Acetic acid is an important chemical raw materials in organic synthesis, and acetic acid production process will produce a large number of low concentration of acetic acid wastewater. Acetate crude product and purification of the fermentation broth have a major impact on the production process and economic performance, but also has great significance for environmental protection and resource utilization, thus separating the recovery of acetic acid on the industrial production of great significance.
At home and abroad have studied acetic acid separation methods, this paper, an analysis of the status quo in the separation of acetic acid process, the separation process and summarized, and include general distillation method, azeotropic distillation, solvent extraction including separation, absorption, and method of esterification, as well as the joint use of the above method are reviewed. And then from acetic acid separation process in the application process, on CWM acetic acid process were discussed in more detail. Introduction and analysis from the economic aspects of the separation methods and related devices. Below on these elements to be reviewed.
Coal is a dominant source of energy of China and the coal dominance has caused the atmospheric pollution featuring the emission of coal-burning flue gas, especially the sulphur dioxide. The most efficient way to address such problem is the deployment of flue gas de- sulfurization (FGD) system. Of the FGD systems currently in operation, plants with wet-process FGD method account for more than 80 percent and most of these systems are of limestone type or limestone-gypsum type.
The FGD gypsum is a byproduct of the wet-process FGD using limestone or limestone-gypsum method. As the FGD gypsum contains excessive impurities, it is far less useful compared with the natural gypsum in term of the compression strength and tensile strength, hence often disposed of as waste due to its little value of reuse. The disposal of the FGD gypsum, however, requires heavy land use and may cause serious contamination. The discarded gypsum, when decomposed, may go with airflow into the atmosphere as suspended fine particles that will negatively affect the animal’s health and vegetation. The FGD gypsum may also go with the storm water into the cropland, contaminate surface water and ground water and get into our food chain. If we cannot take preventive actions against the potential contamination hazard, the FGD gypsum will cause serious harms to our human beings.
In this article, the writer first makes an analysis on the general properties of the FGD gypsum and the harm it may do to the environment. The writer then provides information of the FGD gypsum disposal and reuse at home and abroad, together with the current research of comprehensive use of the cementitious materials. The discussion is focused on how to make comprehensive use of the FGD gypsum in cases of European countries and China. Technical and economic possibilities are detailed to explore the reuse of the FGD gypsum product and identify deficiencies and problems in connection with the reuse of FGD gypsum in China. Solution and suggestions are presented to address the problems. This article also describes the detail test and study on the FGD gypsum used as alternative binding material for mine filling to partially replace the cement. The feasibility of the proposal is technically verified. Finally the writer summarizes the possible ways of comprehensive FGD gypsum reuse and some aspects deserving further study.
Key word: FGD; FGD gypsum; comprehensive reuse; binding materials
The combination of citrate complexation in aqueous chemistry with the steric entrapment effect of an auxiliary organic gel affords the相结合的柠檬酸络合水溶液中的立体化学包封的辅助作用提供了有机凝胶
possibility of easy and rapid synthesis of high quality multicomponent oxide powders.可能很容易和快速合成高品质的多元氧化物粉体。 Stable solutions of strongly chelated cations are稳定解决方案的强烈螯合金属离子的
