In the later period of war, 14-year-old Narita, whose mother was killed in an air strike committed by US Air Force and whose father died in the war when serving in Navy, brought little Setsuko with him. They lived with their aunt. Later on, they moved to a cave near the lake since their aunt treated them bad. Setsuko became weaker and weaker due to malnutrition. However, Narita had nothing to do with it. At last, Setsuko left where fireflies wandered all over the night and brother Narita died soon that they shook hands, enjoying the candies. The fireflies delightedly fluttered in the air as if wishing them happiness. 战争后期,母亲在一次美军空袭中伤重死亡,而身为海军的父亲也已在战争中死去。14岁的诚田带着年幼的节子寄居在阿姨家。但一段时间后被阿姨视为累赘,整日对兄妹俩冷言冷语,于是兄妹两人不愿寄人篱下,就搬到湖边一个山洞居住。由于长时间的营养不足,节子的身体一天天虚弱,但身为哥哥的诚田却没有办法。最后节子在一个萤火虫满天的夜里离开了人世。不久诚田也去世了。 黑暗中节子拉着哥哥的手,快乐地吃着糖果,满天的萤火虫欢快地飞舞,仿佛在祝贺他们终于找到了幸福。
十几年前的老动漫了,不过现在看看还是感触颇深。这部片子讽刺的是二战时期的日本, 哥哥和妹妹俩个忽然可怜,但是在战争和灾难面前,人类是渺小的。战争带给人类的痛苦,是长远而难以忘却的。其实,在灾难面前人性往往展露出最原始的一面。
"Showa 20 evening of September 21, I am dead."This is the animated film "Firefly's Tomb" at a line, young Ron announced to the world the soul of his death.
A ragged boy, dying lying crowded station, is slowly toward his 14-year-old short-term end of life, which is more than a month after the defeat of Japan. Trance, the young seem to see his dead sister, Setsuko, see the fireflies that fly full in the summer.
Air strikes began, my mother passed away in the bombing. Blow in the face of sudden, my brother can do is hidden from the news to her mother died young sister. In the open square, strong brother crying laughing hard for my mother's sister show to find the horizontal bar, the sunset two
thin thin figure that my eyes moist. Perhaps, that is, at that moment, my brother tried to carry all the sadness, the decision on the ruins of the chaos a clear sky for the sister Qingqi it. However, the war so that family alienation, poor material to make people more indifferent to each other. Relatives more supercilious implies that they must leave. Brother finally decided to take my sister to move out, to build a home of their own. However, in singing happy to leave, how can he expect that the war due to an irreversible fate.
This is the "war literature" elective watch a movie, read it and I was only a sigh: "sad reminder it!" In fact, in the know to see this movie, my heart is full The disdain, the Japanese production of the film to show by their suffering in World War II, how is this all about it! Obviously they sounded the clarion call of aggression, obviously they use cruel spear guns bloody half of Asia, they are obviously so many Chinese people into dire straits, and how they can, how can ... but the film's first lens, it changed my mind, it is at the train station, young Ron's death sentence: "Why fight ah?" is just a passerby that bitter voice, he gave the anti-war ideas revealed.
Fireflies only live for one night. In the beautiful night, enjoy it to show the infinite charm, then quietly falling in the dark. Harsh environment the child from severe malnutrition and envoys from the eczema, they do not have the money to go see a doctor, and no money to buy drugs ... ... younger sister, after all, could not escape the double torture of hunger and disease, weakness in a dismal night to die. My eyes filled with tears.
Of death began, ending with death. The sorrow of the play from start to finish, I am struck with the lacrimal nerve. And at the end of the moment, coming in knowing the moment of death, sorrow and finally a heavy outbreak, I am doing the will to suppress. "Why fight ah?" For ah, why fight ah!
War, there is no justice, is always hurt innocent people. Metamorphosis that has just been crazy like killing officers and soldiers, which you stand laughing on the piles of corpses, yet you have not thought about your wife and children also are that the "back" of the bomber blown seven down, many orphans displaced, as the film's Ron Artest, as brother and sister Setsuko quietly in the dead of hunger and disease.
An ordinary boy, he just wants to feed his sister, and sister with the beautiful Firefly chase that point only! The result was that in that war-torn era, the desire to achieve the only way he is - dead! Dark colors, the atmosphere is full of desolate frustration. Firefly's even more beautiful sky contrasting the brutality of war and bring harm to the human body and mind. Really sad breath it! Waged this war, human, ah, how stupid you are, you also how cold and cruel! No matter what the name of the war, it has brought to people is always endless sorrow and pain it unforgettable! And we are alive, should continue to reflect and pray it? Reflect on war, to reflect on the war brought to mankind pain, pray for peace, pray for peace never again run away! Like pigeons flying in the sky forever
This is the animated film "Firefly's Tomb" at a line, young Ron announced to the world the soul of his death.A ragged boy, dying lying crowded station, is slowly toward his 14-year-old short-term end of life, which is more than a month after the defeat of Japan. Trance...
《萤火虫之墓》观后感1 传说萤火虫是在战争中死去的人的亡灵。你见过吗?如果见过,请为它们祈祷。 相信看过这部动画的人一定记得这样一句话:“昭和xxx年9月21日晚,我死了。”这也是电影的第一句台词,瞬间就为它定下悲凉的调子。 刚刚看完了萤火虫之墓,哭的我稀里哗啦,这是一部值得去看的动画,也值得人们去反思!
《萤火虫之墓》观后感一 《萤火虫之墓》这个日本动画片讲述了一个生活在日本的叫阿泰的小男孩,和他的一位小妹妹在战争时候辛苦的生活。 一天,刺耳的防空警报响起了,阿泰不管三七二十一背上妹妹,向防空洞跑去。敌军飞机扔的炸弹让街上燃起了熊熊大火,幸好阿泰跑得快,才没有被炸弹炸到。飞机走后,所有的房子瞬间...
《萤火虫之墓》观后感1 《萤火虫之墓》不但为我们展现了战争的残酷,也生动的描绘了这样环境下人情的冷暖,当远方的姨妈得知兄妹两人的母亲已去世,又得不到作为海军军官的父亲的援助时,开始后悔收留这对孩子。夜晚的饭桌上,同样的一锅饭为兄妹俩盛的是锅中稀汤,而自己的儿女碗中的这是满满的食物,偏爱自己的孩子是...
《萤火虫之墓》观后感:战争的残酷与人性的温情 《萤火虫之墓》是一部令人心痛的动画电影,通过一对命运悲惨的兄妹的生活,深刻反映了战争给人们带来的灾难。这部电影不仅仅是一个关于生存的故事,更是一个关于人性、关于情感、关于家庭、关于战争的沉重反思。影片讲述了在二战后期的神户,失去母亲的哥哥清...
驻在心底的那些台词: 《萤火虫之墓》--- 如果你能看到我的世界里那些渐渐消逝的美好,你就能体会到现在所拥有的幸福。确实都是那么说的 。。。 但真的没注意到有这句 找了半天也没找到截图之类的 SORRY
电影观后感3 《萤火虫之墓》也有人翻译成《再见,萤火虫》。这部感人的片子主要是讲第二次世界大战期间,美国的飞机轰炸日本。许多人没有了家园和亲人,简直是生不如死。一位失去父母的孩子——阿秦,因为轰炸,他的妈妈丧失了生命。阿秦为了不让妹妹明白母亲已经去世,他除了照顾好妹妹的生活,还每一天陪她玩耍,给她寻...