
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2025-01-08

红色 red
朱红 vermeil; vermilion; ponceau
粉红 pink; soft red; rose bloom
梅红 plum;crimson;fuchsia red
玫瑰红 rose madder; rose
桃红 peach blossom; peach; carmine rose
樱桃红 cherry; cerise
桔红 reddish orange; tangerine; jacinth;
石榴红 garnet
枣红 purplish red; jujube red; date red
莲红 lotus red
浅莲红 fuchsia pink
豉豆红 bean red
辣椒红 capsicum red
高粱红 Kaoliang red
芙蓉红 hibiscus red; poppy red; poppy
胭脂红 rogue red ; carmine; cochineal; lake
鲑鱼红 salmon
玳瑁红 hawksbill turtle red
海螺红 cadmium orange
宝石红 ruby red
玛瑙红 agate red
珊瑚红 coral
金红 bronze red
铁红 iron oxide red
铁锈红 rust red
镉红 cadmium red
铬红 chrome red
砖红 brick red
土红 laterite; reddle
郎窑红 lang-kiln red
均红 Jun-kiln red
釉底红 underglaze red
威尼斯红 Venetian red
法国红 French vermilion
茜红 alizarin red; madder red
洋红 carmine; magenta
品红 pinkish red; magenta
猩红 scarlet red; scarlet; blood red  油红 oil red
紫红 purplish red; madder red; wine red;
玫瑰紫红 rose carmine; rose mauve
深紫红 prune; mulberry
深藕红 conch shell
棕红 henna
暗红 dark red; dull red
鲜红 scarlet red; scarlet; bright red;
血红 blood red; incarnadine
血牙红 shell pink; peach beige
绯红 scarlet; crimson; geranium pink
米红 silver pink
深红 deep red; crimson
淡红 light red; carnation
橙色 orange
黄色 yellow
桔黄 orange; crocus; gamboge;
深桔黄,深橙 deep orange
浅桔黄,浅橙 clear orange; light orange;
柠檬黄 lemon yellow ; lemon ; citrine citron
玉米黄 maize
橄榄黄 olive yellow
樱草黄 primrose yellow
稻草黄 straw yellow
芥末黄 mustard
杏黄 apricot; apricot buff; bronze yellow
蛋黄 vitelline; yolk yellow;egg yellow
藤黄 rattan yellow
鳝鱼黄 eel yellow
象牙黄 ivory
日光黄 sunny yellow
石黄 mineral yellow
土黄 earth yellow; yellowish brown;
砂黄 sand yellow
金黄 golden yellow, gold
铁黄 iron oxide yellow; iron buff
镉黄 cadmium yellow
铬黄 chrome yellow
钴黄 cobalt yellow
深黄,暗黄 deep yellow
棕黄 tan
青黄 bluish yellow
灰黄 isabel ; sallow ; grey yellow
米黄 apricot cream ; cream
嫩黄 yellow cream
鲜黄 cadmium yellow ; canary
鹅黄 light yellow
中黄 midium yellow
浅黄 light yellow;pale yellow;buff
淡黄 jasmin(e); primrose
绿色 green
豆绿 pea green ; bean green
浅豆绿 light bean green; asparagus green
橄榄绿 olive green ; olive
茶绿 tea green ; celandine green
葱绿 onion green ; pale green
苹果绿 apple green
原野绿 field green
森林绿 forest green
洋蓟绿 artichoke green
苔藓绿 moss green ; bracken green
草地绿,草绿 grass green ; meadow green
水草绿 water grass green
深草绿 jungle green
灰湖绿 agate green
水绿 aqua green
海水绿 marine green
酸性绿 acid green
水晶绿 crystal green
