
供稿:hz-xin.com     日期:2025-01-08
春天古诗词的英文翻译   常言道,一年之计在于春。新的一年,不妨做一些有品味的事情,比如:读诗。大师们的翻译不仅语言优美、简单易懂,而且还原了原诗词的押韵。快来和我一起学习吧。   春日,宜赏景   提到春天相关的古诗词,大家脑海中都会浮现出“两个黄鹂鸣翠柳,一行白鹭上青天”等耳熟能详的诗句。   下面这些描绘秀丽春景的诗词,你是否能一口气背出来呢?   基础版   春晓   A Spring Morning   孟浩然   By Meng Haoran   春眠不觉晓,   I didn't notice the dawn with spring's gentle sway,   处处闻啼鸟。   Everywhere birds sing and crow.   夜来风雨声,   Last night, the sound of wind and rain did roar,   花落知多少。   How many flowers fell, who can tell?   江南春   Spring on the Southern Rivershore   杜牧   By Du Mu   千里莺啼绿映红,   Orioles sing for miles amidst red and green,   水村山郭酒旗风。   By rivers and hills, wine flags flutter in the breeze.   南朝四百八十寺,   Four hundred and eighty temples in the south,   多少楼台烟雨中。   How many are hidden in the mist and rain?   进阶版   春雪   Spring Snow   韩愈   By Han Yu   新年都未有芳华,   On the vernal equinox, no flowers in bloom, alas!   二月初惊见草芽。   In the second lunar month, surprised to see the grass sprout.   白雪却嫌春色晚,   White snow dislikes the late spring's gentle embrace,   故穿庭树作飞花。   So it dances among the trees like flying flowers.   玉楼春   Spring in Jade Pavilion   宋祁   By Song Qi   东城渐觉风光好,   The east city scenery is increasingly pleasant,   縠皱波纹迎客棹。   Rippled waves welcome visiting boats.   绿杨烟外晓寒轻,   Beyond the green willows, morning chill is light,   红杏枝头春意闹。   On the apricot branches, spring's spirit is vibrant.   浮生长恨欢娱少,   In our fleeting life, pleasures are few,   肯爱千金轻一笑。   Would you trade gold for a hearty laugh?   为君持酒劝斜阳,   I raise a cup to bid the setting sun stay,   且向花间留晚照。   And leave its rays upon the flowers for a while.   春日,宜会友   在这美好的春光里,不仅适合出门踏青赏景,更适合约上三五好友相聚。就连诗风一向沉郁顿挫的诗圣杜甫,也在春天邀上好友小聚,诗中更是少见的轻快。而位高权重的欧阳修也在春日里和旧友故地重游,抒发感怀。   客至   Receiving a Guest   杜甫   By Du Fu   舍南舍北皆春水,   To the south and north of my cottages flow spring waters,   但见群鸥日日来。   Only to see gulls visiting daily.   花径不曾缘客扫,   The floral path never swept for guests before,   蓬门今始为君开。   Today, for you, the thatched door opens wide.   盘飧市远无兼味,   Far from the market, the simple meal is poor,   樽酒家贫只旧醅。   But at my poor home, only old wine is served.   肯与邻翁相对饮,   Would you care to drink with my aged neighbor,   隔篱呼取尽余杯。   Toasting the last cups across the hedge?   浪淘沙   Sifting Waves   欧阳修   By Ouyang Xiu   把酒祝东风   With wine in hand, I toast to the eastern breeze:   且共从容,   Let's enjoy each other's company!   垂杨紫陌洛城东   On the violet pathways east of Luoyang town,   总是当时携手处,   It was here we strolled hand in hand in days of yore,   游遍芳丛。   Wandering amidst the flowers we roamed.   聚散苦匆匆,   We meet and part too quickly,   此恨无穷。   This endless hate!   今年花胜去年红,   This year's flowers redder than last year's,   可惜明年花更好,   Next year's will be even more beautiful,   知与谁同?   But who will share them with me?   春日,宜深情   著名作家胡兰成曾在他的散文集《今生今世》中写道:   “古人定立春是春天初来到的日子,草还是黄的,却不知如何竟有了青意了。水色更难辨,可是水面风来,已是不同,这仿佛《红楼梦》里贾宝玉问林黛玉的话:“是几时接了梁鸿案?”也仿佛是我与一枝的事,是几时起的爱意?如此分明而难辨。”   爱情,似乎也是春日里常提起的主题。

by night Appear to rise up from the deep.The Milky Way with stars so bright Sinks down into the sea in sleep.How happy I feel at this sight!I croon this poem in delight.这里还有很多古诗翻译,强烈推荐搂住看一看吧!我也收藏这个页面 http:\/\/www.cn-trans.com\/po-4.htm ...

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诗词[shī cí]什么意思?近义词和反义词是什么?英文翻译是什么?
中国词起源于隋唐,流行于宋代。中华诗词源自民间,其实是一种草根文学。在21世纪的中国,诗词仍然深受普通大众青睐。 更多→ 诗词 [诗词]英文翻译 poetry [诗词]相关词语 古诗 南歌子 声声慢 藏头诗 凤求凰 江城子 长相思 清平乐 卜运算元 临江仙 菩萨蛮 青玉案 [诗词]相关搜寻 *** 诗词 李清照诗词...

1. Tang Dynasty poet Yushina "cicada" wrote a poem: "Chui Yin Rui Lu Qing, Tong-ring for the dredging. Habitat loudly since far-is to take advantage of wind." Poetry, talking about the Zhile bow to drink a cool dew, the Indus tall tree there was a resounding call it. ...

古诗词是集韵律、格调、意境之大成的汉语瑰宝,可你是否想过,如果这些优美的诗文翻译成英语,又是怎样的一番味道呢?当诗词被翻译成为英文 一、流水落花春去也,天上人间。——李煜《浪淘沙令》译文:With flowers fallen on the waves spring's gone away,So has the paradise of yesterday.二、二...

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中秋节古诗英文翻译。相信大家对中秋节并不陌生,古代流传了很多关于中秋节的古诗,学英语的人好奇,中秋古诗用英文翻译该怎么翻译。接下来就由我带大家了解中秋节古诗英文翻译的`相关内容。中秋节古诗英文翻译1 1、《水调歌头》——苏轼 When will the moon be clear and bright?With a cup of wine ...

古诗翻译成英文有《春晓》、《静夜思》和《江雪》等。一、《春晓》原兆哗咐文:春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风芦滚雨声,花落知多少。翻译:spring morningno aware of the spring moring,I hear birds singing everywhere,how many flowers have withered,in the wind and rain last night?赏析:...

诗歌翻译被普遍认为是翻译领域中最困难的工作之一,尤其是在声音的传达方面。以下是我整理的一些英文版小学古诗词,供大家欣赏!萨都剌 《满江红·金陵怀古》六代繁华,春去也,更无讯息。空怅望,山川形胜,已非畴昔。王谢堂前双燕子,乌衣巷口曾相识。听夜深、寂寞打孤城,春潮急。御知 思往事,愁如织...