
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2025-01-08



By riverside a pair.Of turtledoves are cooing.There is a maiden fair.Whom a young man is wooing。(Cooing and Wooing)


When I left here,willows shed tear.

I come back now,snow bends the bough. (A Homesick Warrior)


To gather vine goes she.I miss her whom I do not see,one day seems longer than months three.To gather reed goes she.I miss her whom I do not see,one day seems long as seasons three. (One Day When I See Her Not)


You can enjoy a great sight,by climbing to a greater height. (On the Stock Tower) 




古诗英语翻译是ancientpoetry,aformofpre-Tangpoetry;ancientstylepoetry.汉英大词典:(古体诗)aformofpre-Tangpoetry.中中释义:古诗 [gǔshī](1)[ancientstylepoetry](2)古代的诗(3)诗体名。即古体诗。按古代格律写的诗,与绝句、律诗等近体诗相对而称。古诗的双语例句如下:1、在Susan Bassnett...

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