玉绿 jade green
石绿 mineral green
松石绿 spearmint; viridis
铜绿 verdigris
铜锈绿 patina green
镉绿 cadmium green
铬绿 chrome green
钴绿 cobalt green
孔雀绿 peacock green
威尼斯绿 Venetian green
巴黎绿 Paris green ;king''s green
墨绿 blackish green ; green black; jasper;
墨玉绿 emerald black
深绿 dark green ;petrol; Chinese green; bottle green
暗绿 sap green ; dark green ; deep green
青绿 dark green
碧绿 azure green; turquoise green ; viridity
翠绿 emerald green; jade green ;bright green
深翠绿 viridian
蓝绿 blue green ; aquamarine
黄绿 yellow green
灰绿 grey green ; sage green ; hedge green;
褐绿 breen
品绿 light green ; malachite green
鲜绿 clear green; emerald green ; vivid green
嫩绿 pomona green ; verdancy
中绿 medium green; golf green
浅绿 light green
淡绿 pale green
青色 cerulean blue ; blue ; green
豆青 pea green; bean green
花青 flower blue
茶青 tea green
葱青 onion green
天青 celeste; azure
霁青 sky-clearing blue
石青 mineral blue
铁青 electric blue ; river blue
蟹青 turquoise ; ink blue
鳝鱼青 eel green
蛋青 egg blue
影青 misty blue; white blue
黛青 bluish
群青,伟青 ultramarine
暗青 dark blue; deep cerulean
藏青 navy blue; dark blue; Ming blue
靛青 indigo
大青 smalt
粉青 light greenish blue
鲜青 clear cerulean
浅青 light blue; light cerulean
淡青 pale cerulean ; light greenish blue
蓝色 blue
天蓝 sky blue; azure ; celeste;
蔚蓝 azure; sky blue
月光蓝 moon blue
海洋蓝 ocean blue
海蓝 sea blue
湖蓝 acid blue
深湖蓝 vivid blue
中湖蓝 bright blue
浅湖蓝 canal blue
清水蓝 water blue
冰雪蓝 ice-snow blue
孔雀蓝 peacock blue
宝石蓝 sapphire; jewelry
粉末蓝 powder blue
铁蓝 iron blue
钴蓝 cobalt blue king''s blue
普鲁士蓝 Prussian blue
北京蓝 Beijing blue
士林蓝 indanthrene blue
品蓝 reddish blue ; royal blue;king''s blue
靛蓝 indigo; indigo blue; benzo blue
菘蓝 woaded blue
石磨蓝 stone-washed indigo
藏蓝 purplish blue; navy blue; navy
海军蓝 navy blue; navy
宝蓝 royal blue
墨蓝 blue black
绿蓝 turquoise blue
紫蓝 hyacinth;purplish blue
浅紫蓝 Dutch blue
青蓝 ultramarine
深灰蓝 blue ashes
深蓝 deep blue; dark blue ; navy blue ;
暗蓝 deep blue; dark blue
鲜蓝 clear blue
中蓝 medium blue ; azure blue
浅蓝 light blue
淡蓝 pale blue ; baby blue ; calamine blue
紫色 purple; violet
紫罗兰色 violet
紫藤色 lilac
紫水晶色 amethyst
葡萄紫 grape
茄皮紫 aubergine; wineberry
玫瑰紫 rose violet
丁香紫 lilac
钴紫 cobalt violet
墨紫 violet black
绛紫 dark reddish purple
暗紫 violet deep; dull purple; damson
乌紫 raisin
蓝紫 royal light
鲜紫 violet light
深紫 amaranth; modena
浅紫 grey violet
淡紫 pale purple ; lavender; lilac; orchid
淡白紫 violet ash
青莲 pale purple; heliotrope
深青莲 amaranth purple
雪青 lilac
墨绛红 purple black
