
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2025-01-08

24节气的英文:the 24 solar terms
term 读法 英 [tɜːm] 美 [tɝm]

1、n. 术语;学期;期限;条款;(代数式等的)项
2、vt. 把…叫做
1、first term 首项;开关项
2、term paper 学期报告
3、one term 单项的
4、near term 短期;近期
5、general term 总括,通项

lexicon, term, vocabulary, word这组词都有“文字,词,语言”的意思,其区别是:
1、lexicon 指某种语言、某人或某一知识领域的全部词汇。
2、term 指有特定意义的词,词语或术语。
3、vocabulary 集合名词,指词汇、语汇或词汇量。
4、word 普通用词,指语言的最小单位的单词、字,也可指话、整句话或一段话。
word 读法 英 [wɜːd] 美 [wɝd]

1、n. [语] 单词;话语;消息;诺言;命令
2、vt. 用言辞表达
1、good words 好听的话,赞扬的话,恭维话;有意和解的话
2、word for word 逐字地
3、word formation n. 构词,构词法;词性转换
4、in another word 换句话说;也就是说
5、say the word v. 发布命令

二十四节气的英文:the 24 solar terms。
英 [ˈsəʊlə(r)] 美 [ˈsoʊlər]
英 [tɜːm] 美 [tɜːrm]
If abolishes the old Chinese calendar while not to abolish 24 solar terms, the festivals can be reordered after the solar terms.
1、立春 Spring begins
2、雨水 The rains
3、惊蛰 Insects awaken
4、春分 Vernal Equinox
5、清明 Clear and bright
6、谷雨 Grain rain
7、立夏 Summer begins
8、小满 Grain buds
9、芒种 Grain in ear
10、夏至 Summer solstice
11、小暑 Slight heat
12、大暑 Great heat
13、立秋 Autumn begins
14、处暑 Stopping the heat
15、白露 White dews
16、秋分 Autumn Equinox
17、寒露 Cold dews
18、霜降 Hoar-frost falls
19、立冬 Winter begins
20、小雪 Light snow
21、大雪 Heavy snow
22、冬至 Winter Solstice
23、小寒 Slight cold
24、大寒 Great cold

1、Spring begins
英 [sprɪŋ bɪˈɡɪnz] 美 [sprɪŋ bɪˈɡɪnz]
When spring begins and the buds appear, the depressive is already dreading the leaves turning brown and falling off the trees.
2、The rains
英 [ðə reɪnz] 美 [ðə reɪnz]
The rains have failed again in the Horn of Africa.
3、Insects awaken
英 [ˈɪnsɛkts əˈweɪkən] 美 [ˈɪnˌsɛkts əˈweɪkən]
When will Insects Awaken come in Gregorian calendar?
4、Vernal Equinox
英 [ˈvɜːnl ˈekwɪnɒks] 美 [ˈvɜːrnl ˈekwɪnɑːks]
They are thought to have arisen with the celebrations of the vernal equinox.
5、Clear and bright
英 [klɪə(r) ənd braɪt] 美 [klɪr ənd braɪt]
Artistic Characteristics and Historical Values of Clear and Bright Upper RiverPicture


二十四节气 The 24 Solar Terms:
立春 Spring begins.
雨水 The rains.
惊蛰 Insects awaken.
春分 Vernal Equinox
清明 Clear and bright.
谷雨 Grain rain.
立夏 Summer begins.
小满 Grain buds.
芒种 Grain in ear.
夏至 Summer solstice.
小暑 Slight heat.
大暑 Great heat.
立秋 Autumn begins.
处暑 Stopping the heat.
白露 White dews.
秋分 Autumn Equinox.
寒露 Cold dews.
霜降 Hoar-frost falls.
立冬 Winter begins.
小雪 Light snow.
大雪 Heavy snow.
冬至 Winter Solstice.
小寒 Slight cold.
大寒 Great cold

The Twenty-Four Terms

The first fifteen days of the Chinese lunar month makes the first term, namely:

Beginning of Spring
usually starting from the fourth or fifth of Febrary. And the first day is the Chinese New Year's Day or the onset of the Spring Festival. Incidentally, the New Year's Day of 1995 is January 31st.
The second fifteen days are named:

Rain Water
from the nineteeth or twentieth of Febrary, a time when rainy seasons are setting in.
In order come the following terms:

