1883), his oldest sister Okita Mitsu became an adopted daughter of Kondo Shusuke in name. Kondo Shusuke was the third master of the Tennen Rishin Ryu and Okita started training at the Shieikan with him around the age of nine. By that time, Kondo Shusuke had already adopted Shimazaki Katsuta (the later Kondo Isami), but Hijikata Toshizo had not yet enrolled at the Tennen Rishin-ryu school. Okita proved to be a prodigy and attained Menkyo Kaiden status (master of kenjutsu) at eighteen or so.

In 1861, Okita became the Head Coach (Jukutou) at the Shieikan. Even though he was often commented to be honest, polite, and good-natured by those around him, he was also known to be a strict and quick-tempered teacher to his students.

According to Yagi Tamesaburou (Yagi Gennoujou's son) and Satou Shun'sen (Satou Hikogorou's descendent), Okita was a tall, dark, and thin man with high cheekbones, a wide mouth, and a "flatfish" face. In addition, he was known as a man who smiled and laughed well (not very talkative, however.)

=Shinsengumi Period=

Okita changed his name to Okita Souji Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi some time before his departure to Kyoto in 1863. He soon became a founding member of the Shinsengumi and a Fukuchou Jokin (Vice-Commander's Assistant.) Okita Rintarou, also a practitioner of the Tennen Rishin-ryu, became a commander of the Shinchougumi (the Shinsengumi's brother league in Edo.)

Okita was the second youngest among the Shieikan members, with Todo Heisuke being the youngest. He was one of the Shieikan members involved in the Serizawa Kamo (one of the original commanders of the Shinsengumi) and the Uchiyama Hikojiro assassinations in 1863.

Equally skilled with shinai, bokken/bokutou, and katana, his signature technique was named the Mumyo-ken or Sandanzuki (which translates as "Three Piece Thrust"), a technique that could attack one's neck, left shoulder, and right shoulder with one strike. (the Mumyo-ken supposedly could hit all three points simultaneously, but this is most likely an embellishment.) The Mumyo-ken was his own invention and it could have been derived from an invention of Hijikata's (the Hirazuki.)

It was rumored that his tuberculosis was discovered when he coughed blood and fainted during the Ikedaya Affair, but some sources say that he contracted the disease after that. Both are reasonable, as tuberculosis can kill quickly (weeks), or very slowly (many years). While many of the Shinsengumi fans believe that Yoshida Toshimaru was killed by Okita during the Ikedaya Affair (based on Shimosawa Kan and Shiba Ryoutarou's fiction), it is in fact historically inaccurate.

Based on Shiba Ryoutarou's fiction, many also believe that Okita and Hijikata were like brothers. In history, Yamanami Keisuke was the vice-commander Okita shared a brotherly relationship with. Yamanami's seppuku (with Okita as his second) in 1865 was an extremely painful incident in Okita's short life. There is no record showing that Hijikata and Okita were close; it is debatable whether Okita even got along with Hijikata.

In 1865, Okita became the captain of the first unit of the Shinsengumi and also served as a kenjutsu instructor; later that year, he was appointed by Kondo Isami to be the fifth master of the Tennen Rishin-ryu after him.

Although highly unlikely, it was rumored that he wielded a famous katana called Kikuichi-monji. However, he surely owned a set of Kaga Kiyomitsu (a katana and a wakizashi) and his so-called "Kikuichimonji Norimune" was likely a Yamasiro Kunikiyo instead.


During the Boshin War, after the Battle of Toba-Fushimi in January of Keiou 4, Okita went into Matsumoto Ryoujun's hospital in Edo. He then moved to a guesthouse with Okita Rintarou, Okita Mitsu, and their children. When the shogunate forces (including the Shinsengumi and the Shinchougumi) retreated to the Tohoku region, Okita remained in Edo alone. He died on July 19 (lunar calendar May 30th), 1868. Later that night, he was buried at his family temple in Edo (present Tokyo), under his birth name (with Okita Souji listed in the death records.) Today, Okita's grave is not open to the public.

The information that Okita died when he was 25 is based on the theory that he was born in 1844 and therefore was 25 by East Asian age reckoning when he died in 1868.


It is a misconception that Okita's mother died when he was a young boy. In fact, she died in 1862.

