《春晓》春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。spring morningno aware of the spring moring,I hear birds singing everywhere,how many flowers have withered,in the wind and rain last night?《静夜诗》床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。silent night thoughtsseeing the bright moon above my room,suspious of frost on the ground.I rise to watch the moon,I bend to think of home.《行行重行行》行行重行行,与君生别离。相去万余里,各在天一涯;道路阻且长,会面安可知?胡马依北风,越鸟巢南枝。相去日以远,衣带日已缓;浮云蔽白日,游子不顾返。思君令人老,岁月忽已晚。弃捐勿复道,努力加餐饭! journey after journey,apart from you,my dear.thousand miles away,the end of the earth;the road narrow and long,when can we meet each other?the horse is against the mighty wind,the bird makes a nest on the branches.days have been long since we aparted,I miss you so much,clouds covering the sun,I cannot return,missing you makes me age,times are late suddenly,,what I can only do,is to have more meals.
中 诗【 江 南 曲 】- 采 莲 - 英 译《 Lotus Plucking 》
一. 原 文 / 英 译 文
【 江 南 曲 】- 采 莲—— 原 作 / 佚名 ( 中国汉代 - 乐府民歌 · 相和曲 )—— 英 译 / 李世纯 - 中国 长春 - 2021. 11. 11
《 Lotus Picking 》—— Original work / Anonymous ( Chinese Han Dynasty - folk song )—— Translator / Li Shichun - Changchun, China - November 11, 2021
江 南 可 采 莲,It's a good time in Jiangnan for lotus plucking,莲 叶 何 田 田。Ah, what a stretch of luxuriant lotuses growing.鱼 戏 莲 叶 间。Among those lotus leaves swim shoals of fish,鱼 戏 莲 叶 东,鱼 戏 莲 叶 西,Going and coming about to play with lotuses鱼 戏 莲 叶 南,鱼 戏 莲 叶 北。At the east, the west, the south, and the north.
二. 原 文 / '解 '读
【 江 南 曲 】- 采 莲—— 原 作 / 佚名 ( 中国汉代 - 乐府民歌 · 相和曲 )—— '解 '读 / 李世纯 - 中国 长春 - 2021. 11. 11
《Lotus Picking》—— Original work / Anonymous ( Chinese Han Dynasty - folk song )—— Translator / Li Shichun - Changchun, China - November 11, 2021
江 南 可 采 莲,It's a good time in Jiangnan for lotus plucking,莲 叶 '何 田 田。【'2】Ah, what a stretch of luxuriant lotuses growing.鱼 戏 莲 叶 间。Among those lotus leaves swim shoals of fish,鱼 戏 莲 叶 '东,鱼 戏 莲 叶 '西,Going and coming about to play with lotuses鱼 戏 莲 叶 '南,鱼 戏 莲 叶 '北。 【'3】At the east, the west, the south, and the north.
三. 译 注 / 译 后 感
1'. 首先,特别鸣谢: 本作主要参考文献 a 本作主要参考文献 b 本作主要参考文献 c 本作主要参考文献 d1. 小诗貌似写鱼,实则写人;诗人笔调欢快,喜悦,灵动;寥寥三句,为异域读者信手描绘一幅中国江南水乡采莲图;本作题目为追加,以便阐明主题理解2. 此处词义:可理解为何其/多么 ... .../不可思议/难以置信3. 此处词义:可理解为留白/侧写/想象空间/虚实并进:大小鱼群反复/不断/到处/相继被/受到惊扰而迂回游弋水域四面八方,暗示当地人们生动、积极、兴高采烈之采莲景况4. 中外互译,归根结底,人文互译;一个单词、一个文字,无论中外,其真正含义、生命活力,不仅在专家学者的词典、时尚强大的百度,也不仅在词法、句法、语法,而更多体现在实地的、实践中的语言、语句、语境、篇章的字里行间;翻译要完美原意,需要同观原作视野,跻身原作境地;翻译要完美原意,更要完美传递;原意传递要完美,其载体修辞,修辞差异之切换,之对接,不可或缺
5. 本作译文尚有无奈数笔,期待更多诗友、译友积极参与,相互学习,共同提高
FangFei world April, dragon pond blooming blossom in spring. Long hate beginning to find no place, don't know to come in here. The late spring of grass, trees, truly know soon. YangHua red violet FangFei measures, YuJia without exorbitant solution snow. The chunxiao "spring without sleep, everywhere smell. / bird, The rain falls, flower how much knowledge. The night before the bed of poems, the moon is bright. Withdrawing my eyes, my nostalgia. The weight of heavy bottom bottom bottom bottom, born parting. In all, about more than 20,000 in tianyi ya, Roads and long, I meet resistance? In the north, Mr Ma NaZhi nest. Turn on the day has inhibition technique, unofficially engaged, Clouds by wandering, regardless of the cap. Beth jun is old, and already late. Don't refuse to donate, add complex meal! This involved in mining of lotus, lotus LanZe river in more. The left to who? "In the way. Still, despite the old township roads at the overflowing. From one to live in, sadness. "From afar, from afar, since I end). In turn, more than 10,000 people ShangEr! Wen, double color for the tree was cut ducks. With long, with "puzzled. With plastic pitch in the paint, who can feeling here. "A good knowledge of seasonable rain season, when the spring is happened. Wind into night, moistens everything silently. Black clouds all night, jiang diameter. Ship fire alone, Xiao see red wet, flower kam officer. The birth of acacia bean, spring to send some southern branch. It may gather prince the lovesickness.
你把诗翻写成白话 然后翻译白话就行了
比如床前明月光 就是 皎洁的月光透过窗子照在窗前 以此类推
《春晓》春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。spring morningno aware of the spring moring,I hear birds singing everywhere,how many flowers have withered,in the wind and rain last night?《静夜诗》床前明月光,疑是地上霜。 举头望明月,低头思故乡。silent night thoughtsseein...
1. 春晓 春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风雨声,花落知多少。Spring Morning I sleep through the dawn unaware,Everywhere birds sing in chorus.Last night, the sound of wind and rain,How many flowers have fallen, I despair.2. 静夜思 床前明月光,疑是地上霜。举头望明月,低头思故乡。Q...
中译英:FangFei world April, dragon pond blooming blossom in spring. Long hate beginning to find no place, don't know to come in here. The late spring of grass, trees, truly know soon. YangHua red violet FangFei measures, YuJia without exorbitant solution snow. The chunxiao "...
例如:1.路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索。——屈原《离骚》Long long is the way, but nothing'll my effort arrest;Up hill and down dale for the beauty I will quest!——Qu Yuan, Tales of Woe 2.静夜思 In the Quiet of the Night① 李白 Li Bai The ground before my bed② ...
古诗翻译成英文有《春晓》、《静夜思》和《江雪》等。一、《春晓》原兆哗咐文:春眠不觉晓,处处闻啼鸟。夜来风芦滚雨声,花落知多少。翻译:spring morningno aware of the spring moring,I hear birds singing everywhere,how many flowers have withered,in the wind and rain last night?赏析:...
1.千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。From hill to hill no bird in flight,From path to path no man in sight. A lonely fisherman afloat,is fishing snow in lonely boat.2.葡萄美酒夜光杯,欲饮琵琶马上催。With wine of grapes the cup of jade would glow at night...
一、《春望》【唐】杜甫 国破山河在,城春草木深。感时花溅泪,恨别鸟惊心。烽火连三月,家书抵万金。白头搔更短,浑欲不胜簪。英文:The country has broken mountains and rivers, and the city has deep vegetation in spring.Tears splash when you feel it, and you hate the birds.The ...
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