暗绛红 purple deep
浅绛红 purple light
黑色 black
土黑 earth black
煤黑 coal black
碳黑 carbon black ; charcoal black
古铜黑 bronze black
铁黑 iron oxide black ; iron black
橄榄黑 olive black
棕黑 sepia; brown black
青黑 lividity
深黑,漆黑 pitch-black ; pitch-dark
暗黑 dull black
白色 white
象牙白 ivory white; ivory
牡蛎白 oyster white
珍珠白 pear white ; gray lily
玉石白 jade white
银白 silver white
铅白 flake white; lead white; ceruse white
锌白 zinc white
锌钡白 lithopone; pearl white
羊毛白 wool white
米白 off-white; shell
乳白 milky-white
雪白 snow-white; snowy white
灰白 greyish white; off-white
青白 bluish white
纯白 crisp-white;pure white
本白 raw white; off-white
粉红白 pinky white
淡紫白 lilac white
灰色 grey; gray
银灰 silver grey;chinchilla; gray mom
铁灰 iron grey
铅灰 lividity; leaden grey
碳灰 charcoal grey
驼灰 doe
豆灰 rose dust
藕灰 zephyr
莲灰 elderberry
浅莲灰 pale lilac
鸽子灰 dove grey
鼠灰 stale grey; mouse
蟹灰 storm blue
天灰 sky grey
土灰 dust grey
水泥灰 concrete grey
烟灰 smoky grey; ash
雾灰 misty grey
黑灰 grey black; charcoal grey
紫灰 purple grey;cadet;dove grey
深紫灰 heron
淡紫灰 lilac grey
浅绿灰 eucalyptus
浅米灰 moon light
卡其灰 khaki light
蓝灰 blue grey;slate;steel grey;pike grey
青灰 lividity; steel grey;balsam green
白灰 pale grey
深灰 dark grey; dull grey; Oxford grey
暗灰 deep grey
中灰 medium grey
浅灰 light grey;ash grey
棕色,褐色 brown
红棕 umber;chili
金棕 auburn
铁锈棕 rustic brown
桔棕 orange brown
橄榄棕 olive brown
赤褐 sorrel; maroon;terra cotta
棕褐 summer tan
茶褐 auburn ; umber
黑褐 black brown
紫褐 puce
黄褐 drab; fulvouos;cinnamon;ocher;tawny;russet brown
栗褐 chestnut brown
灰褐 taupe;mouse;greige beige;rose beige
浅灰褐 putty
橙褐 orange brown
土褐 clay
深褐 dark brown;bistre;burnt sienna
暗褐 deep brown; fuscous;dun
淡褐 light brown;caramel
咖啡色 coffee
酱色 caramel;reddish brown
紫酱色 marron
茶色 umber;dun;dark brown
赫色 ocher;auburn;chocolate;sienna;umber;rust
琥珀色 amber;succinite
栗色 chestnut;sorrel;marron
金色 gold
古金色 old gold
银色 silver;argent
铅色 lividity
锌色 zinc
铁锈色 rust
青古铜色 bronze;bronzy
黑古铜色 dark bronze
紫铜色 purple bronze
黄铜色 brassiness
木色 wood
土色 lividity;sallow
驼色 camel;light tan
米色 beige; buff;cream;gray sand
卡其色 khaki
奶油色 cream
豆沙色 cameo
浅豆沙色 pale mauve
藕荷色 bisque
肉桂色 cinnamon
肉色 flesh , carnation;incarnadine;pastel peach;
水晶色 crystal
荧光色 iridescent
彩虹色 iris; rainbow
Spanish Red 晚霞红/西班牙红
Terra Cotta 中国红
Pottery Red 陶嫣红
Autumn Brown 秋叶棕
Teak 淡茶褐
Driftwood 浅灰褐
Sierra Gray 云石灰
Chateau Green 青黛绿
Sunny Orange 阳光橙
Amber 琥珀黄
Charcoal 玛瑙黑
Sienna Blend 石斑褐
Harbor Blue 海洋蓝
Lake Blue 湖水蓝