obtained by controlling the amount of ligand and the pH.获得通过控制体量和pH值。 These solutions are then easily gelled by in situ formation of polyacrylamide gel.这些解决方案就可以很容易胶体原位形成聚丙烯酰胺凝胶。
This hydrous gel is directly decomposed by thermal treatment, resulting in fine and nanoscale powders.这是直接水合凝胶的热分解处理,造成罚款和纳米粉体。 The polyacrylamide gel makes the的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶使
citrate process easier and more rapid.柠檬酸过程更加容易和迅速。 The chemical homogeneity of the powders, usually high for the citrate process, may be improved by化学同质性粉末,通常高的柠檬酸过程中,可能会得到改善
the steric effect of the organic gel.立体效果的有机凝胶。 The process, routinely used for hundreds of preparations is illustrated by the synthesis of four这个过程中,经常使用数百年的筹备说明了四年的合成
compounds as examples.化合物作为例子。 Nearly single-phase calcium hexaaluminate CaAl O is obtained after heat treatment at 11008C for 1 h.近单相钙六铝酸盐CaAl O是获得热处理后在11008C 1小时 Pure 12 19纯12月19日
lanthanum manganite La Sr MnO and barium zirconate BaZrO are formed at 650 and 10008C, respectively.镧锰香格里拉高级MnO和钡锆BaZrO是形成于650和10008C分别。 The synthesis of 0.8 0.2 3 3合成0.8 0.2 3月3日
anorthite CaAl Si O is an example of the use of this process for silicates or aluminosilicates in aqueous chemistry without citrate 2 2 8钙长石CaAl硅O是一个例子,使用这个进程的硅酸盐或aluminosilicates化学水溶液中没有柠檬酸2 2 8
chelation.螯合。 The amorphous precursor crystallises at 10008C into hexagonal anorthite before transforming into the stable triclinic form.非晶前驱crystallises在10008C到六角钙长石之前转化为稳定的三表。 The那个
steric entrapment effect of the polyacrylamide gel is advantageous for aqueous chemical processes, and in the same way, the same concept立体诱捕效果的聚丙烯酰胺凝胶是有利的水化学过程,并以同样的方式,同样的概念
may be used for other organic gels in organic media.可用于其他有机凝胶在有机介质。 Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. Ó 2001年埃尔塞维尔科技有限公司All rights reserved 。
Keywords: Polyacrylamide gel; Citrate process; Multicomponent oxides; Aqueous synthesis; Calcium hexaluminate; Anorthite; Manganites关键词:聚丙烯酰胺凝胶;柠檬酸进程;多元氧化物;水性合成;钙hexaluminate ;钙长石;锰氧化物
化合物作为例子。近单相钙六铝酸盐CaAl O是获得热处理后在11008C 1小时纯12月19日
镧锰香格里拉高级MnO和钡锆BaZrO是形成于650和10008C分别。合成0.8 0.2 3月3日
钙长石CaAl硅O是一个例子,使用这个进程的硅酸盐或aluminosilicates化学水溶液中没有柠檬酸2 2 8
可用于其他有机凝胶在有机介质。 Ó 2001年埃尔塞维尔科技有限公司All rights reserved 。
关键词:聚丙烯酰胺凝胶;柠檬酸进程;多元氧化物;水性合成;钙hexaluminate ;钙长石;锰氧化物
化合物作为例子。近单相钙六铝酸盐CaAl O是获得热处理后在11008C 1小时纯12月19日
镧锰香格里拉高级MnO和钡锆BaZrO是形成于650和10008C分别。合成0.8 0.2 3月3日
钙长石CaAl硅O是一个例子,使用这个进程的硅酸盐或aluminosilicates化学水溶液中没有柠檬酸2 2 8
可用于其他有机凝胶在有机介质。 Ó 2001年埃尔塞维尔科技有限公司All rights reserved 。
关键词:聚丙烯酰胺凝胶;柠檬酸进程;多元氧化物;水性合成;钙hexaluminate ;钙长石;锰氧化物
化合物的例子。CaAl六铝酸钙的近单相单拍运行了热处理后,阿11008C 1小时在。纯12 19
manganite镁和钡本文MnO La Sr BaZrO形成,分别在10008C 650,。合成0.8 0.2三3
anorthite CaAl阿斯是一个例子,使用这一过程中对硅酸盐和辛烷值较高水化学无枸橼二2 8
摘要 The combination of citrate complexation in aqueous chemistry with the steric entrapment effect of an auxiliary organic gel affords the相结合的柠檬酸络合水溶液中的立体化学包封的辅助作用提供了有机凝胶 possibility of easy and rapid synthesis of high quality multicomponent oxide powders.可能...
1)为0.08较长的氧化镁\/银相比,唯一的氧化物。的CO键长计算为在氧化镁和氧化镁类似\/ 股份公司。这是有关的二氧化碳吸附只有微弱的支持影响的事实。在第一个过渡态,面向对象 (CO)的键长被拉伸0.12(0.04)Å。的CO值 可以比在Pt(111),它的情况下计算 为1.16。在O2的吸附在氧化镁...
Banglin陈,1 M. Eddaoudi,1 S. T.海德,2 M. O '基夫,3 O. M. Yaghi1 Interperation(catenation)早就被在稳定和多孔的晶体结构的成就方面认为为一种主要的妨碍。 非常多孔和结构上稳定的网络的设计的一个策略利用metalanic 可以被在一个三重定期的最小P的几何学表面上装配产生是准确认为交织...
新配置的硫醇化羧甲基几丁聚糖-g-b-环糊精作为疏水黏性药物的传递媒介。这是根据字面意思翻译过来的,这好像是应用化学方面的,我对这个不是很懂。下面是每个单词的意思,给你作为参考吧:novel 新的 thiolated 硫醇化 carboxymethyl 羧甲基 chitosan 几丁聚糖 cyclodextrin 环糊精 muco- 黏性的 adh...
· 人工翻译,请审阅 已经用一个步骤从邻苯二甲醚(藜芦醚)溴化制备了4-二甲氧基溴苯(溴藜芦醚),溴化与冰醋酸中空气稀释的溴蒸气,与四氯化碳中的溴以及与四氯化碳中的N-溴代丁二酰亚胺进行。后者的方法似乎是最可取的,因为溴酰亚胺温和的溴化作用将消除或最小化其他两种方法的两个缺点,即芳...
这个很显然是一个科技文献的摘要 本工作采用一个电极面积为200平方厘米的平行板反应器对通过阴极还原葡萄糖稳态合成山梨醇进行了研究。我们拓展了前人的工作,研究了流速,pH值以及电流密度的影响,讨论了20到47摄氏度区间内的温度效应,并对使用混汞铅与硬铅及其他金属作为电极材料进行了对比。试验结果显示...
IntroductionUrea是每年生产大约1亿吨二氧化碳利用(1,1),和消费主要是achemical肥料,尿素树脂、尿素三聚氰胺树脂,而饲料添加剂,等其他有机化学品这样asalkylene碳酸盐(溶剂),b -oxynaphthoic酸(原材料的染料)、水杨酸及其衍生物(pharma-ceuticals,食品防腐剂等)也可产生在月球表面不同。据估计,这些有机化合...
求对二甲苯的外国文献和翻译 3000字即可
制备方法 折叠编辑本段对二甲苯(PX)是一种重要的有机化工原料,主要用于生产精对苯二甲酸(PTA),进而生产聚酯。由于我国聚酯、PTA产业链的大规模发展,形成了对原料PX的巨大需求。如今,PX的工业生产方法主要有歧化及烷基转移、二甲苯异构化、二甲苯吸附分离和二甲苯分离等方法:歧化及烷基转移工艺技术折叠甲苯与C9芳烃...