Waking of Insects
from the fifth or sixth of March, as the earth awakes from hibernation;
Spring Equinox
from the twentieth or twenty-first of March;
Pure Brightness
from the fourth or fifth of April;
Grain Rain
from the twentieth or twenty-first of April;
Beginning of Summer
from the fifth or sixth of May;
Grain Full
from the twentieth or twenty-first of May;
Grain in Ear
from the fifth or sixth of June;
Summer Solstice
from the twenty-first or second of June;
Slight Heat
from the sixth or seventh of July;
Great Heat
from the twenty-second or third of July;
Beginning of Autumn
from the seventh or eighth of August;
Limit of Heat
from the twenty-third or fourth of August;
White Dew
from the seventh or eighth of September;
Autumnal Equinox
from the twenty-third or fourth of September;
Cold Dew
from the eighth or nineth of October;
Frost's Descent
from the twentieth-three or fourth of October;
Beginning of Winter
from the seventh or eighth of November;
Slight Snow
from the twenty-second or third of November;
Great Snow
from the seventh or eighth of December;
Winter Solstice
from the twenty-second or third of December;
Slight Cold
from the fifth or sixth of January; and lastly
Great Cold
from the twentieth or twenty-first of January which brings the 24-term cycle to an end.


1. 立春 - Spring Begins 2. 雨水 - The Rains 3. 惊蛰 - Insects Awaken 4. 春分 - Vernal Equinox 5. 清明 - Clear and Bright 6. 谷雨 - Grain Rain 7. 立夏 - Summer Begins 8. 小满 - Grain Buds 9. 芒种 - Grain in Ear 10. 夏至 - Summer Solstice 11. 小暑 - Slight He...

1. 立春 - Beginning of Spring 2. 雨水 - The Rains 3. 惊蛰 - The Waking of Insects 4. 春分 - Vernal Equinox 5. 清明 - Qingming Festival 6. 谷雨 - Grain Rain 7. 立夏 - Beginning of Summer 8. 小满 - Grain Buds 9. 芒种 - Grain in Ear 10. 夏至 - Summer Solstice 11...

1、 立春 (Lìchūn) - Beginning of Spring 2、 雨水 (Yǔshuǐ) - Rain Water 3、 惊蛰 (Jīngzhé) - Waking of Insects 4、 春分 (Chūnfēn) - Vernal Equinox 5、 清明 (Qīngmíng ) - Pure Brightness 6、 谷雨 (Gǔyǔ) - Grain Rain 7、立夏 (Lìxià) - Beginning of Summer...

1. 立春 (Beginning of Spring) - 标志着春季的开始,"立"意味着开始,春是指季节。2. 雨水 (Rain Water) - 此时降雨逐渐增多,植物开始生长。3. 惊蛰 (Insects Awakening) - "蛰"表示藏匿。惊蛰指的是春雷响起,唤醒了土壤中冬眠的动物。4. 春分 (Spring Equinox) - 此时昼夜平分,象征平衡...

二十四节气对应的英文名和日期分别是:立春:theBeginningofSpring(1stsolarterm)Feb.3,4, or 5;雨水:RainWater(2ndsolarterm)Feb.18,19 or 20;惊蜇:theWakingofInsects(3rdsolarterm)Mar.5,6 or 7;春分:theSpringEquinox(4thsolarterm)Mar.20,21 or 22;清明:PureBrightness(5thsolar...

4. “露”字节气:白露和寒露都含有“露”字,英语中统称为“Dew”。- 白露 - White Dew - 寒露 - Cold Dew 联合国教科文组织官网对二十四节气的介绍如下:中国人将太阳的周年运动轨迹划分为24等份,每一等份称为一个“节气”。这一概念起源于中国黄河流域,根据该区域的季节、天文及其他自然现象...

二十四节气英文如下:1、立春、立夏、立秋、立冬 立春、立夏、立秋和立冬放在一起记忆,“立”是开始的意思,英语都是beginning of...立春Beginning of Spring;立夏Beginning of Summer;立秋Beginning of Autumn;立冬Beginning of Winter。2、春分、秋分、夏至、冬至 春分\/秋分放在一起记忆,“分”是...

用英语来介绍24节气如下:1、start of spring:立春。2、rain water:雨水。3、awakening of insects:惊蛰。4、vernal equinox:春分。5、clear and bright:清明。6、grain rain:谷雨。7、start of summer:立夏。8、grain full:小满。9、grain in ear:芒种。10、summer solstice:夏至。11、...

1. “立”节气:立春、立夏、立秋和立冬可一起记忆,“立”意为开始,英语表达为“beginning of”。立春 - Beginning of Spring 立夏 - Beginning of Summer 立秋 - Beginning of Autumn 立冬 - Beginning of Winter 2. “分”和“至”节气:春分\/秋分和夏至\/冬至可一起记忆,“分”代表昼夜平分...

立春 Spring begins.雨水 The rains.惊蛰 Insects awaken.春分 Vernal Equinox.清明 Clear and bright.谷雨 Grain rain.立夏 Summer begins.小满 Grain buds.芒种 Grain in ear.夏至 Summer solstice.小暑 Slight heat.大暑 Great heat.立秋 Autumn begins.处暑 Stopping the heat.白露 White dews.秋分 ...