色板选项下>> 添加色板,选择其他色板库里有pantone.一般带有色编号的基本都是pantone(潘通色),是专业生产专色色谱的厂家,一般印刷时只需写上色号,印厂就知道了.举例:pantone DS 125-3c.另外就是自定义色板:就是自己给设定好的颜色上编码(色号),方法:在"色板"面板中,新建色板,将准确色值输入,在名称处输入如:44J.如果想让其他人使用,可以其它颜色清空,将整个品牌的色值编号(任意),在"色板"控制板中将"它"存储成.ase文件,连同文件给对方.这样就可以直接与对方用你设置的色号沟通.可以存一个再用"打开其他色板库"的方法试一试就清楚了.上面所说的Nike的蓝色44J,如果在色板中显示不是右下角带白色小三角的话,基本就属于自定义的.pantone基本上是专色,每个颜色显示时右下角都带白色小三角.

Many things around us may aspect our feelings and moods ."try and try until you succeed." this saying shows the importance of perseverance.....只能找到这个了!

this is my bag .i know that most of us have one or more of it .however ,i am sure that mine is different ,because it is given by my dear mother fou my birthday .it is pink ,on which tow lovely cats playing ,and nearby is their mother who is looking at her chirden with deeply love .in the morning ,i often go to school with it ,i like it as it contains the care and love of my dear mother .i believe i can do much better in the future with its company

Father wear white shirts 爸爸穿白色的衬衣
Mom wear orange T-shirt 妈妈穿橙色的T恤
Sister wear blue jeans 姐姐穿蓝色的牛仔裤
Grandma wearing yellow sweater 奶奶穿黄色的毛衣
Brother wore a black hat, very handsome! 哥哥戴着黑色的帽子,非常帅!
Grandpa to wear black sweater 爷爷穿黑色毛衣
I wear a white skirt, very beautiful!我穿白色裙子,很漂亮~

There are two ways to create colors in a photograph. One method, called additive, starts with three basic colors and adds them together to produce some other colors. The second method, called subtractive, starts with white light (a mixture of all colors in the spectrum) and by taking away some or all other colors leaves the one desired.


The color red is one of three primary colors and is thought to be the color to provoke the most response among humans. Red is considered a warm color along with orange and yellow. This intense color is also known to induce emotions from passion to violence.

Red is a symbol of high energy and aggression. It is often used in warning or danger signs. This is because the color red stands out against backgrounds of white or black. Many traffic signs use the color red because it is the most visible color in daylight. Red and its many shades of color are also used as a symbol of love. Hot reds to pale pinks can be found in many romantic greeting cards and are used in the symbol of the heart.

关于颜色的英语短文篇1 There're many different kinds of colour in the world, such as white, blue, orange, red, and so on. But my favourite colour is green.在这个世上,有许多种不同的颜色,比如白色、蓝色、橘色以及红色等等。但是,我最喜欢的颜色是绿色。I think green is the ...

colour?我最喜欢的颜色 紫色是我最喜欢的颜色,它非常的神秘,清新,看起来也十分昂贵。当我看见这种颜色时,我就会联想到薰衣草。它们十分漂亮,所以很多女孩喜欢这个颜色,它是一种快乐的颜色。在大自然中,有许多东西是紫色的。当你漫步在一片薰衣草花海中时,那是一件多么美好的事啊!这就是我喜欢...

this is my bag .i know that most of us have one or more of it .however ,i am sure that mine is different ,because it is given by my dear mother fou my birthday .it is pink ,on which tow lovely cats playing ,and nearby is their mother who is looking at her chir...

I think green is the most beautiful colour. Because green is the colour of life. As you know, most alive plants are green, like grass and trees. Green is good for our eyes, too. When your eyes are very tired, you will watch the green trees or green grass, they can help...

and yellow.翻译:从今年起,我有一个自己的舒适的房间。房间里,有一张白色的学习桌和一把黑色的椅子。在书桌上方,有一个书架,里面放着许多书。房间里还有一张棕色的床和多彩的被褥及床单。此外,顶棚上还有一盏粉红色的大灯,书桌上还有一盏绿色的台灯。墙面上,还有三幅紫色、蓝色和黄色的画。

will see smile in the face of farmers.When the days come, we will see yellow sun in the sky. it gives us sunshine and heat.We will find all kinds of yellow colour in our life.don`t you like it ...兄弟还是姐妹呀。我初中水平就能写这么多了不知道合不合你心意了!!!

when it fills the sky at sunrise or sunset,its beauty is so striking .橙色可是健康和力量的颜色。可能比较稀少,但是非常宝贵,因为满 足了人们生活的需要。它携带了大多数重要的维他命。想想胡罗卜、南瓜、柑橘、芒果和番木瓜。它并不经常出没在天空,但日出或日落在天际登场时,美 丽足以惊世。

Of all the colors, I love blue best.Blue is the color of sky and sea.When the sky is blue, we will feel happy to have a nice day.Blue is also related to the sea.When we come to the seaside, the deep blue color will attract us much.I like swimming in the sea very...

色彩在我们的生活中无处不在.请用英语写一篇短文谈谈你和你的家人最喜 ...
s a soothing color,it relaxes her.My grandpa likes black,he thinks that it's a simple color.While my aunt likes bright colors like red,she is a passionate person,red is like her.And my cousin likes green in general,she thinks it represents youthfulness and energy.嘿嘿嘿 ...

初一英语阅读短文一:友谊的颜色 Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel.All claimed that they were the best.The most important.The most useful.The favorite. 从前,世界上的各种颜色进行过一次争吵。每一种颜色都说自己是最好的,最重要的,最有用的,最美丽的、最受人喜欢的。 Gr...