- Winter Solstice
- Dumpling
- Wonton
- Custom
- Solar Term
- Snowflake
- Snowball fight
Winter Solstice brings sunshine and warmth, with the north wind blowing away worries and calming anxiety. Snowflakes symbolize good luck and laughter, brightening the mood. As Winter Solstice approaches, spring is on its way. May all your wishes come true and fill your life with happiness and sweet smiles!
During the Han Dynasty, the Winter Solstice became a winter festival, with formal celebrations organized by the court. Both officials and common people took this day off.
In later dynasties, like the Tang, Song, and Qing, the Winter Solstice was marked by offerings to Heaven and ancestors.
Winter solstice customs include eating dumplings in many areas of northern China. In the Jiangnan region, Tangyuan (汤圆) is traditionally consumed, symbolizing reunion and completion.
Winter Solstice invites a sense of warmth and family reunion, as the day encourages gatherings and feasting.
By Bai Juyi
In the detention of the outside, alone, the shadow is cold with the flickering lamp.
Imagine the family sitting deep into the night, still talking about the distant traveler.《小至》
By Du Fu
The sun and human affairs are催ing each other, winter solstice brings spring again.
Stitching adds a weaker thread, blowing the葭管 moves the floating ashes.
The riverbank waits for the winter to soften the willow, the mountain anticipates the cold to bloom the plum.
Clouds and things are not different, country is not different. Teach your child to fill the cup and raise it in celebration.“冬至阳生春又来”,虽吟咏中带着哀伤。
On December 22, the Winter Solstice, a significant day in China, is marked by ancient traditions. With origins dating back over 2500 years, Chinese people measure the sun to mark this day, where the shortest day of the year is celebrated. The day symbolizes the beginning of the solar term cycle, highlighting the shortest day and longest night, marking a new round of seasonal changes.
As a historical custom, the Winter Solstice was celebrated grandly in the Han Dynasty with formal ceremonies, including court and official activities. The day was marked by rest for the court, military readiness, and familial gatherings, symbolizing a joyful festival atmosphere. The spirit of reunion and family togetherness was emphasized, with children and elders engaging in cultural exchanges.
During the Tang and Song dynasties, the Winter Solstice became a day for honoring ancestors and elders, with rituals performed by the emperor and common folk paying respects to their parents. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, the day was marked by royal rituals, table officials, and mutual greetings, akin to New Year's traditions.
谷雨,作为二十四节气之一,标志着春季向夏季的过渡,象征着温度上升和降水增加,对作物生长至关重要。其英文名为“Grain Rain”,直译为谷物雨。谷雨的英文表达涉及多个领域,从基本词汇到短语、诗词乃至句子,形成了丰富多样的语言世界。词汇部分,包括“grain”(谷物),强调谷雨与作物生长的联系;“rain...
四季循环,春分降雨,夏至风起。秋分叶落,冬至飘雪。冬至节气英文范文 On December 22, the Winter Solstice, a significant day in China, is marked by ancient traditions. With origins dating back over 2500 years, Chinese people measure the sun to mark this day, where the shortest day o...
谷雨,是二十四节气之第6个节气,春季的最后一个节气。斗指辰;太阳黄经为30°;于每年公历4月19日—21日交节。下面我给大家带来关于谷雨的优秀作文,希望大家喜欢!关于谷雨的优秀作文1 清明断雪,谷雨断霜。这是二十四节气中的第六个节气,每年4月19日~21日视太阳到达黄经30°时为谷雨,源自古人...
《上元日二首》李昂上元高会集群仙,心齐何事欲祈年。 丹诚傥彻玉帝座,且共吾人庆大田。蓂生三五叶初齐,上元羽客出桃蹊。 不爱仙家登真诀,愿蒙四海福黔黎。《奉和御制麟德殿宴百官》宋若宪端拱承休命,时清荷圣皇。 四聪闻受谏,五服远朝王。景媚莺初啭,春残日更长。 命筵多济济,盛乐复锵锵。丰镐谁将...
清明是二十四节气之一,时间约在每年的阳历4月5日前后。清明节后雨水增多,大地呈现春和景明之象。这一时节万物“吐故纳新”,人们忙于或植树造林,美化家园;或浸种耕田,育秧培苗;或换季生产,重塑商机。 清明节前后扫墓的习俗由来已久。近年来,南京人扫墓似乎提前了行动,不到清明日,扫墓之人已争先恐后,络绎不绝,...
《上元日二首》李昂上元高会集群仙,心齐何事欲祈年。 丹诚傥彻玉帝座,且共吾人庆大田。蓂生三五叶初齐,上元羽客出桃蹊。 不爱仙家登真诀,愿蒙四海福黔黎。《奉和御制麟德殿宴百官》宋若宪端拱承休命,时清荷圣皇。 四聪闻受谏,五服远朝王。景媚莺初啭,春残日更长。 命筵多济济,盛乐复锵锵。丰镐谁将...