It is historically accurate that Okita loved children. During his time in Kyoto, he was often seen playing with children and was a baby-sitter to Yagi's sons in Mibu.

He was not particularly fond of liquor but it is fictional that he loved sweets.

Okita was a bit of a clean freak.

Aside from being treated by Matsumoto, Okita also took Kyorou Sanyaku (medicine for enervation and coughing) for his tuberculosis (not to be confused with Ishida Sanyaku for treating injures such as bruises and broken bones.)

There has not been any evidence of an Okita photograph.

The account in regard of Okita and a certain doctor's daughter originally comes from the Shinsengumi trilogy by Shimozawa Kan. His Shinsengumi books are categorized as (historical) fiction. Likewise, according to Shimozawa's Shinsengumi Shimatsuki, Okita died after an attempt to kill a black cat. However, it is debatable how much of it is fact-based.

"Okita" (冲田) was his family name; "Soji" (総司) was his given name; "Fujiwara" (藤原) was his family clan (the surname of his ancestors); "Kaneyoshi" (房良) was his formal given name (like a middle name equivalent). It is unclear whether Okita changed his name to Okita Souji Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi in 1863 or in 1862 (or less likely, in 1861.) There's a theory that he changed his name to Souji because some people around him called him "Sou-Ji" (short for Soujirou.) Other than his full name, he could be referred as Okita Soji or Okita Soji Kaneyoshi. In writing, he was sometimes referred as Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi (formal name used in writing) or Okita Kaneyoshi (like the "initials" for his full name.).

=Okita in Fiction=

Like the other members of the Shinsengumi, fictionalized accounts of Okita's life and actions appear in novels, period dramas and anime/manga series.

Okita is briefly mentioned and shown in the anime/manga series Rurouni Kenshin, which takes place during and after the Meiji Revolution in Japan. A character later on in the series, Seta Sōjirō, was based on the Okita Sōji from novel Shinsengumi Keppuroku (and therefore, darker than the real Okita.) Okita is also a main character in the anime/manga Peacemaker Kurogane, which takes more liberties with history. In an episode of the anime Ghost Sweeper Mikami, ghost-hunter Mikami Reiko gets inside of a haunted movie about the Bakumatsu and meets Okita, who is depicted as a crazy guy who thinks only of killing people (obvious pun on his usual portrayal, which also is a foil to the show's rendition of Hijikata.) In the anime/manga series Shura no Toki, Okita's (fictional) last battle before succumbing to his sickness is with a warrior from the Mutsu Enmei Ryuu, an unarmed martial art. Their duel was a request from Okita himself from years before. And while only briefly appearing in Kido Shinsengumi: Moeyo Ken (in a flashback and as a possible ghost), Okita's fictional daughter Kaoru (by an equally fictional unnamed wife) is one of the three main characters of the series.

Okita is the male protagonist in the manga Kaze Hikaru, a fictional story about the Shinsengumi during the late Tokugawa shogunate, in which Okita trains a young girl to be one of the Shinsengumi in order to avenge her father and older brother. He is also featured in the manga Getsumei Seiki.

In addition, he is depicted in the 1999 live-action film Gohatto (sometimes known as Taboo in the USA) and video game series Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi. His three-point strike (Mumyo-ken) and his tuberculosis are also very similar to the character Ukyo Tachibana from the video game series Samurai Shodown.

His anime, manga, and TV depictions tend to be as a handsome young man, sometimes a bishōnen. The Latin American dub of Rurouni Kenshin, even mistook Okita for a woman, and the Hijikata/Okita yaoi pairing is very popular among the fangirls of Peacemaker Kurogane.

The popular Japanese conception of Okita is that his character and his swordsmanship were of the highest purity. In Shiba Ryotaro's novels, he joined the Shinsengumi not because of his political beliefs but rather out of his loyalty for Kondo Isami and his (fictional) friendship with Hijikata Toshizo.

Although his given name is sometimes pronounced as "Soushi" in the fictional world, it's actually "Souji.".


