谁能解释一下"交易坑市场"这一概念,即the pit market?
这个是台湾大学的实验经济学中的词汇,你参考一下,你可以搜索一下;Chapter 2. A Pit Market
When buyers and sellers can communicate freely and openly as in a trading “pit,”
the price and quantity outcomes can be predictable and efficient. Deviations tend
to be relatively small and may be due to informational imper fections. The
discussion should be preceded by a class experiment, either using playing cards
and the instructions provided in the Appendix, or using the V e con web - based
double auction program (“DA”).
I. A Simple Example
Chamberlin (1948) set up the fir st market experiment by letting students
with buyer or seller roles negotiate trading prices. The purpose was to illustrate
systematic deviations from the standard theory of perfect competition. Ironically,
this experiment is most useful today in terms o f what factors it suggests are
needed to promote efficient, competitive market outcomes.
Each seller was given a card with a dollar amount or “cost” written on it.
For example, one seller may have a cost of $2, and another may have a cost of $8.
The sel ler earns the difference between the sale price and the cost, so the low - cost
seller would be searching for a price above $2 and the high - cost seller would be
searching for a price above $8. The cost is not incurred unless a sale is made, i.e.
the product is “made to order.” The seller would not want to sell below cost,
since the resulting loss is worse than the zero earnings from no sale.
Similarly, each buyer was given a card with a dollar amount or “value”
written on it. A buyer with a value of $10 , for example, would earn the difference
if a price below this amount could be negotiated. A buyer with a lower value, say
$4, would refuse prices above that level, since a purchase above value would
result in negative earnings.
The market is composed of groups of buyers and sellers who can negotiate
trades with each other, either bilaterally or in larger groups. For example,
suppose that the market structure is shown in Table 2.1. There are fou r buyers
with values of $10, and four buyers with values of $4. Similarly, there are four
sellers with costs of $2, and four sellers with costs of $8.
In addition to the “structural” elements of the market (numbers of buyers
and sellers, and their values and costs), we must consider the nature of the market
pric e negotiations. A market institution is a full specification of the rules of trade.
For example, one might let sellers “post” catalogue prices and then let buyers
contact sellers if they wish to purchase at a posted price, with discounts not
permitted. T his institution, known as a “posted - offer auction,” is sometimes used
in laboratory studies of retail markets. The asymmetry, with one side posting and
the other responding, is common when there are many people on the
Markets, Games, and Strategic Behavior – Charles A. Holt
Table 2.1. A Market Example
Value s
Buyer 1 $10 Seller 9 $2
Buyer 2 $10 Seller 10 $2
Buyer 3 $10 Seller 11 $2
Buyer 4 $10 Seller 12 $2
Buyer 5 $4 Seller 13 $8
Buyer 6 $4 Seller 14 $8
Buyer 7 $4 Seller 15 $8
Buyer 8 $4 Seller 16 $8
responding side and few on the p osting side. Posting on the thin side may
conserve on information costs, and agents on the thin side may have the “power”
to impose prices on a “take - it - or - leave - it” basis. In contrast, Chamberlin used an
institution that was symmetric and less structure d; he let buyers and sellers mix
together and negotiate bilaterally or in small groups, much as traders of futures
contracts interact in a trading “pit.” Sometimes he announced transactions prices
as they occurred, much as the market officials watching fr om a “pulpit” over the
trading pit would key in contract prices that are posted electronically and flashed
to other markets around the world. At other times, Chamberlin did not announce
prices as they occurred, which may have resulted in more decentralize d trading
the pit market的正确翻译是 维修市场
谁能解释一下"交易坑市场"这一概念,即the pit market?
这个是台湾大学的实验经济学中的词汇,你参考一下,你可以搜索一下;Chapter 2. A Pit Market When buyers and sellers can communicate freely and openly as in a trading “pit,”the price and quantity outcomes can be predictable and efficient. Deviations tend to be relatively small and...
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