Mori, Makiko. Okita Soji Feature. Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Oraisha, 1999. ISBN 4404028075

Oji, Kazuko. Walking with Okita Soji. Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Oraisha, 1989. ISBN 4404016212

==Okita Soji==

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Okita Sōji (冲田 総司), (1842 or 1844 - July 19, 1868) was the captain of the first troop of the Shinsengumi, a special police force in Kyoto during the late shogunate period. He was a well-known genius swordsman, being one of the strongest out of the Shinsengumi, along with Saito Hajime and Nagakura Shinpachi.


He was born Okita Soujirou Fujiwara no Harumasa in 1842 or 1844 from a samurai family in the Shirakawa- han's Edo mansion. His great-grandfather was Okita Kan'emon ( - 1819) and his grandfather was Okita Sanshiro ( - 1833.) His father, Okita Katsujiro, died in 1845; he had two older sisters, Okita Mitsu (1833-1907) and Okita Kin (1836-1908.) In 1846, in order to marry the adopted son of the Okita family, Okita Rintaro (1826-1883), his oldest sister Okita Mitsu became an adopted daughter of Kondo Shusuke in name. Kondo Shusuke was the third master of the Tennen Rishin Ryu and Okita started training at the Shieikan with him around the age of nine. By that time, Kondo Shusuke had already adopted Shimazaki Katsuta (the later Kondo Isami), but Hijikata Toshizo had not yet enrolled at the Tennen Rishin-ryu school. Okita proved to be a prodigy and attained Menkyo Kaiden status (master of kenjutsu) at eighteen or so.

In 1861, Okita became the Head Coach (Jukutou) at the Shieikan. Even though he was often commented to be honest, polite, and good-natured by those around him, he was also known to be a strict and quick-tempered teacher to his students.

According to Yagi Tamesaburou (Yagi Gennoujou's son) and Satou Shun'sen (Satou Hikogorou's descendent), Okita was a tall, dark, and thin man with high cheekbones, a wide mouth, and a "flatfish" face. In addition, he was known as a man who smiled and laughed well (not very talkative, however.)

=Shinsengumi Period=

Okita changed his name to Okita Souji Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi some time before his departure to Kyoto in 1863. He soon became a founding member of the Shinsengumi and a Fukuchou Jokin (Vice-Commander's Assistant.) Okita Rintarou, also a practitioner of the Tennen Rishin-ryu, became a commander of the Shinchougumi (the Shinsengumi's brother league in Edo.)

Okita was the second youngest among the Shieikan members, with Todo Heisuke being the youngest. He was one of the Shieikan members involved in the Serizawa Kamo (one of the original commanders of the Shinsengumi) and the Uchiyama Hikojiro assassinations in 1863.

Equally skilled with shinai, bokken/bokutou, and katana, his signature technique was named the Mumyo-ken or Sandanzuki (which translates as "Three Piece Thrust"), a technique that could attack one's neck, left shoulder, and right shoulder with one strike. (the Mumyo-ken supposedly could hit all three points simultaneously, but this is most likely an embellishment.) The Mumyo-ken was his own invention and it could have been derived from an invention of Hijikata's (the Hirazuki.)

It was rumored that his tuberculosis was discovered when he coughed blood and fainted during the Ikedaya Affair, but some sources say that he contracted the disease after that. Both are reasonable, as tuberculosis can kill quickly (weeks), or very slowly (many years). While many of the Shinsengumi fans believe that Yoshida Toshimaru was killed by Okita during the Ikedaya Affair (based on Shimosawa Kan and Shiba Ryoutarou's fiction), it is in fact historically inaccurate.

Based on Shiba Ryoutarou's fiction, many also believe that Okita and Hijikata were like brothers. In history, Yamanami Keisuke was the vice-commander Okita shared a brotherly relationship with. Yamanami's seppuku (with Okita as his second) in 1865 was an extremely painful incident in Okita's short life. There is no record showing that Hijikata and Okita were close; it is debatable whether Okita even got along with Hijikata.

In 1865, Okita became the captain of the first unit of the Shinsengumi and also served as a kenjutsu instructor; later that year, he was appointed by Kondo Isami to be the fifth master of the Tennen Rishin-ryu after him.

Although highly unlikely, it was rumored that he wielded a famous katana called Kikuichi-monji. However, he surely owned a set of Kaga Kiyomitsu (a katana and a wakizashi) and his so-called "Kikuichimonji Norimune" was likely a Yamasiro Kunikiyo instead.


During the Boshin War, after the Battle of Toba-Fushimi in January of Keiou 4, Okita went into Matsumoto Ryoujun's hospital in Edo. He then moved to a guesthouse with Okita Rintarou, Okita Mitsu, and their children. When the shogunate forces (including the Shinsengumi and the Shinchougumi) retreated to the Tohoku region, Okita remained in Edo alone. He died on July 19 (lunar calendar May 30th), 1868. Later that night, he was buried at his family temple in Edo (present Tokyo), under his birth name (with Okita Souji listed in the death records.) Today, Okita's grave is not open to the public.

The information that Okita died when he was 25 is based on the theory that he was born in 1844 and therefore was 25 by East Asian age reckoning when he died in 1868.


It is a misconception that Okita's mother died when he was a young boy. In fact, she died in 1862.

It is historically accurate that Okita loved children. During his time in Kyoto, he was often seen playing with children and was a baby-sitter to Yagi's sons in Mibu.

He was not particularly fond of liquor but it is fictional that he loved sweets.

Okita was a bit of a clean freak.

Aside from being treated by Matsumoto, Okita also took Kyorou Sanyaku (medicine for enervation and coughing) for his tuberculosis (not to be confused with Ishida Sanyaku for treating injures such as bruises and broken bones.)

There has not been any evidence of an Okita photograph.

The account in regard of Okita and a certain doctor's daughter originally comes from the Shinsengumi trilogy by Shimozawa Kan. His Shinsengumi books are categorized as (historical) fiction. Likewise, according to Shimozawa's Shinsengumi Shimatsuki, Okita died after an attempt to kill a black cat. However, it is debatable how much of it is fact-based.

"Okita" (冲田) was his family name; "Soji" (総司) was his given name; "Fujiwara" (藤原) was his family clan (the surname of his ancestors); "Kaneyoshi" (房良) was his formal given name (like a middle name equivalent). It is unclear whether Okita changed his name to Okita Souji Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi in 1863 or in 1862 (or less likely, in 1861.) There's a theory that he changed his name to Souji because some people around him called him "Sou-Ji" (short for Soujirou.) Other than his full name, he could be referred as Okita Soji or Okita Soji Kaneyoshi. In writing, he was sometimes referred as Fujiwara no Kaneyoshi (formal name used in writing) or Okita Kaneyoshi (like the "initials" for his full name.).

=Okita in Fiction=

Like the other members of the Shinsengumi, fictionalized accounts of Okita's life and actions appear in novels, period dramas and anime/manga series.

Okita is briefly mentioned and shown in the anime/manga series Rurouni Kenshin, which takes place during and after the Meiji Revolution in Japan. A character later on in the series, Seta Sōjirō, was based on the Okita Sōji from novel Shinsengumi Keppuroku (and therefore, darker than the real Okita.) Okita is also a main character in the anime/manga Peacemaker Kurogane, which takes more liberties with history. In an episode of the anime Ghost Sweeper Mikami, ghost-hunter Mikami Reiko gets inside of a haunted movie about the Bakumatsu and meets Okita, who is depicted as a crazy guy who thinks only of killing people (obvious pun on his usual portrayal, which also is a foil to the show's rendition of Hijikata.) In the anime/manga series Shura no Toki, Okita's (fictional) last battle before succumbing to his sickness is with a warrior from the Mutsu Enmei Ryuu, an unarmed martial art. Their duel was a request from Okita himself from years before. And while only briefly appearing in Kido Shinsengumi: Moeyo Ken (in a flashback and as a possible ghost), Okita's fictional daughter Kaoru (by an equally fictional unnamed wife) is one of the three main characters of the series.

Okita is the male protagonist in the manga Kaze Hikaru, a fictional story about the Shinsengumi during the late Tokugawa shogunate, in which Okita trains a young girl to be one of the Shinsengumi in order to avenge her father and older brother. He is also featured in the manga Getsumei Seiki.

In addition, he is depicted in the 1999 live-action film Gohatto (sometimes known as Taboo in the USA) and video game series Bakumatsu Renka Shinsengumi. His three-point strike (Mumyo-ken) and his tuberculosis are also very similar to the character Ukyo Tachibana from the video game series Samurai Shodown.

His anime, manga, and TV depictions tend to be as a handsome young man, sometimes a bishōnen. The Latin American dub of Rurouni Kenshin, even mistook Okita for a woman, and the Hijikata/Okita yaoi pairing is very popular among the fangirls of Peacemaker Kurogane.

The popular Japanese conception of Okita is that his character and his swordsmanship were of the highest purity. In Shiba Ryotaro's novels, he joined the Shinsengumi not because of his political beliefs but rather out of his loyalty for Kondo Isami and his (fictional) friendship with Hijikata Toshizo.

Although his given name is sometimes pronounced as "Soushi" in the fictional world, it's actually "Souji.".


Mori, Makiko. Okita Soji Feature. Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Oraisha, 1999. ISBN 4404028075

Oji, Kazuko. Walking with Okita Soji. Tokyo: Shin Jinbutsu Oraisha, 1989. ISBN 4404016212


冲田总司,名房良,天保十三年(1842)或十五年(1844)生于武藏国,其父冲田胜次郎是陆奥国白河藩阿部能登守的家臣.胜次郎身体很弱,年纪轻轻就去世了,而总司的养父井上林太郎也无故脱藩,去了远方.幼年失怙的总司,在八岁的时候,进入一家名为"试卫馆"的乡下道场,学习天然理心流剑术. 6 o8 E?) 还有一种说法,这...

冲田总司: Okita Souji;


大河剧里就有很多 动漫的话:新撰组异闻录---漫画比较好看 浪客剑心 幕末机关说 银魂那个不算啦 修罗之刻 风火英雄 机动新撰组-萌动的剑(这个...)GS美神 极楽大作戦!土方歳三 白の轨迹(?)月明星稀~再见新选组 幕末终极武士:新选组 梦天之花 冻铁之花 北走新选组 浪漫新选组 京都华丽...

出自动漫《名侦探柯南》中的人物冲田总司(cv游佐浩二)人物简介 动漫作品《剑勇传说》中登场人物和《名侦探柯南》中的客串人物。是个非常厉害的剑术高手,就读于京都泉心高中。与同为剑术高手的服部平次交过手。与工藤新一长相相似。

死于肺结核,今年是公子的140年祭~史书中也有记载,他是个个性温婉的少年,但是面对敌人毫不手软。剑术是天然理心流。如果你想有进一步的了解可以加入冲天总司中国盟站或者BD的冲天总司吧^^动漫的话,就我看过的《新撰组异闻录》(最喜欢哒)《浪客剑心》 《幕末机关说》……其实在日本关于新撰组的历史很是热门...

指的就是这个 ———楼主……你后补的问题已经不是从客观角度可以回答的啦 是否総司小时候不坚强、是否小铁坚强就不会走上総司同样的道路……这些都是総司自己认为的呀,也许事实并不是総司判断的那样也说不定,因为个人判断本就是非常主观的东西,对错都难以用客观标准去判定。不过 我们从第三方...

四月新番《薄樱鬼》《薄樱鬼 新选组奇谭》是一款女性向恋爱系PS2游戏。同系列的游戏还有《薄樱鬼 随想录》《薄樱鬼 游戏录》《薄樱鬼 ポータブル》《薄樱鬼DS》《薄樱鬼 巡想录》。2010年4月动画《薄樱鬼》开始播放。

<浪客剑心>中天剑宗次郎 历史上真有这个人吗
濑田宗次郎的原型是新撰组一番队队长冲田总司,冲田总司的乳名是宗次郎,他们的刀也都是菊文字则一。但仅仅是原型,历史上是没有这个人的,而且浪客剑心中,冲田总司本人也有镜头,虽然很短 具体去看总天总司和濑田宗次郎的百度百科

冲田 总司(1842\/1844-1868) 是江户时代后期,幕末的新选组队士、局长助勤、一番队组长、剑术指导。一说生年为天保13年6月1日(1842\/7\/8), 一说生年为天保15年(1844)。 生于江户(东京旧称)白河藩宅(东京都港区),庆应4年5月30日(1868\/7\/19)卒于江户。本名冲田宗次郎藤原春政、后改为冲田总司藤原房良...